
Genetic Waste

[½╗]  e l i t e s  w i t h  r e s p e c t  f o r  t h e m s e l v e s  [½╗]
                         [╗½]  s u p p o r t  [╗½]
_ __________ __________  ____        __________ _\     | _ __  __________ _
\\\     __  |   __    /_|    \______|   __    /_|_     |____/_|   ______///
|  \____\/  |   \/___/  |    \\     |   \/___/         |      |   \/      |
|___________|___________|_____\\____|____________      _______|___________|
                                                |      |
 grotesticle whq!!                    _______   |      |
 jrm nhq!      ______   _ __________ |   ___/___|      |__________ _  
 mgs! hq!     /   __/___\\\____    /_|\______   |_     |   __    ///
 dg nhq!     /    \     \    \/      |     \/          |   \/___/  |
            /_____/\     \____\______|___________      ____________|
                    \_____\                     |     _|dk!/hNY!
                               gENETíC╖waSTE!   |_____\

          [╗½] faster than your right arm under your duvai! [╗½]

               [½╗] ascii requesting from the greatest! [½╗]

    [╗½] own school-work conference for people tired of homework! [╗½]

                     [½╗] online for over 1 year [½╗]

                        [╗½] telnet available [╗½]

                    [½╗] no aminet allowed inside [½╗]