
Tiny Chip by Luis [web]

Release Info
Name        : Tiny Chip
Party       : Synchrony 2019
Author      : Luis
Music       : Subi
Compo       : Wild Demo
Platform    : SparkFun H2OhNo! ATtiny Dev Board
Hardware    : ATTINY85 /w 512 Bytes of RAM
Knitting    : Flourish

A hardware chiptune player coded and soldered in a dining car of a moving train 
from NYC to Canada. Retrofitted LFT's Hardware Chiptune Project code to run 
on 512 Bytes of RAM

Flourish knitted a tiny sweater for it on the train as it was 
quite cold in Canada.

Subi delivered the music as the train left the station.
He managed to run LFT's custom tracker to run on a virtual linux image.

SparkFun H2OhNo! ATtiny Dev Board / Water Alarm

The Hardware Chiptune Project by lft

Syncrony 2019 Party Report

Party Website