
edits for this prod:

date glöperator action more info
2024-01-13 11:39:26 havoc havoc prod_link_edit {"id":"29619"}
2024-01-13 11:39:17 havoc havoc prod_link_edit {"id":"29634"}
2024-01-13 11:39:01 havoc havoc prod_link_edit {"id":"29661"}
2020-04-10 21:44:17 Gargaj Gargaj prod_sceneorg_edit {"id":"1211"}
2020-04-10 21:44:08 Gargaj Gargaj prod_sceneorg_edit {"id":"1174"}
2019-05-14 17:39:13 havoc havoc prod_add_link soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/h0ffman/eon
2019-05-13 22:16:18 Gargaj Gargaj prod_link_del []
2019-04-27 18:45:58 sensenstahl sensenstahl prod_add_link minisite - https://hoffman.home.blog/2019/04/27/eon/
2019-04-23 15:41:20 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_link soundtrack (protracker) - https://amp.dascene.net/downmod.php?index=151896
2019-04-22 20:30:08 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_link youtube (live version) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwoyfH7TgEQ&t=5...
2019-04-22 17:38:00 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit dep dep - track loading, 3d scenes code, system, tools
2019-04-22 17:37:59 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit Calladin Calladin - direction, graphics
2019-04-22 16:47:31 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit emoon emoon - main coding, system, tool code, effects, music sample streaming
2019-04-22 16:47:29 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_link youtube (party version) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1O4_58HVIg
2019-04-22 16:47:27 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit djh0ffman djh0ffman - music, drum mixer code
2019-04-22 16:47:24 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit Kalms Kalms - 3d scenes code, opts, system
2019-04-22 16:47:21 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit erique erique - sine wavey blobs effect
2019-04-22 16:47:20 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_credit Louie500 Louie500 - graphics support
2019-04-22 16:46:29 hitchhikr hitchhikr prod_add_link demozoo - https://demozoo.org/productions/202831/
(will be stored as demozoo ID instead of a link)