
Pogo Demagog by Obscure [web]

                        Pogo Demagog infofile

        Pogo Demagog by Obscure 1997. Released at Pool Position
                        at Stenungsund 7/9 1997.

Legal stuff.

You start this demo at your own risk. Obscure can not be held responsible for
any damages caused by this software.
You may freely spread this demo as long as you keep the zipfile as it is and
do not charge any money for it.


This demo should work with most computer configurations. We havent tried on a
486 processor yet, but it should work. Pentium is however recomended. Do
not run this demo in 50Hz, that will ruin the syncs. If you have problems
with getting the sound to work try run with a commandlineoption
(why not "ppdemo soundprobbs" or "ppdemo hejdugamleindian" ;)

Code,design(?): Anvil,Ally
Music: Ob1
Grafix: Photoshop :)
We used Midas by The Sahara Surfers.

Much of the coding was made at the partyplace.

Since the textroutine bugged (i'm sure we could have found the bug if we
looked a little harder, but since none of us had got some sleep
for about 30 hours we released it as it was) we could not get all the
groups we wanted in the greetings part.
Here is a complete greetingslist with som personal greets added:

Group greets:
Outbreak,Orca,Primary,Comedy,Blocc,Cascada,Flushed Design,TPOLM,Rectum Cauda

Personal greets:
Breakin , TheC, Sunday (thanks for the textures!), Evade, Reanimator, Euxinus

We will maybe release a nonparty version of Pogo Demagog (men jag skulle inte
ta gift på det ;).

Obscure needs a good graphician. If you are interested in joining us don't
hesitate to contact us.

If you have any other questions about the demo or about something else
just send us an email.

How to contact Obscure
Email us at larssons.haverdal@mbox300.swipnet.se
or meet us in #coders, #swedescene or #scene.se

Ally            Coding        19        Haverdal, Sweden
Anvil           Coding        17        Haverdal, Sweden
Reanimator      Coding        20        Göteborg/Laholm, Sweden
Ob1             Music                   Halmstad, Sweden
Evade           Music         18        Umeå, Sweden
Amrtani         Music         18        Somewhere in Finland ;)