Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
For the record, I did notice the "eastern european" comment on the speakers, and thought it was pretty bad form..
*yawn* It was clearly a joke about stereotypes. As someone who watches a lot of US late night, this was even a pretty low key joke about stereotypes. Heck, at one point someone even made a comment on the stream about Germans usually marching up and down to celebrate something like easter weekend. A joke about stereotypes is not supporting it but disclosing it as an stereotype and thus mark it as laughable.
No more 6 AM dance party Numtek? :(
But I love the music at the infodesk...
It is so much nicer, if you have people there dancing, then people sleeping somewhere, where you can't see them :-D
Please don't stop the music!
It is so much nicer, if you have people there dancing, then people sleeping somewhere, where you can't see them :-D
Please don't stop the music!
Quote:For the record, I did notice the "eastern european" comment on the speakers, and thought it was pretty bad form..
*yawn* It was clearly a joke about stereotypes. As someone who watches a lot of US late night, this was even a pretty low key joke about stereotypes. Heck, at one point someone even made a comment on the stream about Germans usually marching up and down to celebrate something like easter weekend. A joke about stereotypes is not supporting it but disclosing it as an stereotype and thus mark it as laughable.
zeGermans aren't "racist" against Eastern europeans, to them all are Equally worthless.
I'm not saying I'll stop playing! I'm merely saying we should balance everyones needs. Not sure how though. Maybe we could turn the speakers and install some basstraps? Or introduce a separate afterparty place?
Obviously having music at the infodesk is very important as well (not just for those who run nightshifts). I'm not saying we should abandon music at nights alltogether :)
Had a fabulous party as always, spotless organizing as usual and general friendly atmosphere. True demoscene festival (and as such very useful for making sure that you haven't grown too old to do 5 days of Roskilde Festival boozing). If someone couldn't sleep behind the bigscreen, I'm pretty sure they weren't drinking enough.

maybe give headphones out to everyone at the second stage...?
Were the closing ceremonies shot on video? I don't see them on the channel, and I couldn't be there Monday :-(
maybe give headphones out to everyone at the second stage...?
The three pairs for the 120hz compo might have been enough for the second stage at times... :D
My bad, I forgot to click the button to publish that one. Gaspode's link is correct.Were the closing ceremonies shot on video? I don't see them on the channel, and I couldn't be there Monday :-(
While I'm at it: Unfortunately the Maskinpop concert recording is unusable and we have no backup to recover from. You can listen to it by visiting our friends from Scenesat here:
All the other main events, seminars and compos should now be on the YouTube channel so if you still notice anything missing, now is the time to ask for it!
Apart from that: Thanks to everyone for another amazing week in an old, drafty building! Whether it's my fellow organisers or all you party visitors, this thing wouldn't be the same without all of you! <3
I was at Revision, my first ever demoparty. Here is my feeling.
The organization was at the top, there was a bunch of masterpieces in the competitions, seminars and live acts were great.
However, I felt a bit strange concerning some things.
Almost all the people I talked to were drunk. I sometimes had the feeling that people were there more for drinking beer than for demos. It's a bit sad when you talked to somebody and some hours later he doesn't remember you because he was drunk. I personally like beer but I don't it to have fun.
Another thing, there were some people with big speakers in the hall. They played very loud music between competitions and very late in the night. Only 3 or 4 guys were dancing in front of it and I felt that it annoyed almost everybody in the hall (it was really loud and sometimes commercial music that has nothing to do with the demoscene). It's a real unrespectful attitude to other sceners, letting them no chance to listen to something else than their music. I thought that demoscene was about respect too (and if I understood well, the guys are well known on the scene as they are organizers of Evoke).
I had a good time at Revision but I was a bit disappointed by some attitude (alcohol and loud music). Maybe I'll give another try in another party, hoping to find more passion for demo, sober talking (with real fun) and respect. Hoping that this kind of party exists :)
The organization was at the top, there was a bunch of masterpieces in the competitions, seminars and live acts were great.
However, I felt a bit strange concerning some things.
Almost all the people I talked to were drunk. I sometimes had the feeling that people were there more for drinking beer than for demos. It's a bit sad when you talked to somebody and some hours later he doesn't remember you because he was drunk. I personally like beer but I don't it to have fun.
Another thing, there were some people with big speakers in the hall. They played very loud music between competitions and very late in the night. Only 3 or 4 guys were dancing in front of it and I felt that it annoyed almost everybody in the hall (it was really loud and sometimes commercial music that has nothing to do with the demoscene). It's a real unrespectful attitude to other sceners, letting them no chance to listen to something else than their music. I thought that demoscene was about respect too (and if I understood well, the guys are well known on the scene as they are organizers of Evoke).
I had a good time at Revision but I was a bit disappointed by some attitude (alcohol and loud music). Maybe I'll give another try in another party, hoping to find more passion for demo, sober talking (with real fun) and respect. Hoping that this kind of party exists :)
@Steltek: Please don't forget to put the Media-Facade-Videos on I need the recording of my projection mapping to put it on my vimeo-channel.
Almost all the people I talked to were drunk.
Hopefully DDT wasn't here this year :D
cutter: hence it's a demoPARTY, not a demo conference. try nvscene :P
They're on their way. I'll also try and crunch the seminars (and maybe some of the extras) down to a more acceptable size and upload them too.@Steltek: Please don't forget to put the Media-Facade-Videos on I need the recording of my projection mapping to put it on my vimeo-channel.
Cutter: Yup, I second Maali. A vast majority of the parties out there are based on an "unofficial" atmosphere. Despite most of the people being drunk or, at least, far cry from sober, I wouldn't worry about them being any threat at all (which might be something you were worried about, seeing it for the first time). The scene is built around friendship, so if anyone ever tried doing anything uncanny after having one drinks too many, they would be calmed down (or HANSVERBOT) at an instant.
btw, i never seen so much sober people at a demoparty than ever before :)
maali and kbi: so you can't party without being drunk and respect other people? So sad.
I sometimes had the feeling that people were there more for drinking beer than for demos.
If it's any consolation, this problem has been discussed for a while now - although a considerable portion of the scene (see above) is very much in denial about it.
cutter: well, i did drink alcohol, but not enough to get shitfaced or to forget who i talked to so your complaint does not work for me ;) but i was hanging out with the evoke peeps with the big speakers and tobi stuck to the 'no music after 3AM'-rule and didn't play music THAT often as you make it seem. you shouldve been at (Dutch) demoparties in the late 90s... you wouldve LOVED the blazing gabber nonstop :P
there's plenty of opportunity to watch demos in a sober state without annoying people around you.. that opportunity is called at home.
there's plenty of opportunity to watch demos in a sober state without annoying people around you.. that opportunity is called at home.
there's plenty of opportunity to watch demos in a sober state without annoying people around you.. that opportunity is called at home.
I'm sure the Revision orga crew will gladly put that quote on the flyer.
you shouldve been at (Dutch) demoparties in the late 90s... you wouldve LOVED the blazing gabber nonstop :P