crinkler crashes when trying to compile iq 1/4k-tuts
category: general [glöplog]
crinkler crashes everytime (on every project) in iq's tut found here:
here's crinkler's output until it crashed:
i guess its due to me running vista64. any ideas how to fix that ?
crinkler crashes everytime (on every project) in iq's tut found here:
here's crinkler's output until it crashed:
1>Crinkler 1.2 (Sep 5 2009) (c) 2005-2009 Aske Simon Christensen & Rune Stubbe
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/INCREMENTAL:NO'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/MANIFEST:NO'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/NODEFAULTLIB'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/OPT:REF'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/OPT:ICF'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/OPT:NOWIN98'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/DYNAMICBASE:NO'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/MACHINE:X86'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/VERBOSE:FUNCTIONS'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/VERBOSE:IMPORTS'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/VERBOSE:LABELS'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/NOLOGO'
1>Ignoring unknown argument '/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT'
1>Target: exe/main_vc2008_rel.exe
1>Subsystem type: WINDOWS
1>Compression mode: SLOW
1>Hash size: 100 MB
1>Hash tries: 300
1>Order tries: 4000
1>Report: NONE
1>Transforms: NONE
1>Replace DLLs: NONE
1>Range DLLs: NONE
1> d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib
1> gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib
1> shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
1> odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib .\bin\vc2008\Release\intro.obj .\bin\vc2008\Release\main_rel.obj
1>Uncompressed size of code: 494
1>Uncompressed size of data: 256
1>|-- Estimating models for code ----------------------------|
1>Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 3 returned from 'C:\Users\XorT\Desktop\IntroSystem\link.exe'.
i guess its due to me running vista64. any ideas how to fix that ?
Go make a demo about it.
I had a similar issue on a xp64 machine, when using Crinkler 1.1 I think, and switching to 1.0a or something it worked fine...
it's all your fault for not strictly coding standard algol.
With fortran this wouldn't have happened.
Bring a machine to us where Crinkler crashes (for example by bringing it to TRSAC) and we will fix it. Currently we are unable to reproduce the crash on our own machines.
or you could just give him a version of crinkler that outputs a debug minidump (SetUnhandledExceptionFilter)
i'm with gargaj here, since unfortunately i'll not have time to go to TRSAC... any chance for that ?
Dr. Watson FTW