
Variflux by Inque [web]
screenshot added by glow on 2012-10-07 23:29:24
platform :
type :
release date : october 2012
release party : Outline 2012
compo : combined demo/intro
ranked : 1st
  • 93
  • 12
  • 1
popularity : 70%
  • 0.87
  • 1
alltime top: #844
  • glow glow [Code, Graphics (Visuals)]
  • izard izard [Graphics (visuals), Music, Other (direction)]
added on the 2012-10-07 23:29:24 by glow glow

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like it
rulez added on the 2012-10-07 23:40:55 by Claw Claw
nothing really outstanding here - still like it somehow.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 00:53:38 by las las
SHIT it's SLOW -- but I actuallly found it pretty enjoyable otherwise. Neat visuals and the music was pretty cool
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 09:08:12 by ferris ferris
many visual artefacts here ;)
second scene was painfully slow (11fps)
but i like the whole thing!
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 09:31:59 by ɧ4ɾɗվ. ɧ4ɾɗվ.
What Hardy said.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 09:38:12 by raizor raizor
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 12:25:25 by Ramon B5 Ramon B5
sloow here on GTX450 but very pretty and a fine breakfast prod
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 12:25:32 by Fell Fell
Like it
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 12:33:45 by wullon wullon
This is cool... im really an INQUe fan
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 12:37:00 by nytrik nytrik
weird intro but I like it :)
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 14:01:37 by rez rez
this really stood out in the compo.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 14:03:18 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
could use some color grading, but excellent
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 15:30:34 by yzi yzi
Love your style. Good music and creepy, almost threatening atmosphere. Cogwheel-scene is great, others are too.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 15:51:25 by gaspode gaspode
i liked the arrow scene - rest was meeeeh
Really good but slow FPS in most scenes; GTX480 OCd, 1920x1080.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 16:29:58 by HeatSurge HeatSurge
What rasmus said.

I believe the orange ball scene could be much better with more dynamic/aggressive moves and camera.
added on the 2012-10-08 16:33:01 by Zavie Zavie
Well deserved place. You guys rock, really nice piece of intro. Thanks for the greetings <3.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 16:44:26 by iks iks
Best from Inque in a while. Nothing amazing but enjoyable.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 16:48:31 by noby noby
Oh yeah and the synth sounds REALLY weak. Nothing wrong with the music otherwise but the synth is like way under 4klang level...
added on the 2012-10-08 16:49:21 by noby noby
Should have placed 2nd.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 16:55:34 by SiR SiR
shame about the weak snare - i loved the track but it really couldve used some violence. my other gripe is that it was reaaaally running slow.

