cbreaker information 8 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- 64k Windows fr-08: .the .product by Farbrausch [web]
- It's an achievement, that's for certian.
- rulezadded on the 2004-07-27 01:32:29
- 64k MS-Dos Windows heaven seven by Exceed [web]
- I thought the intro was nice, but that loud "bell" sound in the music was starting to give me a headache so I had to turn it off.
- isokadded on the 2004-07-27 01:01:44
- demo Windows LEGO Basics by Hybris/NEMESIS
- "And to all those who say, well bad code, and so..... well do better yourself....."
You bitchass. I hate when people try to use this line. Just because someone can't play baseball, means they can't critisize the players? Of course you can, so what the fuck is the difference here?
- isokadded on the 2004-07-27 00:36:18
- demo Windows I Feel Like a Computer by Melon [web]
- ps. Demo musicians kick ass; they make some of the most creative music ever. Just because it ain't sold at the music store doesn't mean it's any less quality.
- isokadded on the 2004-07-27 00:32:05
- demo Windows I Feel Like a Computer by Melon [web]
- I thought this demo was okay. The music was allright (I don't give a flying fuck where it came from, jesus christ it's a demo for god sakes who gives a shit) the graphics were purposfully primitive and they ended up looking okay, but overall I just can't get into this kind of demo.
If it had not be DQ, and actually won (I don't think it would have anyways) it'd have been a bit dissapointed.
- isokadded on the 2004-07-27 00:27:48
- demo Windows 32 degrees in the shade by Yodel [web]
- This... demo... rules.
Again, I see lots of comments about the music being blah. It's fantastic! We're seeing more of a move away from a "WE RULEZ CODEZ!!" with a BANG BANG BANG BANG beat to more artistic demos. I've always thought that demos were an artform, both in code, graphics, music, and production - and this one is great in all respects.
It's short, indeed, but making a demo longer just for the sake of doing so is pointless.
I look forward to more Yodel releases.
- rulezadded on the 2004-07-27 00:02:24
- demo Linux Windows MacOSX PPC VARIFORM by Kewlers [web]
- This demos was great - the music was awesome and shit, I liked the voices a lot.
At the same time, I do get bored with floating blobs even if they do have sweet effects added on - we've seen so many floating blobs for so many years.. But Kewlers still manages to keep it interesting with a fast pace, great music, and great flow.
- rulezadded on the 2004-07-26 23:56:18
- demo Windows Legomania by Doomsday
- What are you naysayers TALKING about?
This is in my opinion one of the best demos *ever*. Maybe because I don't drool over demos with botty banging techno boring ass music, or that I'm not an anal tard that's head is still stuck in 1992, I thought this was an excellent production.
Everything from the music, to the flow, to the animation were top notch. There's nothing bad about this demo. It keeps your interest from beginning to end, and even a person that isn't into demos will enjoy this one.
I hope to see more demos with this level of production in the future. And no, I don't care if they use Demopaja, because Demopaja is an awesome tool - why re-create the wheel *every single time*? Why not focus on effects instead of setting graphics modes?
- rulezadded on the 2004-07-26 23:46:48
- demo Amiga AGA lapsuus by Maturefurk
- I don't know why so many people knock the music. I think it's fantastic! It's tracked 4ch amiga music right?
I mean seriously, would you guys rather hear the booty banging bullshit that you hear in so many other demos?
It sounds like movie soundtrack music, it's really smooth and in my opinion, it completes the demo and makes it one of the best ones I've ever seen.
The technical aspect of the demo makes it as impressive as it is, too, but it's not the end-all. I mean, I would have still been impressed if this were on a modern PC, because it's not just about technical abilities anymore, it's about putting together something that's more of a work of art.
Assembly 2002 had some really awesome entries. One of them was 32 degrees in the shade. That demo is awesome on many levels, one of my favorites, and it doesn't push out 10 billion polygons a second or whatever.
The times of spinning a box around the screen are over. Now a days, it's more about putting together a complete production; something different - a work of art. Art in the coding, art in the music, and art in the visuals.
- rulezadded on the 2003-03-28 20:58:31
account created on the 2003-03-28 20:49:30