chipdisk #3 by Razor 1911 [web]
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popularity : 82% |
alltime top: #431 |
added on the 2003-04-13 20:08:35 by blz ![]() |
popularity helper
realy nice work razor! :)
rulez added on the 2003-04-13 20:22:11 by LHS 

wtf I miss kootiee, still good tho :o
Lovley music with a cool UI
a couple of nice tunes on this one and mime's gfx is as always incredible! :D
just a few things.. i think you should have used a longer sound-buffer because some of the songs are "clickling" violently here on my slow computer :/ also, it seems that i only can change the "skin" twice each time i've started the program and when i close it it gives me a weeiird error-message ;)
just a few things.. i think you should have used a longer sound-buffer because some of the songs are "clickling" violently here on my slow computer :/ also, it seems that i only can change the "skin" twice each time i've started the program and when i close it it gives me a weeiird error-message ;)
nice one, really nice tunes and outstanding gfx, good work razor..
very goood
cool tunes and very nice gfx.
.good work. :)
.good work. :)
love it! :D
ohhh sexy. ~_~ nice nice
does anyone really listen to those hundreds of chiptunes released in musicdisk form over the last 12 months?
great chipdisk...!
sorry blz that i didnt come up with the asciis in time...
sorry blz that i didnt come up with the asciis in time...
yes, i like it, too :)
now this is a very cool one!
nice songs and pretty cool idea with those gfx, congrats dudes!
nice songs and pretty cool idea with those gfx, congrats dudes!
nice one =)
aftörbrnr rockar min pung
aftörbrnr rockar min pung
excellent skins, cute chiptues..
too bad the music disk sometimes crashes.
too bad the music disk sometimes crashes.
ryg, you're not alone with your chiptune-disks-overflow sickness =) But as long as they're well done...
hmz... nice chipdisk :)
hmz... nice chipdisk :)
argh, i wanted to do something sweet there... sorry folks :)
ugly design. Some nice music though
yep. shit, thats really good :)
i love it...
i love it...
Oh, very very very pretty, lovely chip tunes! I love this stuff....
By the way... I love the music of "We Were" intro... How could I get these 2 tunes? Why don't you include these in any musicdisk?
Nice work.
By the way... I love the music of "We Were" intro... How could I get these 2 tunes? Why don't you include these in any musicdisk?
Nice work.
The interface itself deserves a thumbs up for me. Cool work guys :)
Also some sweet chiptunes here, definetly worth the download.
Also some sweet chiptunes here, definetly worth the download.
project1.exe has generated errors...
very nice stuff.
dubmood owns you all :)
dubmood owns you all :)
best UI i've seen so far 8)
hmm vhiiula, i don' really agree on your second point, or at least it's a very subjective point...
i don't see any (coded) musicdisks that reach the quality of music released by groups like tokyodawn, mono, mo'playaz, language lab, theralite and so on. but that's only my point of view. big up to everyone still doing chipdisks !
i don't see any (coded) musicdisks that reach the quality of music released by groups like tokyodawn, mono, mo'playaz, language lab, theralite and so on. but that's only my point of view. big up to everyone still doing chipdisks !
The UI is a little buggy, and no one asked me to participate :( ... I'm not a scener, boohoohoo...
good, it runs on this machine.
vhiiula: if this is your idea of ultimate quality music, you're missing out on something ;) dipswitch is right on this one.
vhiiula: if this is your idea of ultimate quality music, you're missing out on something ;) dipswitch is right on this one.
Seriously, even if my mother had done this i would thumb it down. Even bliss's tunes sucks, where is the world heading? oh well.
cute, now "Project1.exe" crashed >P
Nice release, sweet gfx and the 'hood-intro'
was pretty neat, some pretty decent tunes.
Oh yea, project1.exe crashed for me aswell
on my win2000 box.
was pretty neat, some pretty decent tunes.
Oh yea, project1.exe crashed for me aswell
on my win2000 box.
Nice release, sweet gfx and the 'hood-intro'
was pretty neat, some pretty decent tunes.
Oh yea, project1.exe crashed for me aswell
on my win2000 box.
was pretty neat, some pretty decent tunes.
Oh yea, project1.exe crashed for me aswell
on my win2000 box.
lovely chippy. appreciate the work guyz =)
really nice!
good graphics but dubmood tunes and bugs
brings this down to pigface :D
brings this down to pigface :D
Back to the future.
With the king of chip.
Ah! Hurry, potter !.............................blz
With the king of chip.