other than that, i actually really like this.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 16:58:59 by Gargaj Gargaj
some great scenes, some bad/boring scenes..
runs fluid, but tunnel scene is extreme slow.
you have cool ideas, like the orange ball and the arrows which both look fabulous but it's a shame that the visuals are not very well connected together.
added on the 2012-10-08 18:21:09 by v3nom v3nom
Pretty cool. 2nd half falls a bit flat direction-wise and the cave scenes are too dark, but overall it was a more than solid for a 64k. Best Inque intro so far.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 18:32:15 by tomaes tomaes
really, really good except what gargaj said about the snare. We really need more violence on this one! :)
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 19:00:18 by substrate substrate
this is actually very smooth and seksi (=
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 19:18:25 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
One of the best Inque intros! I like the music, and the general "feel" of the intro. The cave scene with the organge sphere was a bit weird and long, although the cave itself looked ok.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 19:25:06 by Puryx Puryx
best inque 64k ever!
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 19:44:24 by el mal el mal
Loved it, thanks guys!
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 19:51:29 by Alpha C Alpha C
dirty sound in music reminds me of NIN, i like that in inque intros
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 21:00:43 by pista pista
Great stuff!
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 21:35:35 by xylo xylo
Loved the music, visuals and direction. But yes, the cave scene needs some love.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 21:42:15 by mrdoob mrdoob
Thumb for the music alone. Some scenes are entirely awesome (like the opening credits and the first half of the cave-stuff), but with some really odd random stuff in between. Also: it runs really, really slowly -- even on a GTX 690, which should never happen.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 22:10:36 by gloom gloom
What gargaj said.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 23:17:03 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Liked this one...
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 23:28:15 by ara ara
What TRC said.
rulez added on the 2012-10-08 23:29:22 by trc_wm trc_wm
yes \m/
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 01:24:49 by comankh comankh
Very cool.
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 07:07:02 by Alopex Alopex
Good intro
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 07:17:29 by bitl bitl
I like this a lot. Congratulations!
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 08:35:53 by revival revival
nice atmosphere.
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 09:12:18 by ulrick ulrick
what them all said
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 09:45:35 by xTr1m xTr1m
there are some really fresh looking effects in here (presented a bit weird sometimes, however).
extra thumbs for the superb soundtrack and the fact, that the greetings are shown at the very end (instead of being packaged into a boring scene).
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 12:29:27 by a-move a-move
"No polygons were harmed in the making of this intro" ;)
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 13:10:31 by raer raer
really bad produced music. too much trebles and distortion, not enough bass.
sucks added on the 2012-10-09 20:05:45 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
Really great flow and I think the music is actullay extremely well fitting to the theme. Don't know which you did first ;) The quality of the synth isn't all that good, but that's not to blame on the composition. The visuals are nice and smooth - not in the sence that they run fast, but in that each scene seems to flow naturally into the next. Overall, a really nice and well-produced prod!
rulezcdc added on the 2012-10-09 21:02:44 by Punqtured Punqtured
Oh! I totally forgot! I really liked the glitchy part somewhere around the middle of it, where it gets all glitchy and skips and stuff. That works really well. At least from a musicians point of view ;)
added on the 2012-10-09 21:04:21 by Punqtured Punqtured
nicely done!
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 21:47:54 by blackpawn blackpawn
Music makes the thumb go up.
rulez added on the 2012-10-09 22:32:46 by SandLover SandLover
Nice one
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 00:03:00 by jack-3d jack-3d
Arrgggghhhhhhh. This has so much potential. This could have been my favorite 64k since Chaos Theory. All the ingredients are there: An outstanding soundtrack with lots of potential for syncing, nice effects and a hint of a concept. But some of the scenes are a little too messy and glitchy for me (like the wheels in the beginning), sometimes the colors are just plain... well.. simple (why yellow on gray?). But the last 1,5 minutes show how much potential you've got here. Any chance of seeing a final, refined version of this? (I volunteer to do some paint-overs).
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 00:18:07 by pixtur pixtur
ah, and cherri: just fuck off.
added on the 2012-10-10 00:19:13 by pixtur pixtur
gtfo. i have a right to my opinion.
cherri: you have a right to yours, and Pixtur has a right to his. In this instance, I'd argue that since you (based on your thumbing history with accompanying badly formulated arguments) clearly have no idea of what music production is, how it works or what it takes, you should indeed just fuck off.
added on the 2012-10-10 10:02:52 by gloom gloom
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 10:13:43 by Daddy Freddy Daddy Freddy
gloom: so you think you are some guru of music production and every music must sounds so overproduced like yours? lol. some people like soulful, lo-fi or dusty music and i know something about this because i make music from time to time. still you following on soundcloud skrillex, noisia and puryx so talking with you about music is impossible.
cherri: no, but thank you for the terribly predictable (and oh-so-not-relevant) strawman argument.

Go through your own thumbing history and try to understand how hundreds of "good music", "music vote", "bad music", "shit music", "i like the music" on demos makes you look. It makes you look like someone who only comments on demos based on whether or not they personally liked the music.

..and that is fine, but thumbing down a demo simply because you don't personally like the music, is idiotic because it completely ignores the whole point of a demo as a collection of graphics and code in addition to the music. The fact that you only seem to care abount that single aspect in many of your "reviews" gives sufficient grounds for Pixtur to tell you to fuck off.

The fact that, yes, I do know a fair bit about music production, gives me the grounds to tell you to fuck off when making comments that are technically inaccurate.

You are entitled to an opinion, but only on things you can back up with facts. Your taste and personal preference is not the same as your ability to understand or explain technical aspects of whatever is being discussed.

People like different types of music (and, shocking news of the day: the music people like does not equal the things they make, and in the second shocking news of the day: who people follow on SoundCloud is not necessarily all the music they listen too, but congrats on the worst formulated argument ever), and that's fine. Bitching about it and throwing tinly slugs of hate around, however, is not.
added on the 2012-10-10 11:04:42 by gloom gloom
Top kerels! We verwachten niks anders meer natuurlijk nu!

