Random demoscene logos thread
category: gfx [glöplog]

Dude. Your guys are good! Except the last one.
Marijn: Dude, they didn't draw them themselves (well, maybe apart from a few exceptions), they just post the pictures. :)
Oh; sweet of you to have a Conspiracy screenshot as the header picture of your homepage btw:

Oh; sweet of you to have a Conspiracy screenshot as the header picture of your homepage btw:

Marijn: Dude, they didn't draw them themselves (well, maybe apart from a few exceptions), they just post the pictures. :)
lol 8)


LOOOOL !!!!!! elle est pas mal celle là !!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Who did that DCS one? That's so nice! Looks like a photo manip tho.
Roger Maul:
Judging by the filename, mutant did. That has been a generic style ever since 3DS and Photoshop have existed though. Choose font, type text, extrude, texture map, place camera, place light, render, open in photoshop, add some highlights... I'm more impressed by the 2D ones.
Judging by the filename, mutant did. That has been a generic style ever since 3DS and Photoshop have existed though. Choose font, type text, extrude, texture map, place camera, place light, render, open in photoshop, add some highlights... I'm more impressed by the 2D ones.
Roger Maul:
Judging by the filename, mutant did. That has been a generic style ever since 3DS and Photoshop have existed though. Choose font, type text, extrude, texture map, place camera, place light, render, open in photoshop, add some highlights... I'm more impressed by the 2D ones.
Judging by the filename, mutant did. That has been a generic style ever since 3DS and Photoshop have existed though. Choose font, type text, extrude, texture map, place camera, place light, render, open in photoshop, add some highlights... I'm more impressed by the 2D ones.
Oh so it's a rendered logo. I thought it was 2d like the rest. Not so impressed any more then!
Eek.. DCS in the impact.. well done lads ;)

Remember LOGO COMPO at Solskogen 2011

by Destop