
Another 1 Glides The Dust by G&G Demoswarez

                   - Another One Glides The Dust -

                      (C) 1997 G&G Demoswarez

                (Anyone willing to make a cool ANSI ??:)

  ═════════════════════════ THE INTRO

    Hi everybody !

    The Glide typing....

    Fiuuu...the second G&G release in a week ! Not bad, eh ? :)

    What you have got here is our 2nd major production since the creation
    of the group in 1994. Our first demo, Jumble, has been released in Jan
    1996, but I fear not many persons had a look at it ! :( (I think our
    PR didn't even upload it to ftp.cdrom.com.....WildByteeeee !!!!! :-)

    On Jan 31, I uploaded on ftp.cdrom.com Gif's Borntro (file gg_brn.zip).
    Now it is located on /pud/demos/incoming/demos, but will hopefully be
    soon moved to /pub/demos/1997/g.

    Anyway...many things changed since Jumble.

    At the moment we are 4 (the Fabulous Four ! :).

    Nickname     Real Name        Age       Job in the group
    Gif       │Ivan Guglielmana │ 21      │ Coder / (Music, sometimes :)
    WildByte  │Davide Marcato   │ 15      │ Coder / PR / WWW Admin
    The Glide │Luca Gerli       │ 2^32    │ C-C-C-C-C-oder
    HellGer   │Emiliano Ghiggi  │ 21      │ Grfx (inactive)

    We are looking for GRAPHICIANS and MUSICIANS. So if you are interested
    just contact us at the addresses you'll find at the end of this file.

    We are going to attend Mekka-Symposium '97, and we will release a demo,
    so we need new members to help us in the completion our production.

    A1GTD is only a test for some of the routines we will use in our next
    big production.


        . 486dx2
        . 8Mb Ram (thanx to that 17000 polygons object!:(
        . A Sound Card otherwise you'll not hear the music


        Run: a1gtd

        Parameters (actually the same of MikMod):

                /d x    use device-driver #x for output
                        x = 0   Autodetect (DEFAULT)
                            1   Gus Driver
                            2   SoundBlaster Driver
                            3   Ensoniq Soundscape
                            4   No Sound
                /f xxxx Sets mixing frequency. Default=22000
                /m      Force mono output (so sb-pro can mix at 44100)
                /8      Force 8 bit output
                /h      Get command lines switches


        Vector Engine..................The Glide / G&G

        Music..........................Dustbin / FR

    Many thanks to:

        HellGer for the G&G logo (directly from Jumble!:)
        MikMak for MikMod 2.10
        Jare/Iguana for 3ds reader
        Master/DeathStar for Ilink v3.0
        Tran & Daredevil for Pmode/W v1.33

  ═════════════════════════ CONTACT ADDRESSES

    . The Glide             sam0560@cdcsun.cdc.polimi.it

      Contact me for anything regarding 3d, and coding in general ! :)
      I'm very much open to collaborations with other coders/musicians/gfx !

    . Dustbin/FR/USE        stu1016@dns.unife.it

                            Stefano Palmonari
                            Via Tonino Pivelli 16
                            44044 Porotto (Ferrara/ITALY)

      If you want to contact me for any reason ... or if u want to talk about
      music, sampling, sport or everything u  want, then write ! If  u need
      music for your demos, intros and  so on write ... If I've the  time i'll
      be very  happy  to help you !

    Visit also the G&G Demoswarez page:


    If you would like your BBS to become an HQ for G&G, then contact us !

  ═════════════════════════ DISCLAIMER

    You run this little thingy at your own risk. If it fucks up something on
    your computer, then too bad, 'coz it's not our fault. But if something
    great & kewl happens on the screen then, that's definitely due to us ! :)

  ═════════════════════════ CD-ROMs

    If you want to include this production on a CD-ROM demo collection, or
    whatever, go for it. But please send us at least one free copy of the CD.

