miniparty in Montréal
category: parties [glöplog]
I connected with the folks at Foulab, a Montréal hackerspace, and
there will be a fast democompo (onsite entries only) and demoshow on
November 27.
Event starts at 10:00. Entries will be due approximately two hours
before the demoshow, which is at 19:00. Voting will start around 23:00.

there will be a fast democompo (onsite entries only) and demoshow on
November 27.
Event starts at 10:00. Entries will be due approximately two hours
before the demoshow, which is at 19:00. Voting will start around 23:00.

Can I attend just to watch and vote?
Is it just a fastcompo, or are you having a separate category for other demos?
O_O.... On parle de la taille de quoi là?
Looks like both...I'll assume both. I could make a demo about it, maybe.
Afaik, it's just fastcompo.
yea, living in montreal i'm interested too. Can we attend just to watch the compos and vote?
Of course!
Bite size.
Seriously guys :D
Seriously guys :D
Yep, that what I ment a few lines above...
Or.... By taking only yellow words...
Or.... By taking only yellow words...
Uhg. Canada: have a bloody demoparty, so I can release something.
There will be a full demoparty later. This is an appetizer, to judge the existing hunger and whet the appetite. And bring folks together.
It is my goal to assist in the revivification of the scene in Québec as well as to encourage the development of a scene around Boston and in the East Coast of the US.
Je vais aider avec un vrai demoparty plus tard. Ce party est un apéritif, pour évalue la faim qui existe. J'éspère que il va encourage l'intérêt pour plus d'activité, et encourage le formation d'un réseau plus actif dans ce région.
Je voudrais assiste avec le revification du demoscene dans le côte est . . . dans Canada le même que les E.U.
It is my goal to assist in the revivification of the scene in Québec as well as to encourage the development of a scene around Boston and in the East Coast of the US.
Je vais aider avec un vrai demoparty plus tard. Ce party est un apéritif, pour évalue la faim qui existe. J'éspère que il va encourage l'intérêt pour plus d'activité, et encourage le formation d'un réseau plus actif dans ce région.
Je voudrais assiste avec le revification du demoscene dans le côte est . . . dans Canada le même que les E.U.
Re: sim
Quand nous avons organisé le salon avec les tables pour coding, 40 personnes peut prendre un place. Aprés 19h00, nous voyons change le organisation du salon et plusiers personnes (100+) peut voir le demoshow et les entrées du le compo. Nous avons le Event Wax signup seulement pour le hacking pendant le jour (entre 10h00 pis 19h00).
Il y a seulement un fastcompo.
If anyone wants to come just to watch stuff, that works too. But it would be later in the day.
Sorry to let this go, I haven't had time to check the thread.
Thank you et merci pour tout le monde qui avait exprimé interêts dans ce evenment.
Quand nous avons organisé le salon avec les tables pour coding, 40 personnes peut prendre un place. Aprés 19h00, nous voyons change le organisation du salon et plusiers personnes (100+) peut voir le demoshow et les entrées du le compo. Nous avons le Event Wax signup seulement pour le hacking pendant le jour (entre 10h00 pis 19h00).
Il y a seulement un fastcompo.
If anyone wants to come just to watch stuff, that works too. But it would be later in the day.
Sorry to let this go, I haven't had time to check the thread.
Thank you et merci pour tout le monde qui avait exprimé interêts dans ce evenment.
C'est une bonne idée votre orga! Bon courage les gars!
I think, never the less, that you should try to motivate the ppl a li'l bit more. By giving some information.
I keep my fingers crossed.
C'est une bonne idée votre orga! Bon courage les gars!
I think, never the less, that you should try to motivate the ppl a li'l bit more. By giving some information.
I keep my fingers crossed.
Hi guys! I'm living at Montreal.. but I do only retro-stuff now (Amstrad CPC coding, it's an european 8-bits machine). So I guess I'm excluded from the party? :)
Sounds good, metoikos, thanks for putting in the effort. Dunno if I'll be able to drag myself out of Toronto for the weekend this time around.
