Sojourn of the Soul by Flex
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1054 |
added on the 2023-04-10 14:42:26 by ham ![]() |
popularity helper
Was beautiful
For me this is the winner. Consistent and crafted design, sweet music, smooth code. This great demo will be remembered.
Absolutely soothing trip!!
A very well made, relaxing and pleasant demo! This should have ranked higher. I'm glad that people still produce high-end 060 demos, even if Truck said that "060 isn't a real Amiga" :(That's nonsense. FLEX (and other Amiga enthusiasts too), keep on doing your great work and continue to bring us more unforgettable moments. You all are the greatest heroes =)
Ambient, atmospheric, chilling, soothing... what else can I say?
This one was really calm and ambient chill gave me goosebumps during the compo
Beautiful in all aspects.
Should have won or came second. Not often can a demo bring a fully grown man close to tears... Awesomely beautiful stuff...
really pleasant to watch
This was something pleasantely different.
Considering the general low level of quality of Amiga demos this year (for Revision's past standard), this one to me was spectacularly the best. The only one that I did not fast forward today to catch up with the compo.
This one was lovely! One of the best in the competition I think. Love the tune - well done Klaus!
Images I've never seen before on an Amiga. Beautiful Soundtrack.
very nice
I was surprised this didn't win, a party highlight for me. Thanks for the experience.
Beautiful killer stuff! What an awesome compo this was!
A real beauty.
The demo is lovely. For me the only thing missing is that hard-techno style of the Ephidrena.
Absolutely beautiful. And that track... THAT TRACK !!!
Should have been ranked much higher! Very beautiful demo with excellent music and great atmosphere.
My favorite in the competition.
that was really good!
Maybe even too chill? Absolutely love the mood.
I must admit I didn't fully appreciate this during the compo, maybe it just wasn't the perfect fit for the boozed up party atmosphere. Looking at this again now, I can totally dig it. More chill demos please!
Absolutely lovely, my favorite from the compo!
Beautiful bliss that should've deserved a place on the pedestal.
How on Earth this one not won the compo? A killer concept, perfectly executed from start to finish. Massive one, hat tip to all involved.
Guys, guys... I don't want to start any drama but I think there's animations in this demo.
Loved this. So smooth, amazing use of 060. Amazing soundtrack too!
Dreamlike and emotional, beauty.
Loved it. This one got the most when I voted and for me this should've won.
amazing, should be higher in the competition's rankings.
Beautiful Soul
Soul! as Jazz said.
Love it! Should've got much higher ranking!
The music got some serious Wintergatan vibes btw.
Love it! Should've got much higher ranking!
The music got some serious Wintergatan vibes btw.
Original concept, a dose of melancholy and a nice soundtrack. Good job.
Drastically underrated :| I had this as my party favorite before PC compo, and apparently saw no need to change it.
It's soulfood ♥ thank you
It's soulfood ♥ thank you
What a beauty.
That soundtrack.... <3
That soundtrack.... <3
Simply Beautiful. The soundtrack draws you in right from the start, the graphics and design are so soothing.
beautiful and underrated
Pure dope, sooo nice!
I'm going to need a YT that is not LIVE From The Party.
this is good. assumed it would win.
very pretty demo, should've won!
Absolutely gorgeous, one of my party favourites. Please continue with this killer team!
this demo was just beautiful, wish it placed higher...
Thanks for all the kind comments!
It hasn't been a group decision as such to include any symbolism in the demo, but for me there is a special symbolic significance in both the title and the narrative of the demo, because my father passed away about a week before Revision.
The candle blowing out in the middle of the demo makes me think of him every time I watch it - a very melancholy thing for sure, but I also feel like it's a little seed that's been planted, which can bear fruit and bring back memories of my dad whenever I happen to come across this demo in the future. Thanks for humoring me about that, and for timing it so well Espen <3
in the end ... it is always about the people ..
Ohh good one.
The scene in the screenshot... is that the good old infinite bobs but with lots of buffers?
The scene in the screenshot... is that the good old infinite bobs but with lots of buffers?
Really nicely done.
Lovely atmosphere and a fantastic soundtrack. Deserved a place on the compo's podium at the very, very least.
I feel relaxed. Some chords gave me goosebumps!
Soothing and refreshing.
Nice mood and great tune!
Enjoyed this one.
My absolute winner in the competition, just beautiful and calming.
Flex is at it again.. Original concept and theme! Big thumbs up!
Live compo recording here:
Live compo recording here:
What everyone else said.. great soundtrack.. Farfar's tragic loss gives it extra meaning.
Beautiful.. but a little boring for me (not enough coder porn here)
Would love to see Loaderror make something cool on OCS :)
Would love to see Loaderror make something cool on OCS :)
pleasant atmosphere and beautiful
Thank you for the beautiful demo. I will watch it again...
Just beautiful!
This was artistically lovely.
I can't fully appreciate the code with my limited understanding about what's possible on these high-end systems.
I really like the landscape scenes, but why are they jittery, is that just a design choice or is it a precision issue?
