
Infinite Live of the Blitter by No Extra [web]

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 \|             \|            \|            \|             \|        \|           \| ATARI ST
                              * HTTP://WWW.NOEXTRA-TEAM.COM/ *

NoExtra Presents "Infinite live of the blitter" for the Alchimie 2011.

Atari STE with 2 Mo of memory.
Compatible emulators STEEM (prefered) and HATARI v1.5.

.CONTRIBUTORS ***************************
* Code........................Atomus    *
* Code........................Zorro 2   *
* Gfx & Design................Mister.A  *
* Music.......................TomChi    *
* Additional Gfx..............La Tortue *

Special version for Evil/Dhs !

Nota : it's not the last release, only debugged version :)