the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2003-03-22
- pidor eshe tot.....
- 2003-03-28
- bhead, davai vpered! glopsy jdut!!!
- 2003-04-10
- i gde raki zimuyuy!
- 2003-04-21
- 2003-05-23
- yeah, tatu must win!!!
- 2003-05-25
- eurovision sux. tatu rox.
- 2003-05-26
- tipa ya toje mogu napistat' tak, chto vy her poimete:)
- 2003-06-09
- yeah, i remember too....:) thom right!
- 2003-06-17
- it's new evil game - oneliner!:)
- 2003-07-18
- otstoi=sux
- kasparov: you are learn russian?
- 2003-07-22
- why I can't add the second comment?
- no, i can't add to prods! Ithaqua, tnx for radeon patch.
- "but can thumb up prods already commented..." - i can't....
- 2003-08-07
- bhead: jelau tebe kaifovo provesti vremya!!!!
- 2003-09-07
- oh, i have 113 glops.... it's satanic number... dipswitch, derjis'!:)
- 2003-10-05
- zdarova
- 2003-11-15
- fuck all!:)
- 2003-12-08
- ohhh.... beer. bEEr. BeeR...... uhhh
- 2003-12-10
- The MegaGay
- 2003-12-14
- i hate party versions prods. and my radeon too....
- 2003-12-31
- new-year-booooooooze!!!!!
- 2004-01-06
- budet, kogda ty napishesh. a voobshe ya zh tebe govoril - davai, beri vint i ko mne!
- hehe, zdes' kto-nibud' po-russki govorit?:)
- shas kusma obiditsya:)