    (Anyway I really doubt someone wants to include this shitty production

  ═════════════════════════ SOME GREETS

    - The Glide greets:

        . All my groupmates: Gif, WildByte and HellGer.

        . Dustbin / Fatal Rage / USE and Wally / Fatal Rage for being
          such cool dudes ! :)

        . Andrea Marchini aka Lance: looking forward some collaboration
          with you ! :)

        . PeterPan / Spinning Kids.

        . All italian demoscene. I'm a farly new member so I don't know many
          persons, but I hope I will meet more and more in the future !

        . All demosceners all around the world.

        . Anders Olofsson: for all the chat about 3d coding we had recently ;)

        . Ervin / Abaddon: keep up the good work with Imphobia ! (BTW: Luca
          is my real name, but my handle is The Glide ! :)

        . MRI / Doomsday: you well deserve greets for your doc about tmapping.

        . Tremor / Dubius: Great 3d engine !.....BTW BSPs suck ! ;)

        . MikMak, Tran, DareDevil, Voltaire, Zodiak.

        . Gandalf / Pulse , Dan Wright (Pallbearer / Hornet), Zteel / Diffusion
          for the good CDs they published in the last years.

        . My great friend Master (aka Flavio Roli): thanx for your support !

        . My non-scene friends: H, Antonio, Davide 'R.C.', Giovanni 'Beps',
          Michele 'Elekim', and everybody else I forgot, for their absolute
          non-support in my adventure in the demoscene ! :)
          I wonder when they will understand the meaning off all this....

        . All the girls I know. Yes, girls love coders ! :)

        . ZZTop !

        . And everybody else in the Universe. (this one as well as the others).

    - Dustbin greets:

        4go10, 6502, Alca, Ambient Move, Ami, Andy Chen, Asyntote, Aquafresh,
        Aztechie, BassQ, Black Lotion, Blackwolf, BLADE (You lazy bastard !!
        Stop MUD and code something !! :) ), Blanka, Blurry, Bonzai Plant,
        Caramel, Catspaw, Centurion, Charlie Brown Records, Chris Jarvis,
        Clockwise, Cruel Creator, Daedalus, Dangtrin, DD, Diggity Dank,
        Dilvish, Dinugz, Domine, DORIAN, Elemental, ELWOOD (You're fucking
        cool man), Emzet, EYESORE, EV, FBY, Floss, Froyd The Dreud, Galahad,
        Gamera, Glitch, GoD, GooRoo, Grave Digger, Human, Hunz, IV, Jase,
        Jedi, Komah, LaveoM, Lemm, Leviathan, Lloyd Yoon, Mateus, McScooter,
        Mesonyx, MickRIp, MikMak, Mikpos, Mild, MIX, Moby, Monacos, NABO,
        Necros, Nemesis, Nexus, Nova, Parity, Phaze, PIX, Populus, Porus,
        Poti, Primal, QPorcupine, Qyv, Rage, Scolnick, Scott, Screamager,
        Sigmatic, Sikamikanico, Siren, Smeg, SoundMaster, Spider, Stalker,
        Sturm, Syrinx, Tangerine, Tek, TheFear, theHacker, TEO, Ultimate
        Sound Experience :)), Vector/3NO, Velvet, Vivid, VOID, WALLY, WAVE,
        Welti, Xenoc, XENON (A good and inactive coder ... A SHAME !! :) ),
        Xuthl, Yannis, Zaigamor, Zapper, Zastar, Zinc, Zodiak

        I Would Like To Thank The Following People

        . WAVE (Because I've heard so MANY MANY MANY times his c64's tunes)

        . Elwood (Analyzing your tracking techniques is very constructive)

        . Davide Rossi for some hints (Thanx for all friend of mine ! :) )

        . Queensryche (Geoff Tate is my hero)

        . Rage Against The Machine, Skid Row, Mike Oldfield, Faith No More,
          Joe Satriani, Primal Scream, Soundgarden, Red Hot Chili Peppers,


          ------ ======== SEE YOU ALL AT MEKKA '97 ======= ------