
The Sound Demo by HOOY-PROGRAM [web]

(C) 2012 by HOOY-PROGRAM Basic Laboratory
for ZX81 with ZXpand and AY-module (ZonX compatible). 

Title: "The Sound Demo". 
Music, demo-code and ideas by Yerzmyey/H-PRG
AY STC-Player for ZX81 by Andy Rea
1K Twister Effect coded by Gasman/H-PRG
Pictures by Factor6/H-PRG and Yerz/H-PRG

This demo is a version for ZX81 with ZXpand + AY. 
IT DOESN'T WORK on emulators. 

It *should* work on ZX81 32Kb + ZonX or Mr-X AY-interfaces but probably somebody would have to incorporate the STC file into the main sdemo.p file (especially for tape users). And change the ZXpand's syntax (info below). 

The demo uses some ZXpand syntax that doesn't work on plain ZX81 (ROM issues) - 
- line 8000 is for setting ZXpand's RAM into 'high' (to put there 10Kb of music),
- line 8001 is for loading from FAT (SD card) the music file MUS.STC. 

Greetz to all ZX81 fans (sorry, I my brain isn't good enough to mention them all) - 
Siggi, Sir Morris, Andy Rea, Moggy, PokeMon, Loilove, Paul, Math123, Zsolt, XavSnap, Andre***, Angus, Bobs, Mr Beep, Shaun_B, Sasha2000, 1024MAK, RetroTechie, Iturbez, MOB-i-L, Jegs2, Decicoder, RWAP, Bbock, Bill H, Kmutra, Philsan, ZX81jens, Slipstreem, Anonymous, Zappadog, Black Sun, Noice, Bodo Wenzel, Calodox, Pardal, Factor6, Gasman, Ted, Tadeu Curinga, The Wiz, Thommy, Spilldig, Spirantho, Thunor, Gus, ZX81Museum, Prolog, Amauget, Spodula, Jose_Leandro, Guinnless, PrimitivePerson, RetroGamerVX, Martyg, ZX80nut, JackRyan, SKW41, Prime, Hawk, NotCliveSinclair, ZX81 Fan, ZX-Bruno, Christopher, Zschopower, Palmheads, Crankorgan, Compuman, Nama, Taos99, Mike3, Paul Panks, Lee Hart, Gozzo, Forthretro.new.fr, ksng36, Chad, Littlejohn, KnightFire, Superfo, Wilf_ZX, Jond, Malcohol, Kiwisek, SDW, Utz (Irrlich Project), Beanz, Ali, Frank Moller, Dieter Hucke, Joachim, t0m, Seaman, MatthiasS, Kai Fischer, WOW, Roko, Sbetamax, Georg, Willi, HWS, TomR, Holmatic, Ulrich, Stefan, Mrdoc, HWE, Uk7of9, Oscar and all the others! 

ZXpand, ZXpand-AY and Mr-X AY for Your ZX81 
You can get from here: http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk/zx812.html

March - April 2012