
TinyKnot by Oxygene [web]

Tiny Knot

Few days ago I read a nice article by Jim Scott speaking about PQ-Torus Knot
generator. Pictures in the article were so nice I decide to code my own little
PQ-Torus explorer using my little Tiny DirectX8 library. Here is the result: A
less than 6Kb program displaying randomly 3d generated knots !

Technical details: Objects are build using 8192 vertices (press "w" to toggle
wireframe mode) and use DirectX8 T&L capabilities if your video card support.
Display resolution is 1024*768 pixels, 16bits color depth. (To reach more
hardware compatibility).

(You need to install the great DirectX8 API to run)

Have fun !

Arnaud Carré (Leonard/OXYGENE)