
volfied cracktro by The Dream Team [web] & Skid Row [web]

  <>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<>/<> THE DREAM TEAM & SKID ROW  <>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>\<>

                              P R E S E N T S

                       VOLFIED From Empire Software

    ³ RELEASE INFORMATION                                                 ³
    ³ Cracker           : Hard Core                                       ³
    ³ Game Supplied by  : Action Man                                      ³
    ³ Protection        : Tricky password                                 ³
    ³ Display Screen    : CGA/EGA/VGA/TDY 16 Colors                       ³
    ³ Sound Boards      : Speaker/Adlib                                   ³
    ³ Game Overall      : 65%                                             ³
    ³ RELEASE COMMENT                                                     ³
    ³ This is funny! It is and old game concept but its a really nice game³
    ³ and a very nice tune...                                             ³
    ³ We have played it until level too and no second pw protections have ³
    ³ been seen, if you see any further protection please report it to    ³
    ³ your nearest TDT bbs. Another QUALITHY crack by TDT!                ³
    ³ Call our courier home's HELL and Side Effects to grab the newest    ³
    ³                 THE DREAM TEAM EUROPEAN SECTION                     ³
    ³ MEMBERS  : Hard Core - ActionMan - Mr Thompson - TDB                ³
    ³            Roger Wilco - The Jammer - Dr Pepsi - Desert Rat         ³
    ³ SYSOPS   : Opus - Stoned Warrior - Snake Man - B.B.King             ³
    ³ COURIERS : BLAZE - Pixel - Yip Yip                                  ³
    ³                      BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS                         ³
    ³ HARD CITY           46-PRI-VATE    Hard Core                        ³
    ³ EAST BBS            46-894-0614    Mr Thompson                      ³
    ³ BLOOM COUNTY        46-300-40258   Opus                             ³
    ³ The Star Factory    46-8-7172761   B.B. King                        ³
    ³ TURK 51 ZONE        31-104-296515  TDB                              ³
    ³ Paint In Black      49-6565-4553   Stoned Warrior        4 Nodes    ³
    ³ ORANGE JUICE        61-357-11627   Yip Yip               3 Nodes    ³
    ³ Jeriho Juventus    358-187-818316  Snake Man             2 Nodes    ³
    ³ Free Q8            965-532-4360    Desert Rat                       ³
    ³                 THE DREAM TEAM AMERICAN SECTION                     ³
    ³ MEMBERS  : The Surge - Pluto - The Ghost Wind - Sandman - Con Artist³
    ³ SYSOPS   : The Skeleton - Spread - Pluto - Esmodius - Norrin Radd   ³
    ³ COURIERS : Wanna be one?                                            ³
    ³                      BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS                         ³
    ³ REVELATION         301-423-1442    Ghost Wind            5 Nodes    ³
    ³ TWINS              514-723-1712    Spread                           ³
    ³ HELL               313-349-4933    Asmodeus                         ³
    ³ PIRATES SHIP       515-277-1906    Skeleton              2 Nodes    ³
    ³ ORIONS BELT        718-370-8890    Pluto                            ³
    ³ SIDE EFFECTS       408-942-0818    Norrin Radd                      ³

    For buying latest IBM games and utilities or for contacting TDT write to

                                TDT SWEDEN
                                P.O BOX 52
                            810 70 AELVKARLEBY