Tot de volgende iPad party!
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 11:25:32 by okkie okkie
i have a right to my opinion

no, you dont
added on the 2012-10-10 11:31:55 by smash smash
The sounds and the buildups in the music are amazing! That said, I'm kind of with pixtur here - so much potential left in the dark and at times a bit too simple and generic looking.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 11:37:40 by maytz maytz
It's okay, but I'm still waiting for an Inque production that doesn't include the "quick party production / needs more work" disclaimer :)
added on the 2012-10-10 11:58:08 by sagacity sagacity
gloom: music make 80% demo for me so i basically comments demos solely based on if i like or not music.
if demo has nice design and bad music (for me anyway) most times i give it thumbs down. why not. this is internet, not mutual admiration society.

and you think you are some god, pro producer. many professional producers sucks that's why we have some shitty produced music nowadays with loudness war. too much clipping, distorted, overproduced crap just like track from this intro.
cherri: just realize literally nobody takes anything you say seriously and it just annoys the balls out of people.

(Also Smash has leading)
added on the 2012-10-10 12:18:39 by okkie okkie
okkie: just realize literally nobody take you seriously with this moustache and it just annoys the people.
lol, good comeback duder! ^^
added on the 2012-10-10 12:26:29 by okkie okkie
quite decent, but still had some room for improvement
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 12:40:33 by psenough psenough
okkie: just realize literally nobody take you seriously with this moustache and it just annoys the people.

BB Image
added on the 2012-10-10 12:45:38 by ferris ferris
Also, this NEEDS to be pointed out:
and you think you are some god, pro producer.

where the FUCK did this come from?
added on the 2012-10-10 12:47:08 by ferris ferris
i think it came from cherri kandler.
who is actually as much entitled to his opinion as we are laughing about it.
added on the 2012-10-10 12:51:00 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
@cherri: first of all: music isn't "shit" because you don't like it. You are mixing opinion with "objective facts" when you claim that the track is badly produced as opposed to just stating it's not to your taste.

While musicians live fairly well with people not liking their work, being accused of bad craftsmanship isn't as easy to accept. While what "good sound" is is a subjective opinion, it is possible to evaluate a mix based on comparison with other music in the same genre.
Your problem seems to be that you don't like the genre at all (which is still fine), but if you are unable to evaluate a track without mixing in your personal feelings for the genre the track belongs to you shouldn't even try.
You're not the objective judge of what sounds good any more than anyone else.

The way you behave now you just come across as an ignorant dick, instead of a person with a particular taste for music. The amount of "fuck off" replies you receive would probably decrease quite a bit if you tried to come across as the latter.
added on the 2012-10-10 12:53:59 by lug00ber lug00ber
the music sounds really bad produced. Too much trebles and distortion, not enough bass.





Internet still amazes me with morons like cherri - your moustache is stupid. ge-ni-ous. like arguing with a 5year old.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 12:58:52 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
This was awesome.

Also, seriously, who the fuck is cherri kandler anyway? I never heard of this twat until about 3 months ago when he started whining about what music he doesn't like.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 13:15:53 by ___ ___
i'm still #1 pouet music guru. pouet is fun btw.
For a music guru you're sure close minded about music.
added on the 2012-10-10 13:24:46 by ___ ___
Congratulations Inque on your first derailed prod page!!
added on the 2012-10-10 13:30:23 by okkie okkie
what do you mean? love dj tiesto, armin van buren & paul van dyk. netherlands rocks.
epic trance ftw
The organic bit looks initially like a really long poop. But thats awesome. More organic poop in prods! On a more serious note, good work and keep it up, i like the consistent styling across your prods too.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 14:01:58 by m0d m0d
what do you mean? love dj tiesto, armin van buren & paul van dyk. netherlands rocks.

