
bcnparty'10 invitation by Threepixels [web]
screenshot added by mrdoob on 2002-10-21 03:54:53
platform :
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release date : october 2002
invitation for : bcnparty 2002
  • 17
  • 11
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popularity : 64%
  • 0.25
alltime top: #8267
added on the 2002-10-21 03:54:53 by mrdoob mrdoob

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isn't demomaking a crime? ;)
added on the 2002-10-21 04:13:04 by mrdoob mrdoob
I want to see a flatscreen beat down too
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 06:26:20 by cats cats
Man you guys are nuts!!

Is this an anti-computer statement, or is it a preview of the pc-bashing compo?

Luv to guy there guys, but you know...
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 07:09:39 by tALSit tALSit
Estais Locos!!!
Love the sound of this wild... could i use it in a wild mod??? :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 10:39:00 by JosSs JosSs
very nice :) .. but how come that screenshot isn't in the video I downloaded?
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 11:18:19 by bigcheese bigcheese
I guess I can consider it more of a cd cover than a screenshot, in which case, it's actually better than a screenshot anyway in this case.
added on the 2002-10-21 11:20:01 by bigcheese bigcheese
cliche but allright =)
way better than those 'twistbar+font' invs
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 12:06:26 by superplek superplek
ueee :'D
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 12:27:50 by Zafio Zafio
I prefer realtime, but he is original...

(Pa mi gusto, no os matasteis mucho...)
added on the 2002-10-21 13:05:12 by pK pK
Please tell me that monitor wasn't working...
added on the 2002-10-21 13:56:09 by redwyre redwyre
[pK]: perdone usted! la próxima vez, nos inventaremos el tiempo y haremos algo de su agrado, a la altura de sus últimas producciones si somos capaces ;)

redwyre: who knows? :D
added on the 2002-10-21 15:54:36 by mrdoob mrdoob
yea, realtime would've been better, but this is styleish as well :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 16:31:30 by robotriot robotriot
WOw! this is not the great version i've enjoyed on the pre-party meeting(do you reserve it for the party time :P) , anyway, it's strong,radical...and so,so...cruel and nasty...It's inhuman doing so to an innocent computer screen
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 16:37:27 by JaK JaK
It's DvD the nasty riot punisher?¿?¿..."Wuah! Umpf........Crush,Pum,Crash...Scrlink..."
so real...
added on the 2002-10-21 16:38:58 by JaK JaK
ehem, i wonder how many wild demos like this ive seen before tho..

but as an invitation its very .. ehem, different :-)
added on the 2002-10-21 16:40:46 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
jak: featuring.. shock / collapse
added on the 2002-10-21 17:09:39 by mrdoob mrdoob
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 17:13:55 by psenough psenough
up, and down... thumbs up, ... thumbs down. bcnparty! you must to go.
added on the 2002-10-21 17:50:48 by acidbeat acidbeat
I'm frightened !
added on the 2002-10-21 19:42:57 by reality3D reality3D
Couldn't you track some 16 second paranoid music for this jewel? :-)
rulez added on the 2002-10-22 01:28:20 by moT moT

feels cheap :|

sucks added on the 2002-10-22 01:36:39 by raver raver
ehehe....hang on wTF!? that's MY monitor!!
added on the 2002-10-22 04:08:10 by verm verm
k conste k me obligaron a golpear despiadadamente ese indefenso monitor snif! XDDDDDD
[Jak]nice to meet you.
rulez added on the 2002-10-23 22:24:54 by Shock Shock
To be sincere, I prefer "traditional" invtros :)
added on the 2002-10-25 20:22:45 by utopian utopian
Si este video hubiese sido pixelado frame a frame, estaria ahora por las nubes, pero claro, como está hecho con una cámara, ya parece que cualquier persona pueda hacerlo (en especial los que no producen), y por tanto, deja de tener mérito. Conclusión: da igual si lo que haces es original o incluso estético, sólo cuenta lo masoca que eres.

