
Medal Of Honor by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web]

                   _|     /__ _________ _____       ____
              _____\_      _(_\__     /_\   (_____ _\__/__ _____   h7/tRSi
          ___)\     |      |   _/    /\______    //   /  /     /(___
      __ _\         |______|   \_____\     \/____________\         /_ __
      \_\\__________ __ _`------'__ |_______\ ______________________//_/

                        tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNCORPORATED

                              legends never die......

                             quality - not quantity
                             and symparty  2 0 0 3!
                   A very warm welcome to SAL One - Sheep and FURY!

                     _____    _________      ____     ____
                  __/    /____\__     /\   _/ __/\____\_ /__
                  \     ___    _/    /  \__\__     __  //  /\
         1990     /    /\ /    \     \__/   //    /\/     /  \   2003
                 /_____\ X_____/     _______     / /______\  /
                 \      \\    /_____/  \   /____/  \       \/
                  \______\\___\     \  /\__\    \  /\_______\
                        h7/tRSi\_____\/     \____\/

                           Mendal of Honar euroversion ++
               trained by the -leading force- TRISTAR & RED SECTOR 2003

                    intro idea was inspirated by WOW-INTRO on Amiga
                  this is dedicated to METALLICA and SSR of Skidrow!

                   RELEASE INFO  ___ /   /\
____________________________ _  /__//___/  \  _ ______________________________
----------------------------- - \__\\   \  / - -------------------------------

 oldschool intro done by        --( - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - MR.spiv!/trsi
          GRAPHIX               --( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H7 /trsi
          soundtrack            --( -----done by the one and only W O T W /trsi!
          trainer credits       --( -----done by da people behind  TRSI!
          RELEASED Date         --( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  14/Jun/03

          NOTES     --( dont blame us for this late trainer its da first
                     --( of a series of sooon coming high quality releases
                      --(( this is annother pure just a fun quality rocks Production

                   TRSI GBA NEWS ___ /   /\
____________________________ _  /__//___/  \  _ ______________________________
----------------------------- - \__\\   \  / - -------------------------------

         we are loooking for fast usa and euro suppliers as well
         as asian and suppliers from iSrael , 10 mbit or more shells
         and dumpsites, 100 mbit afil sites or even more.... Trainermakers
         coders and CRackers on GBA/XBOX/PC/PSX .... So if ya wanna be part
         of the most legendary Cracking Cooperation from Europe dont hesitate
         to Contact us. THis release is Dedicated to *Fairlight* we miss ya my
         coool and old friends - ya always will be on our mind - its a shame
         what happend but ya seee TRSI PC was also busted long time ago and 
         it was never proooved which fucking lamer bust our mainsupplier
         "drunken rom" - the leading force in germany..... TRSI #1

                   CONTACT INFO  ___ /   /\
____________________________ _  /__//___/  \  _ ______________________________
----------------------------- - \__\\   \  / - -------------------------------

              write ya fanmails to:trsi_pc_sleepers@hushmail.com

              or for any important reasons......................

                   Personal           ____ Kapone - mmx - SSR -- METALLICA - zweifeld!
                   GREETINGS TO  ___ /   /\ABRASAX -- Lincoln -- SHEEP -- SETH! da Hero! 
____________________________ _  /__//___/  \  _ ______________________________
----------------------------- - \__\\   \  / - -------------------------------

                             special Greetings to 

             DANISH GOLD --  fAIRLiGHt -- QUARTEX -- VENOM -- PARADOX 
                           regards and Greetings to:
                       DEViANCE -- Mode 7 -- Megaroms
               -- EURASIA -- GENESIS -- IMMERSON --- MYTH
               KALISTO --- DNL --- SECTION 8! -- PROJECT X 
                            SUXXOR and LIGHTFORCE  

                                 ___ /   /\___
                             ___/__//___/ /__/\____
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----------------------------|        \___\/        |--------------------------
                 ' ```::::: |                      | :::::''' ` Layout & logo
                        `:: |  |_egends may sleep  | ::'        by h7/tRSi^dS!
                          : |                      | :
                            |  but they never die  |
                         _ _|_                    _|_ _
                            :                      :