the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2003-05-02
Gfx tutorial new url -
- 2003-07-17
Yup! Wade woz ere 6.44pm. :)
- 2003-08-26
I'd be more than happy to see more gay or effeminate style demos, just as long as they don't include porn.
- 2003-08-30
Sybex: Afaik, providing it doesn't contain copyrighted visuals/audio then an avi or mpeg conversion of the demo should be fine because it contains no copyrighted sources.
- 2004-01-10
It does in the US, but they call it patriotism there.
- 2004-02-26
Opti: Have you tried bribing/sleeping with the lecturers?
- 2004-03-13
- 2004-03-20
Actually it depends on whether the quote is the sentence or part of a sentence.
- 2007-04-08
Desert Dream on the C64!!!! Wow! That got my attention!
- 2007-12-31
There's a little bit of Wade in all UK sceners! (according to the paternity tests :). Happy New Year too you all!
- 2008-05-02
Magic is not my type, but...
- 2008-06-18
Agreed! Good stuff H20! Thumb up!
- - "If we don't like you, we ban you".
ps: That's fine, yet be consistent. This place is already littered with crap and what about users who post gay porn, diseased crotches, racism and animal cruelty?
- 2008-06-21
Damn, that video gave me goosebumps!
- 2008-06-22
Most people including myself have some sensibility
- 2008-06-27
Great work once again Daxx! I'm building a nice collection of your remixes. :)
- 2008-06-30
greetings to parapete
- 2008-07-04
- - for information purposes only. :)
- 2008-07-13
Greetz to Stu's Computers!
- 2008-07-15
- B%5D=badge_name&items%5B%5D=badge_email&layout=vert&format=png
- 2008-07-18
Shane kicked all TRSI members and declared the group dead ages ago. End of story, no?
- 2008-07-23
Dare to be different.
- 2008-08-03
Asm is looking a bit like a "special" party at the moment.
- 2008-08-16