
Planet Julia by Gray Alien Resistance

 ■Gray Alien Resistance 


P L A N E T  J U L I A


This is my first demoscene release.

I hoped to pack it as an 1k intro, but i have

zero experience in sizecoding, and i couldn't 

get rid of those 133 bytes.

This intro is basicaly a classic raymarcher. 

The heightfield is produced by distance estimation

of each point from julia set (Zn+1=Zn^2 +C). I perturbate 

the C parameter, just a little with time in order to get 

the effect of moving heightfield "feets". 

Credits go to

i)  I┴igo Qu╜lez: For his incredible site, from which i learned about

raymarching, and his 1k framework this intro uses.

ii) Gert Buschmann: For his wikibooks article on  Julia set 

distance estimation.

iii)glsl.heroku.com: Because i developed the shader there.

					Jarod / Gray Alien Resistance
