
Iced by Karg

	Revised version.I fixed some memory allocation, as it hanged if
	it cannot alloc memory.Also I speed up the scroller and add a
	higher timer frequency.
	As you already realized, this is ICEd demo from Karg(hey,that's me:-).
	So : what is this demo good for (you'll ask) ? This demo was made as a 
	present for a dear IRC friend- Julie. The demo contains some new ideas 
        of mine and also concludes my 5 years apprenticeship in computer 
        graphix. The demo has 3 (three) frames : first, the greetings(spinning
        cube + fractal background + text); then an almost real raytracing;
        and finally a pixel shattered effect applied to a picture.

	This demo REQUIES minimum a 486DX-2 66Mhz and a 256k VGA card.I
	tested on this configuration and it worked pretty good (except
	the raytrace part which is - by definition - slow ). The 'dream'
	configuration would be a Pentium 90Mhz with a PCI VGA card (this
	is my developing environment). Also REQUIRES minimum 580k base
	memory free. Also, it is ADVISABLE that you didn't run it under
	Win31 or Win95 environment or any DOS emulators under OS/2, Apple 
	or Unix.
	Note 1 : I run it from Win95 and it worked ( my computer is K5-90Mhz,
	SIS PCI VGA card, Creative SoundBlaster and 4X CD-ROM, 1.29Gb Fujitsu 
	HDD). Also Julie ran it under WIn95 and it worked ( her computer is a 
	Pentium HP with 4X CD ROM , 28.8k internal modem ). But I do not 
	guarantee functionality on particular hardware.

	Note 2 : The demo was coded in Pascal and ASM. It was compressed with
	Pklite ( because I had to e-mail it ;original size is 26k, reduced is 
	15k) and protected with Guardian Angel. Because of the latest, an 
	heuristic virus scanner will always report that the demo is infected 
	( F-Prot says : 'This is an armoured program. Many games and 
	utilities use this ...').
	This demo is freeware. Spread it and enjoy it. If you want to modify
	it , be my guest :-))). I assure you that will be a hell of a job : 
	it will put you slimy-rotten-rancid-stinky hacker's brain to work.
	Send your opinions to pp709@cs.utt.ro. If you are a cool gfx artist,
	a good 3D&animation designer or an inspired musician and you want to
	join my game project (PIRATES : SURVIVORS) , also feel free to contact 