"La Scene es un movimiento artístico SIN DOGMAS, ni organización centralizada. Es una forma de expresión artística." (SiN, scener) -> Una de dos, o la definición de SiN no es correcta, o hay gente que no entiende lo que es la scene.
rulez added on the 2002-10-25 23:29:06 by dr.kami dr.kami
Bueno, en cualquier caso, congratulations para los creadores de este video, y en general, de la imagen de bcnparty.org
added on the 2002-10-25 23:34:07 by dr.kami dr.kami
destroy the bitch!

for those spanish whiners complaining, you better present something better than this in the compos! :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-26 11:25:57 by mac mac
the whole monitor-crashing thing was once a cool anarchistic joke, but nowadays it's just a cliche. It has been shown in music videos, in all sorts of pseudo-art performances and in myriads of wild demos. It's just not funny nor original anymore.
sucks added on the 2002-10-26 11:54:04 by tomaes tomaes
Oh scene Gods! Please excuse me for daring not to cheer every time 3pixels releases anything! Come on, why can you accept that someone does not like something you do?
added on the 2002-10-26 19:53:22 by utopian utopian
no se que me parece mas lamentable, si la prod en si o la actitud de los que la hacen ante unas criticas...

honestamente esto me parece una mierda y lo digo por que lo pienso, y si por que la haya hecho un grupo de prestigio hay que alabarla como muchos "parecen" hacer (que igual me equivoco y lo hacen con sinceridad), entonces creo que esto de la demoscene esta un poco podrido...

threepixels, habeis perdido un admirador por la chuleria y el ego exaltado que habeis demostrado aqui...

dr.kami, si este video hubiese sido pixelado, me pareceria la misma mierda, valoro el resultado final, no los medios con los que se han hecho. y no todo lo relacionado con la scene es bueno, de hecho, aseguraria que mucho de lo que ha hecho la scene dista mucho de ser "artistico", mas bien como que esa definicion no es muy correcta, y si me flameais por decir esto, que alguno me corrija con criterio, pero demostrando sus conocimientos de "arte"
sucks added on the 2002-10-26 20:37:27 by pwyll pwyll
added on the 2002-10-26 20:39:47 by superplek superplek
escribe engles en pouet, por favor ! sabe espanol un poco, pero no sufficiente para comprender all stuff you guys wrote..=)
added on the 2002-10-26 21:00:54 by dipswitch dipswitch
pwyll.. no creo que haya chuleado.. la brdad.. xke, básicamente, quien ha hecho el video he sido yo.. así que supongo que lo de la chuleria y el ego exaltado va por mí.

bueno, es tu opinión, respetable como cualquier otra. Que la invitacion podria haber sido mejor? pues si, pero es lo de siempre, la gente trabaja y hace mas cosas aparte de esto. Habian ideas, pero ninguna se pudo hacer. Y por no dejas este año la bcnparty sin invitación decidí montar esto. Y creo que no es tan malo como para decir "pues para esto mejor no haberlo hecho" o hubiese sido mejor no tener nada antes que esto?
added on the 2002-10-27 03:21:25 by mrdoob mrdoob
sorry dipswitch :P
added on the 2002-10-27 03:23:46 by mrdoob mrdoob
trace, yo no juzgo si hay o no hay que hacer cosas asi, simplemente he posteado ese comentario por las respuestas que he leido ante "una" critica, no por la prod en si. la coletilla esa de " a la altura de sus últimas producciones si somos capaces ;)" en la respuesta a peke y el comentario de mac son los que me parecieron chulescos y de ego exaltado, no la prod, que de por si, aunque a mi personalmente no me guste, me parece respetable, puesto que es otro campo de experimentacion.

por lo demas, si quieres una critica constructiva del video, a mi me parece una idea agotada, de tanto que la han explotado y lo de filtrar la imagen para ajustarla a la imagen de la web (que en eso de la pagina si os doy la enhorabuena) no me parece suficiente atractivo para el video.

otra cosa, prefiero sin duda que este esto a que no haya nada, pero no creo que sea necesario responder de esas maneras si a la gente no le gusta...
added on the 2002-10-27 10:20:59 by pwyll pwyll
As a prod it's a piece of crap, but:

- It's an original approach to intromaking.
- It's better than nothing, I guess.