Norecess: Excluded?? Nonsense.
re: sim
Okay, basic infos, as I gave them on the EventWax page (which only exists to keep track of the 40 people we will have space for during the day hacking space setup; if you want to write something and just come by at the deadline at 19h00 [7pm] to turn it in, that's fine too.).
27 NOVEMBER 2010
10H00 - Foulab opens to people who want to code. Max occupancy 40.
19H00 - Foulab opens to everyone who wants to see demos! All entries (fast compo - written that day between 10 and 19h00, run realtime on hardware of some kind and must be turned in in person, no other rules, just for the heck of it) due at this time. Demoshow starts.
21H00 - Compo entries are shown.
23H00 - Voting opens (paper and pen/pencil). Results will be posted on the web.
28 NOVEMBER 2010
01H00 - Site closes.
re: norecess
You can use whatever you like. We'll have emulators for various things on standby. If your hardware or software is really weird, you might need to bring it yourself though. We'll find a way to show it, even if we have to videotape it. Look at the site for my event, @party -- most of our entries this past June were in the oldschool compo. I am adamantly in favor of oldschool. ( :
Please join us! Any questions, email me at atparty dot demoscene09 at gmail dot com!
The Foulab FB group also has an event page posted.
Okay, basic infos, as I gave them on the EventWax page (which only exists to keep track of the 40 people we will have space for during the day hacking space setup; if you want to write something and just come by at the deadline at 19h00 [7pm] to turn it in, that's fine too.).
27 NOVEMBER 2010
10H00 - Foulab opens to people who want to code. Max occupancy 40.
19H00 - Foulab opens to everyone who wants to see demos! All entries (fast compo - written that day between 10 and 19h00, run realtime on hardware of some kind and must be turned in in person, no other rules, just for the heck of it) due at this time. Demoshow starts.
21H00 - Compo entries are shown.
23H00 - Voting opens (paper and pen/pencil). Results will be posted on the web.
28 NOVEMBER 2010
01H00 - Site closes.
re: norecess
You can use whatever you like. We'll have emulators for various things on standby. If your hardware or software is really weird, you might need to bring it yourself though. We'll find a way to show it, even if we have to videotape it. Look at the site for my event, @party -- most of our entries this past June were in the oldschool compo. I am adamantly in favor of oldschool. ( :
Please join us! Any questions, email me at atparty dot demoscene09 at gmail dot com!
The Foulab FB group also has an event page posted.
NO WAY! You mean I don't have to fly to Europe anymore to attend parties?
I'm over in Ottawa... I'll do my best to be there AND have a demo!!
I'm over in Ottawa... I'll do my best to be there AND have a demo!!
In fact, there is also a full demoparty near Boston, so you can attend that too ( :
I've only gotten to come to Ottawa once yet, would be nifty to get someone to attend from there! ( : We had someone from Toronto last year (ok, well he's *from* Finland, but he lives in Toronto). And of course a pile of folks from various cities in Québec.
In fact, there is also a full demoparty near Boston, so you can attend that too ( :
I've only gotten to come to Ottawa once yet, would be nifty to get someone to attend from there! ( : We had someone from Toronto last year (ok, well he's *from* Finland, but he lives in Toronto). And of course a pile of folks from various cities in Québec.
Actually, I'm currently working on my next-big-big-demo and the deadline is quite short :-(
Actually, I'm currently working on my next-big-big-demo and the deadline is quite short :-(
Well, for a better answer.. I'm not against the idea of a demoparty, but I have to deal with my little family :)
@party takes remote entries, and hopefully we'll repeat in 2012. Also, we're not until June. No promises yet though. ( :
@party takes remote entries, and hopefully we'll repeat in 2012. Also, we're not until June. No promises yet though. ( :
@party Minidemo Montréal Deux!
We're doing another Montreal miniparty
We're doing another Montreal miniparty