
Acid demo by MJJ Prod [web]

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______________________________. p r e s e n t s ._______________________________

                                    A C I D

                       made and released at MJJ Party #3


    You need an Atari ST or compatible computer with a colour monitor.
    This demo was successfully tested on:
    STF 1 MB
    STE 1 MB
    Mega STE
    Steem (both 512 KB and 2 MB)
    It should be Falcon compatible


    Main demo gfx ........... Fel'x, Golden Boy, Mr Nours, Strider, Tooseb
    Main demo code ................................................ Tooseb
    Main demo music ............................................... Tooseb
    Intro gfx ................................................... Wilfried
    Intro code ................................................... Strider
    Intro music .............................................. Big Alec/DF

    {Nota} The main demo music is an adaptation of "L'Aventurier" performed
           by the French crew "Indochine"
    This demo would never have been realized without François Corbier and
    "La Gazette de Gigean".


    IRC channel #atari.fr

                                                         ╜ MJJ Prod, August 2003