I do believe that this devaluates the image of the party, tough. Trace, did you ever ask anybody else for help in order to make a proper invtro?
sucks added on the 2002-10-27 10:39:56 by Jare Jare
My opinion is that this invtro sucks at all. There is no excuse for such a lame production. It would have been better not to have an invtro.

If it is to be a bit of what we can expect from BCN'01, I think it's very sad, as I've always heard that BCN is the finest spanish scene party -- well, at least this is what some guys say all the time.

Scene is culture and creation, not destruction. Lame wildinvtros should be banned.
sucks added on the 2002-10-27 13:33:06 by enlar enlar
pwyll: como ya te he comentado, el problema a sido, que precisamente la gente no dice "me gusta" o "no me gusta" sino que dice "no os lo habeis currado mucho" o "esto es una mierda".. comentarios que cuando has tenido que currarte la invitacion sacrificando bastantes horas de dormir, pues no sientan nada bien, de todas formas, ya te lo digo ahora que todas van en coña. Pero sinceramente, el comentario del peke, ke es lo primero ke vi despues de dormir 2 horas por el video.. pues tendria que haber sido más en serio.. si haces algo x diversión, si recibes comentarios destructivos poco te queda en el mundillo. Así que por favor, limitaron a decir "me gusta" o "no me gusta" y no os metais en la prod.
added on the 2002-10-27 15:48:30 by mrdoob mrdoob
jare: YES! to some coders! but any coder has time or interest.
added on the 2002-10-27 15:56:06 by mrdoob mrdoob
enlar: ok, you don't like the invtro, ok.. the rest of the comment is basically destructive, thanks.

BTW: bcnparty'10, not '01 ;)
added on the 2002-10-27 15:57:56 by mrdoob mrdoob
trace: creo que te equivocas un poco. Si te fijas, antes del primer comentario de kami hay 2 comentarios de gente española que dice que no le convenció: el de peke, que no me parece muy destructivo, y el mío, en el que digo LITERALMENTE que "prefiero las invtros tradicionales". Si eso es destructivo, que venga Dios y lo vea. Y por ese par de comentarios va y se sale kami por las ramas, y se pone mac a decir que callemos y produzcamos... El follón ha venido a partir de ahí. y no quiero pensar qué habría pasado si los comentarios hubiesen sido realmente destructivos (como los que estamos viendo ahora, que a todo esto Enlar, te has quedado a gusto...).
added on the 2002-10-27 17:03:20 by utopian utopian
trace: if nobody was willing to help, then you can be proud of what you did, period. No need to get defensive when some people don't like it. The scene should be equally open to whatever a scener wants, and whatever people want to think of it. It works both ways, mate.

Utopian has laid the ph4t l4w and we shall listen.
added on the 2002-10-27 20:36:58 by Jare Jare
And yeah, for the record, enlar you've gone a bit too far dontcha think? Taking the party rivalry stuff with a bit more calm will help everyone.
added on the 2002-10-27 20:39:34 by Jare Jare
mucho blablabla, me hierbe la sangre!! de leer algunas cosas.

thumb up!
rulez added on the 2002-10-27 23:24:10 by tolemaC tolemaC
utopian: yo me baje la prod, la mire y me gustó, sobretodo por salirse del convencionalismo de la mayoria de invtros. Luego lei los comentarios de la gente, que juzgaba mas el esfuerzo en hacer la producción que el resultado final (anunciar una party a los colegas), y entonces segun
tu, me fui por las ramas reflexionando si la escena es realmente tal y como se suele definir frecuentemente, a la vista de este tipo de comentarios. Yo creo que, como cualquier producción, se podria criticar a nivel artístico o incluso a nivel de mensaje, pero como invtro, a mi me da igual si es un exe, un avi, un swf o una cinta de supercinexin.. aun gracias que la han hecho, y que montan una party libre de gamers..
added on the 2002-10-28 01:57:32 by dr.kami dr.kami
Trace asked me to do some code, but I hadn't time at all. So he decided to release it as a wild demo.

