category: general [glöplog]
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I've done this for lunch lately.

Lasagna. With Aldi soja mincemeat. Aubergine. Spinach. Onions. Garlic. Salz. Pepper. Tomatosauce. Cremé fraice. And so on.
100% vegan.

Lasagna. With Aldi soja mincemeat. Aubergine. Spinach. Onions. Garlic. Salz. Pepper. Tomatosauce. Cremé fraice. And so on.
100% vegan.
cooking page @
it's perfect for lazy sceners... :-)
it's perfect for lazy sceners... :-)
I prefer the term "synthetic meat"
vegan? please.
thats vegetarian^3 ... neither diary products nor eggs f.e.
I am rather concerned that I have gone thru a 5 kg bag of rice in a week.
I JUST ATE [img][\img]
tried smoking them first, they are fish-sticks afterall.. and im dutch ;x
tried smoking them first, they are fish-sticks afterall.. and im dutch ;x
That Aldi soja mincemeat is really neat somehow. I've done that with it yesterday:

Includes potato salat with chillies.

Includes potato salat with chillies.
oh looks lovely!!
i prefer kind of differents things like fried chicken with fish and chips and a little bit nugget of course with a glass of cold wine ( no im not french )
i'more into traditional cooking:

everything a man needs. plus beer of course.
"Lasagna. With Aldi soja mincemeat. Aubergine. Spinach. Onions. Garlic. Salz. Pepper. Tomatosauce. Cremé fraice. And so on.
100% vegan."
100% vegan, except for the Creme Fraiché i suppose?
100% vegan."
100% vegan, except for the Creme Fraiché i suppose?
:) Oh well, we all have our little spoils. For one it's vokda, for the other creme fraiche (that, or he used a soy fake)

i'd like to recommend to everyone eating soya mince to try one of the fake versions instead of the big-brands. They're cheaper, look similar, and actually taste much better as they're made from meat instead of soya.
100% vegan, except for the Creme Fraiché i suppose?
Nope, it's 100% vegan, I used the Alpro Cuisine.

I generally cook meat and dairy free meals (maybe because I am vegan :)) and things like those came out until now:

And so on.
think i'll go for the sushi
I love sushi cos its only just bearable, but nice and unique :) a bit like the scene i guess
I love sushi cos its only just bearable, but nice and unique :) a bit like the scene i guess
with a few pills nicely wedged ontop.. =sushisd=
freeze, holy shit, i'm not vegan or not even vegatarian but i#m really jealous at your mad skills... :P
i learned the basics of cooking very late because i never really cared much... but now i enjoy it quite a lot experimenting with the basics in a bit unusual way. i would say my best skills are refreshing yesterdays leftovers in a tasty way. :)
nice pasta sauce i "invented" a few days ago:
- a few fresh (!) tomatoes
- feta
- dried and rasped basil or some other fitting herbs
- a few spoonfulls of small bacon cubes
- some olive oil
just cut everyhting in pieces and let it cook in a pot until the tomatoes are half-liquid and the feta is don't need to add any additional water. mind that you should use fresh tomatoes, no shit like pizza tomatoes or tomato-paste, else the sauce won't have such a fresh taste. also don't come up with the idea to exchange feta with mozarella, else your sauce will turn out almost sweet. the saltier the feta, the better. actually it tastes good if you don't have to add any additional salt at all. some black pepper doesn't hurt though.
the result can be described as some kind of mild carbonara with a fresh tomato taste.
i learned the basics of cooking very late because i never really cared much... but now i enjoy it quite a lot experimenting with the basics in a bit unusual way. i would say my best skills are refreshing yesterdays leftovers in a tasty way. :)
nice pasta sauce i "invented" a few days ago:
- a few fresh (!) tomatoes
- feta
- dried and rasped basil or some other fitting herbs
- a few spoonfulls of small bacon cubes
- some olive oil
just cut everyhting in pieces and let it cook in a pot until the tomatoes are half-liquid and the feta is don't need to add any additional water. mind that you should use fresh tomatoes, no shit like pizza tomatoes or tomato-paste, else the sauce won't have such a fresh taste. also don't come up with the idea to exchange feta with mozarella, else your sauce will turn out almost sweet. the saltier the feta, the better. actually it tastes good if you don't have to add any additional salt at all. some black pepper doesn't hurt though.
the result can be described as some kind of mild carbonara with a fresh tomato taste.
and also i'd like to add that 99% of all retail cookbooks are PURE USELESS SHIT.