
The ultimate rip-off (T.U.R.O.) by Fit [web]

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        The Ultimate Rip-Off requires about 570 000 bytes of free
        DOS-memory and a VGA-card and should run on a 10 Mhz AT. Now
        isn't that special. The demo was fully coded in 'highly portable'
        C-code and the display mode used is tweaked-VGA. All the vector
        calculations are real-time, which is like, cool. And slow.

        The name doesn't indicate that we've ripped parts of the demo or
        possibly even the whole fucking thing. It simply means that coming
        up with something new and original is difficult and generally
        a pain in the ass. All coding was done by Marq and Pete and all
        routines were also done by them including the MOD-playing routine
        which is very fast. Not.

        Thanks to Yzi for the SBDK and Pete, our new member who helped
        program the realtime clock and the vectors. Marq and XXXXX designed
        the objects. Programming was done with a Hyundai 286 and Turbo C 2.0,
        the MOD was composed with the help of an Amiga 1200 and Protracker
        3.01. The graphics were done with an IBM 386sx and DP 2e.
        Marq's note: This text was written with an Atari ST & Mokia 286 ;v)
        If you're desperate enough to contact us you should first have your
        head examined and then write to the following adress:

                             Jussi Jokinen (Zebra)
                                38200 Vammala

        11th Oct 1993  Mikey Oh, logo by Marq