I find it too short for my taste but its original as an invitation. Yeah, the monitor-crashing theme is a classic and used too many times, but I haven't seen it in any invitation demo.

About all the flames here, its just pissing around, you can like or dislike this invitation but it's not right to scorn what others do, just as reacting with prepotence to the opinion of other people.
If you feel cheated by this invtro, come to the party and judge by yourself.

I won't thumb it up or down, I don't known what to vote.
added on the 2002-10-28 02:39:03 by bp bp
the production was well done, seem that monitor really crashing.

added on the 2002-10-28 11:19:57 by tolemaC tolemaC
i don't like the invtro, but it's definitely better than not having anything, so no thumbs down (I won't get on the "political" stuff... all whiners, produce)
added on the 2002-10-28 14:49:07 by Jcl Jcl
I'd rather that monitor is my prof.'s head.
rulez added on the 2002-10-28 22:50:24 by @_@ @_@
kami: pero vamos a ver, ¿qué tienen que ver los comentarios que se han visto con lo de "como está hecho con una cámara, ya parece que cualquier persona pueda hacerlo"? Aquí lo único que se había dicho hasta entonces es que dos personas preferían otro tipo de invtros, punto. Entre eso y la dar la definición de SiN de la scene, pues sí, entiendo que te saliste por las ramas.

Yo no me he quejado cuando he recibido críticas a mis producciones, ni he ido diciéndole a la gente que si tiene lo que hay que tener que lo haga mejor y lo presente, simplemente he escuchado, anotado y me he propuesto hacerlo mejor la siguiente vez. En cuanto a lo de que sea avi o no sea avi, repito mi apreciación, es que me llaman más la atención unos gráficos hechos por ordenador que un video, por muy currado que esté. Pero es MI apreciación personal, tan válida como la de cualquiera, y no creo que por expresarla esté atacando a nadie, ¿verdad?

Y bueno, no voy a entrar en las historias políticas de los flames posteriores, eso prefiero comentarlo tranquilamente con un cafetito en la mano :).

Jare: Please excuse my ignorance, but what's that "ph4t l4w"?
added on the 2002-10-29 01:19:39 by utopian utopian
Utopian: hombre, es que para mi decir que "esta poco currada" es casi lo mismo que "es facil de hacer", o dicho de otra manera: suena igual de despreciativo.. Da igual, lo que no entendi es porque se podia llegar a pensar asi, tratandose de una prod fuera de concurso (sin normas, sin exigencias). Pero bueno, con lo dicho hasta ahora creo que ya esta todo mas claro..
added on the 2002-10-29 08:10:51 by dr.kami dr.kami
Que el 50% o incluso el 100% de vuestros comments en pouet esten en este thread dice mucho... BB ImageBB ImageBB ImageBB ImageBB Image
added on the 2002-10-29 08:58:59 by mac mac
utopian: That was a sentence a former coworker said once... this guy Johnny entered an ongoing discussion, gave his point of view, and left without giving an opportunity to argue.

One of the guys then said "And Johnny came and laid the fat law" and we all laughed pretty hard. Johnny had been a police officer, which made the whole thing even funnier.

What I meant was, you have stated things pretty clearly, and there's not much point in arguing because anything else is a matter of opinion.
added on the 2002-10-29 14:02:06 by Jare Jare
Ok, I admit that my comment went too far.