Anyway, it's all beautiful!
I can't fully appreciate the code with my limited understanding about what's possible on these high-end systems.
I really like the landscape scenes, but why are they jittery, is that just a design choice or is it a precision issue?
Anyway, it's all beautiful!
Cool chilling
Looks and sounds good.
honestly didn't do much for me, but maybe I'm missing something
for me the video segments kinda threw me out of it hurting the prods overall feel/style more than it helped. which is a shame because everything else looks so fantastic. also the music is great. i'd like to piggie it but i just love the scene in the screenshot. so a weak thumbs it is.
ok, watched this one again and was feeling it better this time... but while obviously related to martini effect, it falls short of martini effect on many fronts, imho.
those constant color changes are way too high frequency to me. In martini effect, they worked as they gave the impression of light glittering from the surface of water when under water. but here, in particular the frequency of the glittering during the greets felt very rushed. also the videos felt disconnected from the rest of the demo. in particular, the contrast between the cubemaps from the exegfx compo and the videos was so big that they didn't feel they belong to the same demo.
on the other side, I think the slow zoomers and panning images felt very appropriate for the music, and I loved how the flex text appeared on screen.
those constant color changes are way too high frequency to me. In martini effect, they worked as they gave the impression of light glittering from the surface of water when under water. but here, in particular the frequency of the glittering during the greets felt very rushed. also the videos felt disconnected from the rest of the demo. in particular, the contrast between the cubemaps from the exegfx compo and the videos was so big that they didn't feel they belong to the same demo.
on the other side, I think the slow zoomers and panning images felt very appropriate for the music, and I loved how the flex text appeared on screen.
what Mibri said
Finally watched it on my bigbox Amiga 1260. The overall feel is very cinematic and the music touches. Just wonderful.
Also runs nicely on my little Amiga with PISTORM32... smooth framerate here :D
Also runs nicely on my little Amiga with PISTORM32... smooth framerate here :D
So pleasant
Winners use 060 Amiga ;-)
FLEX quality!
So, for me, only the lovely music confirms this as a firm thumb.
Now there's nothing wrong with coding for a 68060, the issue is more that doing only c2p turns your Amiga into just a very slow PC, and where's the fun in that? This demo, fortunately, has some interesting tricks in addition, like the infinite bobs thing from the screenshot.
Did not appreciate the FMV scenes or the constant flashing. The candle scene was really well executed.
Now there's nothing wrong with coding for a 68060, the issue is more that doing only c2p turns your Amiga into just a very slow PC, and where's the fun in that? This demo, fortunately, has some interesting tricks in addition, like the infinite bobs thing from the screenshot.
Did not appreciate the FMV scenes or the constant flashing. The candle scene was really well executed.
FLEX goes moods. Great stuff.
love the atmosphere of this one. nice work!
Can't overstate how _good_ this is, just solid in every aspect. Dust your piano tho! That shit gross! (hi Lynn)
cozy indeed! Love the distortion effect and nice to see something with this kind of laid-back vibe so well-executed on the platform.
touching; painterly qualities in this melancholic demo
The soft guys who came to chill, but stayed to play guitar and piano.
Can't overstate how _good_ this is, just solid in every aspect. Dust your piano tho! That shit gross! (hi Lynn)
dust on piano
I think it’s a shame that this didn’t place higher, but perhaps it’s a victim of the success of The Martini Effect a couple of years ago, which was an absolute banger. :)
This is is a very worthy follow up though, and I love the mood of it. Is it meant as a ‘sequel’ to The Martini Effect? To me, it seems like one!
Congratulations on the wonderful prod. I can’t wait to see the next one, especially if it continues in the Martini/Soujourn format while continuing to offer something new, if not in technical terms then in design and ambience. :D
This is is a very worthy follow up though, and I love the mood of it. Is it meant as a ‘sequel’ to The Martini Effect? To me, it seems like one!
Congratulations on the wonderful prod. I can’t wait to see the next one, especially if it continues in the Martini/Soujourn format while continuing to offer something new, if not in technical terms then in design and ambience. :D
Lazy weird pills look like color graded nothing, hey there's someone randomly strumming a guitar. I'm with some other guys, let's put a 10MB limit on AGA/060 and let's see some demos! I mean at least technically, how is this not at least overscan. Well there you go, Revision. You made it so.
Journeys take you places. Kind of liked it in the compo but (to be honest) thought they could've done better. Just like me. Hm.
Thx for this lovable artwork and melancholic trip, it touches the soul. <3
absolutely love the soundtrack and mood of this
The music and aesthetics of 'Sojourn of the Soul' are captivating.
Absolutely stunning! The music and the general mood of the demo sucks me in every time. Thank you!
Such a beautiful demo with an amazing soundtrack. The mood speaks to my heart.
Ça dechireuhhh !!! More Aga Prods are welcome :-)
Absolutely brilliant!!! I love this melancholic atmosphere.
What an atmospheric journey! Visuals and soundtrack are just beautiful!
Very beautiful
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I love those cubemaps and the moody environment.
A great demo!