
Tiny Speech Synth by Stan 1901

Type:                 C++ subroutine
Created by:           Stepanov Andrey, 2008 ( ICQ: 129179794, e-mail: andrewstepanov@mail.ru )

This is a simple speech synth subroutine, based on formant synthesis theory. 
Speech is synthesized by passing source excitation signal through set of formant one-pole filters.
Excitation signal is a sawtooth or noise (depending on sound type), although you can try other signals.

Some explanation on design
It was surprisingly hard to find any information on formant synthesis. Of course, there is a lot of
information on the Internet, but the biggest part of it is just a general words of theory, 
nothing practically usable. The biggest problem was to find concrete formant frequencies.
After reading a lot of articles I found that I knew nothing new, compared to my knowledge before reading...
So I did frequency analysis by myself. I recorded my own voice and analyzed it's FFT. Analysis is VERY
approximate and incomplete, so it causes bad speech quality.

Terms of use
This program is free for use, and you can use it for any purposes you want, as long as you specify
my name in you program source code and description.