It's just that I'm tired to listen some people saying again and again that BCN party is the finest and the only scene party in spain.

The invtro didn't seem scener at all, at least to me. So I think it is a bad thing for BCN party to have it, that's all.

There's no room for a party war in my comment. No other parties involved. Those who think otherwise shall reconsider. I didn't say ANYthing about BCN party, only about this lame invtro. I like BCN party and in fact I'm attending BCN'10 (sorry trace ;) ), as I did the two years before.
added on the 2002-10-29 14:09:40 by enlar enlar
good file direct url link instead of a fucking webpage wich dosent work with dlaccelerators : http://www.metamacro.com/3pixels/prods/3px_bcn10inv.avi
=> this monitor killing is for babies
if you want to see true trash compos : come to the Slach party held every year in august in south of France! where trasher seat on a monitor fixed to a car wich run at 50km/h! they have bollocks
sucks added on the 2002-10-29 15:14:29 by Zone (leZone) Zone (leZone)
Zone: So I guess those Crimson/Jihad movies have to be from Slach Party then :)
About the invitation itself, it doesn't rule but it doesn't suck either. The idea is not too original indeed, but the execution is quite nice.
On the other hand, as Mac said, it's very sad to see some people posting such destructive comments while they haven't commented anything on Pouet in months. And can anybody explain me what this inv has to do with the party's quality?
added on the 2002-10-29 20:57:32 by ithaqua ithaqua
Ithaqua :

about this invtro :
- video file : i prefer exe files, videos are wild and never intro
- the file is small : a good point
- thema is not original and bad used
- the pouet screenshot here is not avaiable in the invtro! it's false advertisement
- the sound can be improved
- the movement of the 'actor' are bad, no violence as i wanted to see in a crash compo, simply teenager in action, bad actor, no good look of the actor, jean-tshirt sucks for this thema, i wanted to see a nuke guy! it is more fun! a nuke guy wich kill a monitor with his dick! this is real trash :-)
- color rendering is good, but it miss some video effects like distortions
=> so more bad points, so a thumb down

about the rest of your comment :
- crimson jihad are not from Slach party, take a look to the results file of the parties or scene.org to find the truth ;'p it was the cromagnon, and their video crash compo porno is not avaiable online because it is not for teens, 18+ only allowed :)
- i dont understand spanish, so i dont understand people which speak on this prod-sheet.

an invtro is a reflect of the party quality! it's an advertisement for a party!
if your invtro is very good, lots of people will want to come
but if it is bad, why invest 3 month of pocket money to come to a supposed mediocre party?
Despues de haber visto la inv de Fuzzion, ya me
quedé mas agusto xD aunque en éste thread
me saltáran encima por decir mi opinión...
added on the 2002-10-30 11:52:05 by pK pK
Strange invtro, but nice :D

( Que bestias q soys! )
rulez added on the 2003-01-11 14:28:31 by shash shash
sucks added on the 2003-11-08 19:29:15 by mrdoob mrdoob
haha reminds me of "pc load letter?!?!"
rulez added on the 2006-03-14 09:26:36 by blackpawn blackpawn
It's funny, now I'm rechecking the comments here.. The people said that we didn't do a great effor for doing this one. Well. I can tell you that the production of this video took more time than fuzzion's realtime one. You have to think that this video was just 1/20 that we used in the party.

In order to create those videos we had to organice it between a couple of people, going to the green center to get the computers, looking for interesting stuff to destroy, getting the place to destroy them, the people, organization, organization.. I'm talking of days and days of people's time. Then recording.. you know how many times you have to record something to get something good. It was such a long record session. It was fun tho, but also dangerous...

So, after all, it was probably one of the "prods" I've spent more time doing & organizing... But well, I guess threepixels wasn't at the expected level on this one :P
added on the 2006-08-13 01:25:16 by mrdoob mrdoob
poor CRT 😢

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