
NAID '96 Invtro by The Apraxia Factor

   The Naid 96 Invtro is Copyright (C) 1996 by The Apraxia Factor.

   The Credits :

   [Music]     Zapper      The groovy tune
   [Gfx]       Hegor       The nice gfx
   [Program]   Mr. Khan    Responsable for the rest of this... thing :)
                           (Hey, atleast I tried =) Oh, and the
                            last '12 Naids' gfx is my fault too.)

   The Apraxia Factor is composed of (Alphabetical order) :

      ■ MEd (Midnight Sun)    Éric Lagacé       
      ■ Mr. Khan              Étienne Caron
      ■ Struk                 Laurent Gauthier

   Hi to everyone alive on this planet!