
Beneath by Dr. Robotnik

"Beneath" by Dr. Robotnik, presented at Instanssi 2018.

Design, code and music by Janne Kaipainen.

Use command line argument -nofullscreen to launch in windowed mode.
Use f to toggle fullscreen on(default)/off.

This production uses the Eigen vector/matrix math library (EIGEN_MPL2_ONLY version); see files "eigen_COPYING.README", "eigen_COPYING.BSD" and "eigen_COPYING.MPL2" for more information on the license.

This production uses the freeglut library; see file "freeglut.copying" for more information on the license.

This production uses The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library; see file "glew_LICENSE.txt" for more information on the license.

This production uses mp3 playback code kindly provided by Alexandre Mutel.

Big thanks to the authors of the aforementioned libraries!