Ah! Hurry, potter !.............................blz
very nice, like the intro ;)
especially liked vhiiula' tune...sweet!
cool cool cool cool cool
just what the world needs right now :(
Good chips, some great one too. Original 'intro' feature and cute 'skins'. Massive respect!!!
very cool zik!
the intro is a nice idea
the intro is a nice idea
Great work... as always after all :)
Uhhhh Yeah crazy sexy cool. No no lesnik kiedy powtarzamy zeszly weekend?:PP Wasze zdrowie chlopaki.
a few nice tracks. not bad
looped it the whole day ;)
'gute laune'-music
'gute laune'-music
very nice chipping!:)
i dont think i've ever seen so many fake accounts thumbing up a useless crashing stupid ugly sound-bad production. record!
mr.troll, would you who me the "fake" accounts here ? i know most of these people, they're as fake as you suck.
as you DON'T suck even. 4:48...
woohoo, great, now i realize how bush can be president
nice intro, fine gfx and really good chiptunes. Good work!

Gotta love the great UI & intro graphics! Haven't seen such nice pics in a musicdisk since.. well since a long long time. Most of the songs are nice, tho' some are a bit annoying.. rules anyway!
when i changed to zabutoms song, it did that.
nice work guys :D
Maali: nice ascii in your comment here man hehe !!! :D
Maali: nice ascii in your comment here man hehe !!! :D
stealth, hehe, I bet BP understand swedish, I really do =)
goooood one ;)
låter som ett gäng med cp-barn har gått loss på trackern... nej, tacka vet jag gay-beek och gay-virt, dom vet hur man gör äkta happy-sounding bög-chips med lite catchy melodi-slingor, detta är ju så jävla monotont så man spyr. eng: this sux
luv it
This production is probably not very good. Even plek's flame sucks.
chipdisk inyrtface rocks. dubmoods chips rule.
Blah!! Love "Space in the Deep" song !!
Blah!! Love "Space in the Deep" song !!
Nice tunez throughout, couple a bit dodgy.
xm00007 & xm00024 are corrupt when loaded into Fasttracker. Why save them with an odd number of channels?
xm00007 & xm00024 are corrupt when loaded into Fasttracker. Why save them with an odd number of channels?
I didn't like the music. I have never been a big fan of chiptunes, though.
Nice graphics.
Nice graphics.
Axxman, I guess you have to blame Modplug Tracker for allowing these slight incompatibilities.
Really nice Disk, good Interface and fantastic Songs :)
awesome work guys, keep on going strong, and thanks for all the fish!
It reminds me of the time I got caught with my feet in the cookie jar!
nice songs...
i keep the thumb up, but there are some random crashes
i keep the thumb up, but there are some random crashes
how can i extract these songs from the chipdisk?
why is this page so wide ? who has shitten in your gehirn ?
Pi, I ripped them from the .exe
Dunno if there is an extract option.
Dunno if there is an extract option.
could you put them up on a site as a zip or something please axx?
Pi. Do you have an email addy?
gr8 improvement! really like the tunes :)
great tunes and nice gfx.
heh the musik is in your windoze temp folder, look in there :)
the songs are (as far as I know) put in a windows tempdir while the disc is running (atleast for me) run the disc and do a search for any of the song filenames and youll prolly find it =)
thanks guys
dubmood... i will kill YOU! eller skicka över din nya brud till sthlm och lev i frid :D
lol, cmon... most of the tunes sound gay, and i hate gui's where you cant navigate properly, make it clean with no fuzz, it't a player after all..
good songs, but don't like the interface. My favorite UI is still zrz-chip1
even ;)
Some nice songs, loved Vhiiula's tune! :)
Hm... Nice gfx, not that user-friendly tho,
Hard to see the text. -_-
Some nice songs, loved Vhiiula's tune! :)
Hm... Nice gfx, not that user-friendly tho,
Hard to see the text. -_-
great music, great skins, great job ! blz you are still my tracking hero.
phew i love the butterfly!
and whoa i LOVE dubs rf chip #001... (even did on cros, erm, disk)
for the rest of the tunes are very very good too and i consider the design as innovative (yes i do love it) i think the disk rocks.. but hey i agree: wheres kootie?! :P
and whoa i LOVE dubs rf chip #001... (even did on cros, erm, disk)
for the rest of the tunes are very very good too and i consider the design as innovative (yes i do love it) i think the disk rocks.. but hey i agree: wheres kootie?! :P
oh and yeah, rofl, we$tcoast ownz yo ass! =)
I downloaded the bugfixed version.
It now looks a little less cool, but is much clearer and easier to read.
The sound sometimes stops totaly, and sometimes just repeats the very beginning of each tune. I've experienced this on various computers..
It now looks a little less cool, but is much clearer and easier to read.
