
Music library V1.0 by The Avengers

Avengers' music library v 1.0

On this disk, you'll find :

*  322 pieces of musics, all packed.
       You can unpack them with 'ICE_DPCK.PRG' .

*  a jukebox coded by De Janeiro.
            If you wish to run a music file then just
            use the informations about D0 , INIT and VBL.
            Then in your favorite macro assembler, write down :
                     moveq   #??? , d0   ( number of the music )
                     jsr     music+???   ( init value )
                     move.l  # music + ??? , $4d2.w  ( vbl value )
                music : incbin "music.bin"
      some hints about the player.
      - When you get the $ffff value for the vbl-call , it means
          the music is already installed in the vbl-queue.
        If you've modified the vbl-vector ( $70 ) , you just have
          to get the address in $4d2 and jump to it ( jsr or bsr ).
      - All musics used in our library are 100 % position-INDEPENDENT 
          code. We have already converted many position dependent musics
          but we still have some. We decided not to release them.
      - Contact The Avengers at :
                    The Avengers
                  1 Impasse Degas
                    57210  Feves
           Please insert int. reply coupon cos we're very short on stamps.
*  our newest breakers . Have fun using them !

                see you sooooooooon ....
                                              The Avengers / march '92