the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2004-09-20
- optimus scene is lame, make demos not forum posts
- 2004-09-24
- 2004-10-06
- i bet i can go without booze longer than optimus can go without these bullshit forums
- 2004-10-19
- All your cancer is belong to oneliner
- cirque de soleil clowns perhaps, some of them are VERY good
- 2004-10-20
- I did something nice for someone today!
- 2004-10-24
- yeah, but do you want to have to GPL your demos?
- the demoeffects collection source is GPL'd
- skilled glopper looking for work being a forum troll and boozer
- 2004-10-28
- i am teh drunk atm -Gb
- 2004-11-03
- please god... let kerry win. i'll convert to catholicism if you let him win
- bush is methodist baptist, kerry is catholic. i'm praying catholic tonight.
- time for me to start looking for jobs in europe or canada again
- 2005-09-29
- omg demoscene gave me cancer
- 2005-09-30
- seriosuly I got cancer since getting into demoscene
- 2006-03-02
- holy crap. I just saw Jim Blinn!!
- 2006-03-15
- 20 goto 10
- 2006-03-21
- snakes
- 2006-03-23
- 2006-05-08
- so long and farewell, SGI, we hardly knew ye
- 2006-07-21
- gin == 4k producTIVITY
- 2006-08-04
- wow, finnish sounds weird on the feed
- yes it was :j
- 2006-08-18
- I'm being paid to drink right now! @.O whee!
- 2006-09-07
- and discounts on products at the company store. only $1100 for sql server! :[]