
Hysteric Visions BBS (2) [2 Year BBS Addy] by Topaz Beerline

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 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Drink with the best - Pass out like the rest ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

 ■ What is Topaz? ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    A group, what else? Topaz was founded ..hmm.. in the 80's by three dudes:
    Slayer (now in Origo), Coax (now dead) and Scapegoat (now the organizer).
    And then.. Well.. And then, after several different phases, Topaz is now
    what it earns to be - a respectable C64 demo group. For a few years, Topaz
    has been releasing the first anti-mag on C64, Fresh'n'Sticky. And so on.

    I (Addict) joined Topaz in '90, became a support member in '92 (I had
    became too lazy on C64 because of my PC) and again, became a full member
    of Topaz as a PC division was founded.

    A complete history will be available if Scape throws me one =)

 ■ Topaz memberlist ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    C64 - Finland: Addict    - Music (support)
                   AMJ       - Music
                   Anvil     - Music
                   Beat      - Swap
                   D'Arc     - Code, Gfx, Swap, Oranizing, F'n'S
                   HTD       - Music, Paperart
                   Scapegoat - Code, Minor gfx, Swap, Organizing,
                               Paperart, F'n'S
          Germany: Amarok    - Swap
                   Death     - Gfx

     PC - Finland: Addict    - Music, Minor gfx, Util/game/necessary code,
                               SysOp (WHQ)
                   D'Arc     - Code
                   Lemming   - SysOp (Distro)
                   Scapegoat - Code

 ■ How to contact Topaz ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    If you want to send anything to the following dudes, please check if
    they're on your desired computer (PC or C64) on the member list. D'Arc
    and Scapegoat don't have much PC stuff yet. Scapegoat is intending to
    start some kind of swapping on PC, so he would perhaps be glad if he got
    some wares to start with.

    For joining & questions concerning Topaz PC:

     Addict...: Antti Piirainen
                Vienankatu 53
                SF-57200 Savonlinna
                (till 21.30 EET only, after that the BBS is on)

    For joining Topaz C64 and swapping:

     D'Arc....: Jani Hirvo                (Cutting down on contacts)
                Metsänvartijankatu 8 A 1
                SF-65370 Vaasa

     Scapegoat: Sami Ilmonen              (Cutting down on contacts)
                Huittulantie 122
                SF-37700 Sääksmäki

    For swapping:

     Amarok...: Marcus Wasserberg
                Norder Straat 40
                2223 Meldorf

     Beat.....: Mauri Mikkola
                Kansankatu 1
                SF-28200 Pori

     BBSs: HiV - Topaz PC WHQ        So I know all that stuff below the pn
           +358-(9)57-258588         suck, but what can I do without any
           v22bis, 21.30-6.30 EET    money??? :(

           Invalid Environment - Distro
           ZYXEL 19.2K

 ■ This released product ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Well, this is the first release by Topaz Beerline PC. It is not actually
    an intended "hey, we're here!" product but it'll do the thing besides its
    main purpose.

    So, what you've got here, is the "Hysteric Visions 2 year BBS addy".
    It's quite simple, but what should you expect from a musician? ;)
    I had to do it in a _hurry_ so it may contain bugs. I had absolutely
    _NO_ time to test in on any other machine than my own. So, it goes
    perfectly realtime on a 386/25/Nocache-OAKSVGA-SB1.5. If you see any
    bugs, they are most likely due to Goldplay (Thanks, TCB, for ever
    releasing a _public_ player). Anyway, if it cuts down completely,
    I'm happy to receive any information of any bugs.

 ■ Last worms ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    Er.. I hope there's no typos or any errors in this info file, because I
    had to do this in a hurry, too ;)

                        Addict/Topaz - Is he a Prodigy?