The sound sometimes stops totaly, and sometimes just repeats the very beginning of each tune. I've experienced this on various computers..
one night with ghidorah and i would leave my gf :D
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
This is great... Reminds me of my C64 / AMIGA time... Cool arpeggio's ...
this is the best chip disc !!! ^_^
Only minor = there's no "noresampling"option! hehe:P
yes yes yes !!!!!!
Yet again nice chiptunes and a sweet interface
best chipdisc of the year, WE SHAVE ASS!
best chipdisc of the year, WE SHAVE ASS!
whooot! excellent!
lots of functionnalities in a single file prod!!!
i prefer the butterfly skin
musics are ok or good
lots of functionnalities in a single file prod!!!
i prefer the butterfly skin
musics are ok or good
very good
A best collection of mods I've come up with so far. Dubmood is so skillful and the others too...
A best collection of mods I've come up with so far. Dubmood is so skillful and the others too...
well nice disk, but the tunes could be better, i like the ones from dubmood...but the rest is almost crap
not my cup of tea
dubmood - afterburner owns big time! gj
A pretty good musicdisk with a few good tunes (and a few mediocre ones). The interface is quite good, although for some really odd reason, sometimes the song and credits are misaligned... That is, it'll credit the song to the next song's author. I have a screenshot of this bug (no pun intended) if you guys are interested =)
11:28 <BP-ircnet> <tmb> chipdisk 3 from razor still got more votes then fr-30 on pouet :] maybe ryg should make a chipsdisk one day? %)
(posted 2003/04/21 on #breakpoint ;) )
(BP-ircnet was the bot who brought the IRCnet to breakpoint, BP-Live was the bot who brought breakpoint to IRCnet.)
About the chipdisk: I was listening to it but cannot remember whether it was good or not. No vote for now.
(posted 2003/04/21 on #breakpoint ;) )
(BP-ircnet was the bot who brought the IRCnet to breakpoint, BP-Live was the bot who brought breakpoint to IRCnet.)
About the chipdisk: I was listening to it but cannot remember whether it was good or not. No vote for now.
Cool designswitches and good music, sometimes normalization would be good because some tunes are very quiet.
The gangsta style credits part was teh ownage.
What Maali wanted to let us know was:

The gangsta style credits part was teh ownage.
What Maali wanted to let us know was:

thumb up!
yeah maali is so wannabe he has to express it with childish ascii messages :)
go thumb it up....
graphics and music rules!
graphics and music rules!
great music! awesome chip masters :D
good ui too
good ui too
love it! just feels wrong that you miss the slow-motion-repeat in "song from the cell" that you get when you play the xm-file in a tracker. it rocks. :)
Cool music and the skin are pretty nice .
That musicdisk contains many earwigs.
cool interface(s)
nice songs and a cool interface . love that song rf-chip #001 , nice work dubmood !
Yes! This great chip-disk!
this was my favourite musicdisk for ages!
The best music disk !
Good stuff.
some nice tunes here and cute intro part. the interface is rather poor however, it lacks basic functionality. i want to choose any tune I want, not just the next/previous one... Gimmicks like different skins are nice but don't make a good interface!
what René said.
rzr 1991 chipdisk quility ;)
sweet :) However I prefer simple interfaces, like the one in #4 :)
I used to have a copy of this and I loved it. Now when I try to download it, it has a virus. Anybody know where I can get a "clean" version??
Good stuff again in that one, good job Blz and the rest :)
good sounds!
and very nice layout.
Need better GUI! I like the ant's compound flashing eyes. ;)
Somkinda I found rzr chipdisk quite cheap. Dunno why... Gfx? Back in the daze (with my deep respect to those dewdz) they did not have a brilant gfx artist... They (rzr) tried but it was okish... But it is not 'bout the gfx, here, even if important... Tunes are ok, maybe even better, but all in all, it gave a 60% result.
Blz is a brilant musician, true... (na)Lesnik=) too, Falcon, LugOOber, Dubbie, Curt...
Maybe because it was released a quite long time ago, I am not too objective? Lemme give it a piggy, and later we will see.
N'empeche, j'écoutais ce disque pendant pas mal de temps... mais enfin bref, il y a bien longtemps... =).
Blz is a brilant musician, true... (na)Lesnik=) too, Falcon, LugOOber, Dubbie, Curt...
Maybe because it was released a quite long time ago, I am not too objective? Lemme give it a piggy, and later we will see.
N'empeche, j'écoutais ce disque pendant pas mal de temps... mais enfin bref, il y a bien longtemps... =).
Works on Windows 7 Ultimate with SP1, 32 bits
and works on Windows 98 SE.
and works on Windows 98 SE.
This is the shitz...
One of the best musicdisks. Pwnz solid!
pwetty noize
some chiptunes I like
submit changes
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