Last time I checked, Paul van Dyk was German... Also, you misspelled Armin's last name ;)

So much for a music guru!

rulez added on the 2012-10-10 14:18:18 by jenni jenni
thankfully we have expert on garbage music on pouet.
And also a garbage expert on music!
added on the 2012-10-10 15:04:15 by ___ ___
i'm god. love y'all. peace.
some very weird people lately on pouet.
what is wrong with you.
cherri: that's what a lot of us who have been here for a while have noticed as well. Unfortunately, you don't go away even if we want you to.
added on the 2012-10-10 16:13:22 by lug00ber lug00ber
++ okkie's moustache comment
++ intro
++ potential
+ colours
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 19:26:14 by havoc havoc
lol, good comeback duder! ^^

Hey, he has to find fault with you somewhere ;)

Really annoyed with the popping appearance of new rings within rings. Cheating with some cheeky camera work would've helped considerably in this case. On a whole it was enjoyable :)
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 19:40:06 by Shifter Shifter
Me likes.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 20:32:32 by dixan dixan
sorry about polluting this production any further. Just one final comment on the f**k off statement: The problem is, that thumbing down without reasonable arguments hurts. I can accept if Shifter and Gloom thumb down stuff, but they actually delivered. They know what they are doing (most of the time), but most importantly, they always give reasons. Did you ever think about, how many demos have never been released because people are afraid of getting "this sucks" comments from people like you? Probably not. Well, I for my part, are scared shitlessly about the number of releases declining. This is my hobby. This is part of my life. And I learned the hard way that you just can't learn to make good demos without releasing some experiments and training-prods first. Yes, you can thumb stuff down without giving any valid constructive reasons. But I will try hard to make clear that your voice is just noise and thus irrelevant. If you wanna have a voice that's been heard, invest some time and thought. Taste alone is just not good enough.
added on the 2012-10-11 01:18:57 by pixtur pixtur
In my honest opinion, this is good.
rulez added on the 2012-10-11 21:12:01 by Tolle Tolle
Oh there was a discussion? In that case please excuse me, I was just passing by to give this a thumb up.
rulez added on the 2012-10-12 05:08:55 by numtek numtek
What Ferris said. And pixtur.
rulez added on the 2012-10-12 16:22:09 by Preacher Preacher
Loved this demo on the bigscreen, always thought that they'll end the demo after that scene - and then they brought another effect - and another one,- sat there quite amazed, and I still am. Tune rocks, so does the palette - love that camera movements as well. Amazing!

That style! <3
rulez added on the 2012-10-12 20:12:12 by mog mog
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 12:11:29 by Jcl Jcl
(oh, and I said impressive EVEN if music is not my taste... it fits the demo perfectly well :-) )
added on the 2012-10-13 12:19:37 by Jcl Jcl
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 12:20:35 by ok3anos ok3anos
a bit slow, but works out. Waiting for final version
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 15:41:52 by Frequent Frequent
I like the sound, it is rich and complex.
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 17:08:34 by Manwe Manwe
A M A Z I N G prod that ruled my extremely expensive computer for some time. Let the lord be with you and keep the good work!!!
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 19:45:54 by merlucin merlucin
Nice, but not great. I watched it on YouTube. :)
added on the 2012-10-13 19:53:46 by AntDude AntDude
Good music and had a few nice moments. Matt Current called, they want their dezign arrows back.
rulez added on the 2012-10-13 22:04:57 by visy visy
Pixtur: A thumb Down without arguments as to Why, usually hurts less and is easier toignore than a thumb down that has wellcrafted reason other than personal taste behind. And on that logic, ignoring Cherri Kandler's thumb down should be reasonably easy I'd say ;)
added on the 2012-10-14 11:19:00 by Punqtured Punqtured
really good one...too short :)
rulez added on the 2012-10-14 12:13:25 by ntsc_ ntsc_
pixtur: they always give reasons? for sure.

gloom comments:

"Beyond meh"
"Oh lord, what happened here.."
"ouch. :("
"Just.. no. :)"
"Just.. no. :("
"That's pretty damn bad."
"Oh fuck off."
"Please stop."
"Fucking ugly and pointless."
"100% dullness"
"eh, this is crap."

etc. i only listed few. there is much more.

and i'm this bad person. yeah. besides compare my and gloom's thumbs up/down ratio.

What is Pandora software synthesizer?
added on the 2012-10-14 13:23:59 by Manwe Manwe
Keep evolving! this is much better than earlier work.. keep the dutch flag waving! :D
rulez added on the 2012-10-14 13:28:24 by magic magic

"Intellectual" elitism of the worst kind, that makes me want to puke. Good skills in arguing and thus winning arguments don't mean, you hold the truth, it just means, your brain is more skilled to use language to define and defend your personal interests or the interests of the group you need/want to socialize with. Nothing more.

One of the core democratic values is, that even human beeings, who appear "dumb" to others because of lacking the ability to use language to define and defend their interests, still can be able of holding more truth in their opinion like someone who can talk like a book. And thus everyone has the same voice in democratic processes (elections), disregarding your personal "intellectual" status.
added on the 2012-10-14 14:18:15 by Salinga Salinga
really nice
rulez added on the 2012-10-15 13:53:06 by nekomono nekomono
Nice! The music is great for a size-limited production.
rulez added on the 2012-10-16 21:03:18 by Mystra Mystra
Nice style, very athmospheric. Orange marble FTW!
rulez added on the 2012-10-16 22:15:43 by noname noname
I enjoyed this one quite a lot, especially the last couple of scenes were nice.
rulez added on the 2012-10-17 02:29:49 by ravity ravity
rulez added on the 2012-10-17 05:30:00 by provod provod
the narcissist: I think it's cute that you think cherry-picking oneliners that fit your narrative from 10 years of my Pouet comments validates your argument in any way. :)

Salinga: you are wrong, sorry. When discussing specific, knowledge-based topics, the "opinion" of someone is less valid than the statement from someone who actually knows what they are talking about. That was the whole point of the article you are talking about. There is opinion, and then there is fact. When people start thinking that they are worth the same, things like homeopathy happen.
added on the 2012-10-17 11:19:05 by gloom gloom
gloom: from 2 years of your pouet comments.

because you add reverb to your tracks doesn't mean you are expert on music production.
sound in catzilla trailer is very badly produced. too much compression, too much everything, overproduced crap. you should work in hollywood. they'are good at this.
dudes. opinions are like assholes. now stop polluting these comments with your nobody gives a shit vendetta. kthxbye!
added on the 2012-10-17 13:12:52 by el mal el mal
On opinion Vs. facts

Modern management theories suggest, that facts are actually a matter of perception as well. From a social constructionistic point of view, fact is a negotiated reality between two (or more) individuals. When fact is one person's version, it becomes unchallenged opinion. Instead of working with one reality based on individual's intrapsychic processes in a positivistic paradigm, social constructionistic theory builds on the notion, that fact, reality and any other form of "objective" perception, is in fact an interpersoal, negotiated version. It's actually an extremely interesting field of study ... at least that's what I think :D
added on the 2012-10-17 13:21:43 by Punqtured Punqtured
added on the 2012-10-17 13:51:38 by Preacher Preacher
Modern management theories suggest, that facts are actually a matter of perception as well.

fascinating. you read even older books than Adok :)
added on the 2012-10-17 14:01:08 by el mal el mal
Haha - not claiming the theories are new at all. But take a look at how comapany management is practiced in 99% of all businesses. I'm sure you'll find a lot of positivistic practices. So even though social constructionism started around 60's and 70's, it's still space-age management theory to most managers :D
added on the 2012-10-17 14:27:22 by Punqtured Punqtured
is it cherri alone the first guy to thumb down a prod because of taste? doesn't he have the right to do so if he believes so? since thumb ups are way more than a thumb down what does this suggest? looking at older pouet comments on prods (2001, 2002 etc) people tend to thumb down just by personal taste or jealousy or any other reason without having to back up their choice... do not understand why everyone should agree with anyone else on taste, that's feelings not logic speaking there...
added on the 2012-10-17 16:20:49 by Defiance Defiance
also forgot this:
rulez added on the 2012-10-17 16:21:13 by Defiance Defiance
the narcissist: congratulations on missing the point, yet again. With regards to the Catzilla sound -- you are free to not like the style of music, but you are not in a position to comment on the technical production qualities of it, as it has been clearly demonstrated before, so therefore I'll just keep smiling at your half-assed trolling attempts. :)

defiance: you should probably read what's written plenty of times already. People are entitled to have their own taste in music -- and to use this as their basis for commeting on a prod -- but if when they start to throw around reasons _apart from personal taste_ that are simply unjust, they lose that right. If something is technically well-done is not the same thing as if you personally enjoy the _musical style_ of the end result. That's what's being discussed. Nobody has said that "everyone needs to agree with everyone else on taste", that's simply a strawman argument that has no merit.
added on the 2012-10-17 21:45:54 by gloom gloom
jeez, very cool intro, great scenes and effects, great sounds and synth, could use some more energetic part as i think gargaj mentioned, but over all its a top notch 64k, one of the best this year!
rulez added on the 2012-10-17 21:48:25 by keito keito
gloom: can you be a grown up boy and stop feeding the troll? ;)
added on the 2012-10-17 22:39:03 by el mal el mal
gloom: clearly see your point now, hard work is _still_ hard work no matter if someone likes it or not, and therefore must show at least some respect to that, and i totally agree with this, but people who ground-flat everything wanting it or not existed, exist and will be so forever...
added on the 2012-10-18 02:46:03 by Defiance Defiance
Apologies to Inque for carrying on this (pointless) discussion in their prod comments, no more troll-feeding.
added on the 2012-10-18 09:53:27 by gloom gloom
To get convo back on topic, this is the live footage as you can see the contrast of the screen is a bit low so its quite a crap capture, but its live nonetheless.
added on the 2012-10-18 10:26:06 by m0d m0d
Very good but too slow
rulez added on the 2012-10-21 17:39:11 by Optimus Optimus
Artifacts aside, I like it.
rulez added on the 2012-10-21 17:48:35 by Dbug Dbug
gloom: this is quite an achievement to make awful and at the same time badly produced music.

overproduction and bad mastering is not "technically well-done" but you can't understand it unfortunately.
Thanks all for the kind words and tips, we felt pretty good about this one. Although we need to work on the optimizing a bit. ;)
And hugs to m0d for the live video!
added on the 2012-10-23 10:46:27 by izard izard
rulez added on the 2012-10-28 00:03:05 by BackSpace BackSpace
Runs like a slideshow at times, but the scenes are cool. Hope to see a final of this one with more optimization and better colors. And I do like the music!
rulez added on the 2012-10-28 11:57:27 by Cosmocat Cosmocat
nice demo with a very nice soundtrack!
rulez added on the 2012-10-28 22:32:54 by tirox tirox
I think this is okay, but looking at the video, I'm having problems understanding what you need a GTX 560 card for. Also, the synth sounds like something I could have heard in a 4k these days :-)
added on the 2012-10-29 00:40:17 by Sesse Sesse
very nice! very random, but nice!
rulez added on the 2012-10-30 01:08:13 by ewerybody ewerybody
I like it.
rulez added on the 2012-10-30 12:12:31 by violator violator
thumb for running in 3200x1200 ;)
rulez added on the 2012-10-31 19:11:52 by cupe cupe
runs nice on gtx 660, and was a real pleasure to watch. the cave scene is a little slow though.
rulez added on the 2012-11-03 20:54:15 by skomp skomp
what skomp said...
rulez added on the 2012-11-04 14:09:34 by CeRi CeRi
not so nice in realtime on my 2008'ish rig with gtx470, but still:
+++ music
+/- visuals, as some scenes weren't too fancy and the whole thing lacks a bit coherency.
but still, really great intro with outstanding music !
rulez added on the 2012-11-05 23:35:31 by keith303 keith303
rulez added on the 2013-01-08 02:03:18 by T$ T$
I fully agree with Pixtur: this has a lot of potential! I love the composition, the track has a lot of potential for syncing, glitches, etc. But I feel like the visuals don't really exploit this fact.
I would love to see another demo made with this sountrack.
added on the 2013-02-07 23:52:15 by LLB LLB
Bit Slow here, but Quite nice to watch. Entertaining Show :)
rulez added on the 2013-04-01 18:07:38 by Sapphire Sapphire
I love cutted spikeball, and all in all it is solid intro. I am lookong forward to another Inque intros
rulez added on the 2013-05-14 20:38:26 by Trauma Zero Trauma Zero
decent prod, and comments drama = thumb up
rulez added on the 2013-05-14 20:55:11 by nosfe nosfe
looked nice although no coherency (some parts actually ran nice), but played without sound for me.
rulez added on the 2016-09-09 13:06:36 by golem golem
good intro that didnt deserve the drama above. at times it felt a bit like a 90s/early 00s style intro, perhaps because of the music, but i loved those :)
rulez added on the 2018-10-22 23:46:21 by mantratronic mantratronic
Nice dutch 64k with nice music and 3d-objects
rulez added on the 2020-05-23 10:15:19 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna

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