the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-08-07
- 4k rocks! setfan: drunk?
- micropolis for president! <3
- 2004-08-13
- chicks and no computers? boring! :P
- 2004-08-15
- \:)/ why so negative attitude. cmon lets have a party!!!
- mmm. pee.
- 2004-08-19
- buzzie: stfu :) "i am an aple \o/"
- 2004-08-29
- yum yum. i like to eat dead sceners. coz couldnt attend evoke.. graaaa
- 2004-09-05
- suck or spit
- 2004-09-06
- watch porn not war!
- 2004-10-05
- minttu worlddomination in your mothafukkin face!
- alcoholism is future
- 2004-10-06
- vote gay maali <3
- 2004-10-16
- minttu
- porn is just a tool
- 2004-11-07
- where are the black birdie releases =) ?
- 2004-11-17
- ride my cock lator!
- 2004-11-28
- upload dreamhack04 releases lamers!
- no alcohol at dh04? and 90 percent gamers? wtf is it called dreamhack and not dreamgaming??
- 2004-12-03
- get a life
- yeah blowjob \o/
- 2004-12-04
- pr0n should be a base right.
- 2004-12-05
- i hate beeing forced to code java at uni :(
- life is crap. /:(\
- 2004-12-17
- speedfisters suck dick