The best of Buttler
category: general [glöplog]
If Amiga demos were more like ST demos instead of 486 dos demos it might still have its place in today's scene.
Isn't that logical to you?
I mean the ST demo scene is thriving, the Amiga scene is not.
I mean the ST demo scene is thriving, the Amiga scene is not.
Well, maybe not thriving, but doing ok and gaining a lot of respect.
Isn't it the bus to the ole Clue Shoppe I see coming at the horizon ?
Will nobody think of the Amstrad scene!!!
*throws hands in air*
*throws hands in air*

I laughed out loud because I am a philistine.
It's all in the attitude.
Is this geek humour or German humour? Either way I don't get it.
God isn't very good at demos.
Arguments, shit throwing, exposes and scandals...and humour!
I meant to thumb up! :(
Either the makers are playing a joke on us all, or they are the joke!
Dude, that's kind of creepy!
jokes man jokes, i like you for real. i just think you have a sort of reckless intellectual style like you go crashing into arguments and in a way its cute after its done being infuriating. i hope you don't think i'm hating or anything, even if i've replied in a heated way in past threads (maybe i did?)...
Forestcre: I'm the same mate and can get heated when I'm passionate about things, but it's all taken in good humour.
Repect anyway man, good to see you're mature enough to debate things and disagree without throwing tantrums and crying. :)
Repect anyway man, good to see you're mature enough to debate things and disagree without throwing tantrums and crying. :)
Dude, that's kind of creepy!
I'll have to stay sober at home now in case I'm quoted. :)
I'll have to stay sober at home now in case I'm quoted. :)
yea great, now make out already @%§&$&"!!!!
Buttlerworth filters!!1 \o/
Buttler I have good idea. Could you make Alarm homepage like Kefrens members made homepage for Kefrens productions? I would love to see Alarm homepage with all the prods and memberstatus. You might try to contact you old groupmates also. You shouldn't spent so much time at looking these new lame demos anyway.
Try to register or etc :D
Buttler/Alarm is actually a creation of Syphus/UP
Not really
red- aaaaaah with your mum hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha