Everything is Under Control - The Breakpoint 2009 Invitation by mfx [web]
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popularity : 79% |
alltime top: #113 |
added on the 2009-02-23 00:25:56 by kb_ ![]() |
popularity helper
A quite WTF invit. The screenshot part was excellent :)
rulez added on the 2009-02-23 00:40:21 by keops 

It's really happening! :D
Yeayyy its out :) rok.
Thumb up for the screenshot!
...and still in time for the oscars.
auf die fresse !
jooo sinne
so, the theme actually will be dead benjamins ?
and damnit, you forget the epilepsy warning !
and damnit, you forget the epilepsy warning !
"Members are allowed no vices other than cigarettes and Victory Gin."
nicely done ! now that you have flashed my eyes and ruined my ears I definetly have huge expectations to this party _o/
nice d-sign
Haha, nice concept, very good presented!
Hell yeah.
woha.. what a journey. great substance :)
ho no waht? broekpoint is watching me? yuo? kik ezek az emberek? wie viel uhr is es? 1985? oder?
I think I'm blind now :). But plenty of pretty stuff and a rocking tune to enjoy as well. Looking forward to the party!
le damn
Some nice parts, some horrible imho...
pretty intense and flashy.
eyecancer for everyone!
Newspeak, 1984 and maybe my most favorite credits sequence ever.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."
2005 called.. j/k
Gave me a headache and made me feel sick hah. Waiting for another Aether, this just didn't do it for me. Had some nice-ish effects though.
Does not work with NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT :-(
I might sound like a wussy, but shouldn't an invitation be more... inviting? Seriously, I rather feel intimidated O_O
well i was sleepy before watching the demo... now not anymore.
brilliant stuff.
brilliant stuff.
So much Zeitgeist, so little time! As always, brilllant yet seemingly effortless postprocessing and sequencing.
Only could you please try to not depict earth as a perfect sphere rotating in space the next time? :)
Only could you please try to not depict earth as a perfect sphere rotating in space the next time? :)
This is how the world invites newborns to life nowadays. Face it ;-)
Awesome job!
Awesome job!
quite original excluding the music
Disobey :)
WTF!? Best demo I've seen in a looooohohohong time! Music is awe to the some!
awesome, loved it, music was great but couldve used a catchy lick i think, anyway the demo totaly made me want to be there, and hopefuly i will :)
hmmm watched this 3 times now... wait a second... come to bingen.. 2008 ? WTF ? :D
cool :)

Yeah, that's being fixed right now. And as it's fixed in the binary already, you've just outed yourself as a video watcher ;)
I don't know what to think. Good demo, some blocky stuff in the beginning, and very gloomy for an invitation. Kind of cool I guess.
scamp: You got me there ;)
Since I have a rather slow (but yet somehow cool !) GPU (NVidia 8500gt, passively cooled) I usually watch the video versions. (..and pouet rly could use some tags to identify which CPU/GPU class you need to run a PC demo..)
Since I have a rather slow (but yet somehow cool !) GPU (NVidia 8500gt, passively cooled) I usually watch the video versions. (..and pouet rly could use some tags to identify which CPU/GPU class you need to run a PC demo..)
holy shit! o_O
okay :) tried the executable.
+ runs very smooth on "low-end" ~20e graphic cards!
+ does not consume 100% cpu time all the time (yea!)
(~6-28% load on a 2,8Ghz QuadCore Intel)
+ runs very smooth on "low-end" ~20e graphic cards!
+ does not consume 100% cpu time all the time (yea!)
(~6-28% load on a 2,8Ghz QuadCore Intel)
yeah :)
Breakpoint - Be there !
Breakpoint - Be there !
Very good. Nice theme, great music.
mfx rocks!
mfx rocks!
I am _so_ down with the fuckings.
why are you against shareholders? because they are often lame ordinary workers that get their pensions raped by big bank men and directors?
I side with Amy Diamond on this one. Saying shareholders are all 100% evil might go a step to far.
really like the techstyle.. some effects, the camera movement and general feeling was very nice
505: still tracking ? you've sent me an email quite some years ago. maybe I'll soon have sth. for you to alpha/beta-test -- if you're interested. drop me a mail at bs at tkscript dot de.
Me likey :)
Fine invitation, loved the music and the intimidation :)
Big Breakpoint is watching you !
Hmmm kinda strange to me, actualy its not my cup of tea at all.. Still a sloid production
Successfully invited!
I really enjoyed the mood in this. Nice Orwell quotes.
"The command of the old despotisms was Thou shalt not. The command of the totalitarians was Thou shalt. Our command is Thou shall make demo art."
"The command of the old despotisms was Thou shalt not. The command of the totalitarians was Thou shalt. Our command is Thou shall make demo art."
sorry, didn't notice it was actually mfx.
cool shit!
Rocks hard. Great invitation.
Typical MFX style.
Cut out the parts with the drum'n'bass and you'll have a fantastic demo in your hands. As it is, meh.
I like this so much :-)
Great invite!
Great invite!
Demo suits well with the current situation.
x1900 problem, GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_EXT, latest drivers. Weird that your x1600 works and x1900 not: guess its time for an upgrade for me anyway. I'll save the pig until I upgrade.
Big brother caught me on the camera, and you, too, maali!
Nice ride!
Really trippy. In a good way.
anger is a gift...
This made my day!
Not bad. Did not like the music and the overly excessive fuckings though.
A bit too anti-capitalistic-I-hate-the-world'ish, but music, flashes and cool scene(r)s and overall scenish content can't keep me from thumbing this one up :)
My eyes ! My eyes ! daaaaaahhhhhhhhh !
simpel aber ordentlich aufs maul
Looking forward to the party!
They had their cynical code worked out. The public are swine; advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket.
one of the worst things coming from the mfx/kwl/what have you corner since years
I agree with the other wussies who said that the style might be a bit too hard for an invite. But judged as a demo it's quite good, except for the 3D font in the beginning which reminded me of someone playing around with 3D Studio Max for the first time back in the '90s :P
uncle-x: swapped from catalyst to omega and it works fine now. Seems omega downgraded a few files, must be some bugs in new catalyst drivers. Thanks for the tip.
A very interesting invitro. Love the hand slowly coming from behind earth. Hellish depressing message, but I cant disagree with it.
A very interesting invitro. Love the hand slowly coming from behind earth. Hellish depressing message, but I cant disagree with it.
the content and some comments almost gives me the urge to suggest certain seminars :P
I'll disobey ... like I always did.
I'll disobey ... like I always did.
eyecancer! yes!
stomping forever
visual and music are not my cup of tea... also quite stressy... anyway... piggy for the afford ;)
nice and works as invitation for me.
but i feel quite some references from various other mfx prods :)
but i feel quite some references from various other mfx prods :)
We´re facing aggressive times.
There are only two ways to react:
1. Hide and cry for mommie
2. Stand up and kick ass
There are only two ways to react:
1. Hide and cry for mommie
2. Stand up and kick ass
so no we're officially entering this whole "depressing" and "lets resist!" fad just because a prestige party couldn't get their funding together in their normal way?
oh come on, armchair-victims..
oh come on, armchair-victims..
it saddens me to see mfx whoring itself like this. an invit for bp is nice and dandy, but the message/looks are nearly enough to ram a rusty nail through your nutsack.
horse renoir: This isn't a political discussion thread, feel free to create one on the bbs. But I'll tell you this: If you think the topic is fad, have a trip to russia where currently a anti-riot army of 2,5 Million soldiers is set up, have a trip to UK where these days each and every step you do is watched, or have a trip to one of the various EU countries that right now are going bankrupt, or visit one of the tons of countries where Internet access now is getting censored and anti-childporn-filtering-lists quickly got extended to no-criticsm-of-the-leading-political-force-filters. Of course it's a party theme, and we are making fun of the world going nuts, and by no means we wish to depress anyone, but the whole topic at hand sure is worth a serious thought, too.
awesome fuckings
1984 atmosphere
scamp has leading!
you could be both serious and not so serious, that's the best way to handle the world.
you could be both serious and not so serious, that's the best way to handle the world.
fuck yeah, my favourite epilepsy demo ever! i love you guys, fucking slick!
rather dull & ugly
it aint as polished and interesting as e.g. aliens ate my demomaker but it does its job and imho better than last year's invite! plus I SPOTTED MYSELF!!! <3
Wow! Bloody great soundtrack, and enough hypnoglow to make me happy
: This isn't a political discussion thread, feel free to create one on the bbs.
that's right - was commenting well within the confines of this particular production's context.
But I'll tell you this: <zip>. Of course it's a party theme, and we are making fun of the world going nuts, and by no means we wish to depress anyone, but the whole topic at hand sure is worth a serious thought, too.
thanks for getting me up to speed! but as you already put it, you're making fun of it. and it's not funny.
and those graphics most certainly aren't funny, my eyes are bleeding.
(ok, enough now, i love mfx too much to persist being so harsh)
I'm torn with it, but I don't really like it. First of all, I hoped they would stick to the Brokepoint theme for the party, since I thought that was very clever. Too bad. The prod itself isn't my cup of tea at all since i don't really like dnb-epilepsy prods. :) But the screenshot scene and the credits/identifying-scene were fucking brilliant.
oh and contrary to last year, i'm NOT looking forward to hearing this soundtrack on the amps at the partyplace 24/7 in jingles and whatnot. Please have mercy with the noise. :)
Looks like someone needs to go 10 years back in time and attempt to have a political discussion with unclex or curly brace :)
It's a tough ride, and corny too, but it certainly fits.
- verdana
- radial blur
- rgb-distortion
- flash screen on hihat
- hollow "political message"
- generally depressing and totally turns me off from any party mood. (i understand the sentiment but apart from "disobey", where's the resistance-sentiment?)
what you saw here is basically the simulaatio inv recycled probably in a weekend or so, without the charm. if this would be any other group inviting to any other party, it would get torn into shreds, but apparently there's a crisis so we have to cheer for cheapo budget stuff.
i wonder if "innovation is cancer" was meant literally.
- radial blur
- rgb-distortion
- flash screen on hihat
- hollow "political message"
- generally depressing and totally turns me off from any party mood. (i understand the sentiment but apart from "disobey", where's the resistance-sentiment?)
what you saw here is basically the simulaatio inv recycled probably in a weekend or so, without the charm. if this would be any other group inviting to any other party, it would get torn into shreds, but apparently there's a crisis so we have to cheer for cheapo budget stuff.
i wonder if "innovation is cancer" was meant literally.
I quite like it, even if it doesn't feel like an invitation! :D
Ofcourse more than half of the thumbs up is for BP and not for the prod itself.
Mm. maybe I should speak only for myself. At least my thumbs is.
BP++ !
Mm. maybe I should speak only for myself. At least my thumbs is.
BP++ !
I guess it was a fast production.
I really enjoyed some bits but all in all, the whole direction killed them and oh god, weak soundtrack.
I really enjoyed some bits but all in all, the whole direction killed them and oh god, weak soundtrack.
and corny too, but it certainly fits.
all i read there was horny and tits
killer track and some nice scenes
I liked it.
Doesn't run on my Computer
Win XP SP3 & Radeon X1950
Error GL_Framebuffer_Incomplete_Dimension_EXT
Enjoyed a lot the video (HD).
Win XP SP3 & Radeon X1950
Error GL_Framebuffer_Incomplete_Dimension_EXT
Enjoyed a lot the video (HD).
way too flashy for my taste but this rules anyway. great stuff, great ideas.
You can't lose with dnb.
Doesn't run on my Computer
Win XP SP3 & Radeon X1950
Error GL_Framebuffer_Incomplete_Dimension_EXT
Same here =(
i like the music !
invitation for breakpoint party 
unnecessarily cheesy and boring prod.

unnecessarily cheesy and boring prod.

nice message, but I can't help but think that this is not going to get people excited about attending BP. Plus, too much flashing. Feels more like a standalone demo...if it hadn't been an invite, I might have thumbed.
I might sound like a wussy, but shouldn't an invitation be more... inviting? Seriously, I rather feel intimidated O_O
hollow "political message"
Agreed. That aside though, I quite liked it.
expected much more, sorry. horrible music too
the face recognition part deserves a thumb itself. Another thing is that I think I needed a production like this in exactly this moment. So here goes...
okay, typical mfx. please dont use those cheesy fonts next time.
not for me
just cool :_)
Liked it, but I agree with Axel. Please don't make jingles out of this ;)
I like this a lot :)
No. Doesn't meet the usual mfx quality.
Nice. It had some really atmospheric moments, but I still wait for Vihreät lehmät 2.
cool demo
Decent production. Not very suitable for jingles at the party, though...
(Almost) made me regret my decision of not going to Breakpoint this year. ;-)
I really liked the soundtrack (especially the first minute).
You can't lose with dnb.
Soundtrack is great. Technically a good demo. But it doesnt imho feel like an invitation. I dont like the message of the demo. I really liked Ultimatum to the world because i could in some way identify with the situation. Sorry guys I really like your work. But i cant stand the 23, Brazil, 1984, this whole conspiracy thingy anymore. Life is good. Sorry but heres my thumb down.
1984 is sooo 1984... :(
So so
Somehow I feel that all of this (concept, soundtrack etc.) has been done to death. Like, twice.
the theme is preposterous... big brother put me in a demo :(
Do not want!
Oh NOES! They even had to cut the budget for a decent invitation :-(
meh... flash flash flash and big brother is watching you :/
MFX = Creativity
prod is cool - even if not my cup of tea. don't thumb this down even if it's a sucky theme for breakpoint... are we judging the demo or the party???
and hey: it's better a bad theme than no theme (as in NO PARTY). I also preferred brokepoint... :)
and hey: it's better a bad theme than no theme (as in NO PARTY). I also preferred brokepoint... :)
hmmmm, not my cup of tea..... guess the party will be better :D
Fuckings and disrespect to:
Hedge funds, IMF, speculators .. and shareholders.
the official host of Breakpoint is Computerman GmbH, which is a for-profit company, so we need to write invoices and deduct taxes for the supporter tickets and all other sponsorings.
You love it or you hate it (invitation or not)
but admit its still brilliant in it's own MFX way.
but admit its still brilliant in it's own MFX way.
Great demo ! :)
The analogy with 1984 was perfect ! - and also agreeing partly with what Scamp said earlier on.
We're under a lot of suspicion here in the UK with having all the cameras around - when ideally, the authorities should be concentrating on muslims ...
The analogy with 1984 was perfect ! - and also agreeing partly with what Scamp said earlier on.
We're under a lot of suspicion here in the UK with having all the cameras around - when ideally, the authorities should be concentrating on muslims ...
MFX demos are certainly period pieces.
As an invitation it gave me 0 warm feelings to visit the party, but as a nice flashy mfx techno demo it works pretty well :)
You can has youtube
Check list
- Not enough tessellation on the round letters in the beginning
- Banding
+ Cheesy political message
+ absolute kick ass DnB! It is best when you can barely hear what note is playing in the base because it is borderline basedrum :)
+ Banding
+ Hand with earth
+ Glow
- Boring font
- Glow
- Flashing
+ Flashing
+ Banding
I'm having newschool amiga framerates here. Looking forward to seeing it on a faster machine.
- Not enough tessellation on the round letters in the beginning
- Banding
+ Cheesy political message
+ absolute kick ass DnB! It is best when you can barely hear what note is playing in the base because it is borderline basedrum :)
+ Banding
+ Hand with earth
+ Glow
- Boring font
- Glow
- Flashing
+ Flashing
+ Banding
I'm having newschool amiga framerates here. Looking forward to seeing it on a faster machine.
not my cup of tea
some really great scenes (stadium, hand, "identifying..."), good overall quality, but a few disappointing stuff (the 3D txt !?, too much repetitions at the end of the demo, too much flashing).
weak thumb
some really great scenes (stadium, hand, "identifying..."), good overall quality, but a few disappointing stuff (the 3D txt !?, too much repetitions at the end of the demo, too much flashing).
weak thumb
Got a lot better the second time I watched it, but could still have been a bit dirtier.
Yessssssss !!!
Solid prod.
not bad. but mfx can do better.
Some nice ideas. The epilepsy warning was no joke, however...
But since when is BP a political party?
Too much flashes and fails for an invtro, therefore thumb down
But since when is BP a political party?
Too much flashes and fails for an invtro, therefore thumb down
Appart of the ugly 3d font rendering, I really like it :)
I dont like it much, but the ingsoc reference was bestest :)
Seizure inducing and not very inviting - but I like it. Music was good, too.
First part is very weak.
End part is much better.
I do not like that "MFX PRESENTS" (and I don't say this because of the ugly font!) :)
The music is good!
End part is much better.
I do not like that "MFX PRESENTS" (and I don't say this because of the ugly font!) :)
The music is good!
Nice theme, fast and hard like all of the Breakpoints I've been to! :)
For some reason the music at the start reminded me of Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook!?!?
For some reason the music at the start reminded me of Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook!?!?
... except for the flashing. ;)
its ok
I like the music :)
music is quite cool but the text at the beginning looked like oldschool wordart and it sucked. the bigscreen rocked. -> small thumb up
hm ... mfx prods simply don´t catch me ... overstyled and to stressy style for me...
very good parts, very bad parts...
rainmaker: It's just a cheap troll from stefan.
(On a side note: Computerman GmbH is a company privately owned by myself, at it's abused for taking the financial and legal risks involved with Breakpoint instead of my person for years already. It doesn't have anything to do with the stock market, and the CEO of it fully agrees to the fuckings.)
(On a side note: Computerman GmbH is a company privately owned by myself, at it's abused for taking the financial and legal risks involved with Breakpoint instead of my person for years already. It doesn't have anything to do with the stock market, and the CEO of it fully agrees to the fuckings.)
Watching this made me feel terrible
Damn that thumb was an accident. lol
MFX see the strings...so you don't have to. :) The very technology we love and use for creative purposes is being used to steal away our human spirit at an exponential rate. If that "theme" has no relation to Breakpoint then, please, tell me what does. Fluffy bunnies, perhaps?
This prod is fecking awesome and relevant! If only I had a CDC...
This prod is fecking awesome and relevant! If only I had a CDC...
Not my cup of tea.
The only thing that I liked was the preloader.
+what gentleman said
The only thing that I liked was the preloader.
+what gentleman said
Yeahhh hardcore \o/
Didn't hate it but I've seen better. And I also have to agree with Axel's fears of the jingles that this soundtrack might spawn. I liked last year's invitro better :).
Not the Best, but nice anyway!
Was disappointed by this one.
The opening scene is very 95. That font looks like Windows XP's 3D scroll screensaver? Might be some kind of irony, I just don't get...
The track did not blow me away. I'm pretty tired of high energy tracks like this one... not that there's anything wrong with it, seen from the technical side of things - but the scene is just flooded with this kind of tracks. Sorry! :-/
The invitro with the scene spirits gone missing (the one for BP06) was in a different league, simply put.
But ok, I guess MFX had to work fast after the BP orgas realized that BP was actually going to happen again this year, so a small thumbs up for that effort. But sadly not enough to rise above mediocrity...
The opening scene is very 95. That font looks like Windows XP's 3D scroll screensaver? Might be some kind of irony, I just don't get...
The track did not blow me away. I'm pretty tired of high energy tracks like this one... not that there's anything wrong with it, seen from the technical side of things - but the scene is just flooded with this kind of tracks. Sorry! :-/
The invitro with the scene spirits gone missing (the one for BP06) was in a different league, simply put.
But ok, I guess MFX had to work fast after the BP orgas realized that BP was actually going to happen again this year, so a small thumbs up for that effort. But sadly not enough to rise above mediocrity...
i like it.
Oh, and I just have to comment this:
Quitter! You disappoint me, Niels... ;)
(ok, enough now, i love mfx too much to persist being so harsh)
Quitter! You disappoint me, Niels... ;)
nicely done
Ouais ! c'est super chouette !
Nice =)
I did not appreciate the visuals, but the music gets a thumb.
Like the music and some of the effects.
blink blink blink. shaky shaky shaky. I guess mfx isn't my cup of tea.
Wait a second... did I really see camera ribbons??

Can we invite our special-guest? ;)
Great Invitation!
One year ago, i thumbed down this demo cos its political statement (which i considered as too conventionnal and unrisky - at least in Europe) upset me.
(Now, i'm sorry for that: althought i didn't really change my mind, this demo didn't deserve a thumb down.)
Anyway, i completely fell i love with this one!
Amazing flow, great visual, kicking music... and catching the wind of the moment.
So accurate, i'm afraid...
One year ago, i thumbed down this demo cos its political statement (which i considered as too conventionnal and unrisky - at least in Europe) upset me.
(Now, i'm sorry for that: althought i didn't really change my mind, this demo didn't deserve a thumb down.)
Anyway, i completely fell i love with this one!
Amazing flow, great visual, kicking music... and catching the wind of the moment.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a booot stamping on a human face, forever.
So accurate, i'm afraid...
rainmaker: It's just a cheap troll from stefan.
(On a side note: Computerman GmbH is a company privately owned by myself, at it's abused for taking the financial and legal risks involved with Breakpoint instead of my person for years already. It doesn't have anything to do with the stock market, and the CEO of it fully agrees to the fuckings.)

mfx prod
It is not my imagination for a demosceneparty invitation but otherwise it hits the mark in some aspects.
well, actually this prod sucks very hard.
I only thumbed it up because I am pretty sure that the creators knew that it SUCKS and that it was their sole intention.
Where's the ray of hope in that 1984-style nightmarish demo you chose to make..
I only thumbed it up because I am pretty sure that the creators knew that it SUCKS and that it was their sole intention.
Where's the ray of hope in that 1984-style nightmarish demo you chose to make..
This invitation made me sick - I'm still fighting with my stomachs will to puke on m keyboard. Any more hektik and chaotic sequenzing and music wasn't possible?
tune is great and visuals are good. also, this prod carries truly mfx spirit inside!
Pretty bland, and the "radicalism" feels kinda yesterday to me.
Music is brilliantly produced, but too monotonic for me.
Music is brilliantly produced, but too monotonic for me.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a booot stamping on a human face, forever.
Forever? Nah. Only until Re-Booot.
alice in wonderland
It's good but I've seen better/harder from you guys.
Ironically this is the first invtro that didn't make me want to go to the event itself because of all the conspiracy symbolism and shizz.
Ironically this is the first invtro that didn't make me want to go to the event itself because of all the conspiracy symbolism and shizz.
: This isn't a political discussion thread, feel free to create one on the bbs.
And have Scamp pollute it? Heaven forefend!
I liked the hand thingie and the decent music. The rest is sub-par, even for the poor image Breakpoint 2009 has garnered so far.
This isn't a political discussion thread
This thread is anything we want it to be.
It's classy, but not much entertainment... the ending and the music deserves a thumb though.
cool invitro, I was really amazed by all the RGB displacement/shaking/noise/bad lightening effects, really looks real !
this scared the shit out of me
nice beginning, than it´s getting extremely hectic and ugly. i turned it off before getting an epileptic seizure! what a pity!
i like the demo
Did you boys watch Zeitgeist one time too many? :-)
Anyway MFX did it again.
Anyway MFX did it again.
This is good. Tämähän on hyvä.
ps. Pouet is full of lammers. Greetings to Accession.
ps. Pouet is full of lammers. Greetings to Accession.
i like it.
Didn't grab me the way mfx stuff usually does, but perhaps i just wasn't in the right mood.
Still great though, of course :)
Still great though, of course :)
If I was in a good mood I'd thumb this one up.
Props for trying something new. Nice effect, nice idea most stuff are good but it just doesn't add up together. It's like a highly schooled and trained muscician. He might hit all notes, keep exactly to the rythm, but it would probably lack in feeling.
1984 deserves a better demo as a homage. You could at least have used a decent font.
Scary shit! But I liked it, good work!
Makes me wanna go to BP even more. :)
Makes me wanna go to BP even more. :)
Stunning GFX with bouncing DnB BGM!
And of course, the great soddisfation that BP 2009 will be there!
I wanna see how this party will be there :)
And of course, the great soddisfation that BP 2009 will be there!
I wanna see how this party will be there :)
not too shabby / quite good actually
Yea it could be worse. See you there! :)
Does this mean, if the orgas at BP tell you to do or do not something you may disobey? ;)
Does this mean, if the orgas at BP tell you to do or do not something you may disobey? ;)
Too many flashing colors, quitted after 1 minute to save my eyes!
i think i need a bigger screen, a darker room and a louder sound-system to fully appreciate this. anyway.. here's an actual thumb up
evilpaul: you can't modify the thumbs with the time ;)
If you've voted for piggie was possible.
If you've voted for piggie was possible.
Hehe MFX waking up the scene, guess none is doubting if BP09 is on tracks now :D Good job MFX
A bit incoherent I think but still looks nice and I like the mood too (though it doesn't feel very inviting)
To much flashing.
i watched a inv, i liked it
-messy visuals
-boring dance-beats
-dull message
++mfx quality
-boring dance-beats
-dull message
++mfx quality
gets out the proper message and the mood for the times. very politically incorrect. i like it. :)

good work!!!
Too flashy and is OK.
Looks like a fast made invitation from recycled stuff. There is too much flashing and I don't like such a political crap. You can do better, this was a disappointment, sorry.
Fantastic demo! Great flow, I love it. This is a keeper. Thumbs up! Way up!
No my cup of tea, sorry.. Piggy
Nice invitro :)
good shit.
Just saw the video. Cool, indeed!
A demo with a breakpoint logo inserted XD.
Lazarus hasn't read 1984 ;)
lol at thumbdowns
It just looks a bit.. rushed?
cya at the partyplace
vähän lisää zionisti-salaliittoja, niin saisitte hyvän sauli-demon
very dark :o
Can I thumb this up again?
nice stuff, good music. quoting 1984 seems a bit worn out to me, though.
I like it.
I like it!
mfx quality
everything seems to be under control
sorry but that was not my taste
mfx' productions as always leaves with a strange feeling - but this time I like the demo very much.
Nice one!
For the music!
so over fancy =\
ermmm... no.
this was way too confusing..
what kind of things you do more amazing than in Inflorescence that need this ???? ==> GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT
(i'm not unpolite, i'm curious) :P
(i'm not unpolite, i'm curious) :P
awesome. reminds me a bit of 'state of mind'.
Good enough to forget about seizure risk ;)
Not too fond of the temporal lobe epilepsy inducing flashes, but overall pretty good, and a solid soundtrack! Actually the first drum&bass tune I heard in a demo that doesn't sound like it was made in 1994. (But I haven't come across that many demos with d&b soundtracks yet, so I'm not sure how much that means.)
Great music (and great party ofc), but the gfx is a bit overdone with too many screen flashes for comfort.
kinda fresh, wish to see more demos of this kind of complexity and dynamism
even better after the party.
I like it very much, great music and really interesting concept, good work mfx.
I was unsure about whether I liked the music the first time around - the theme was always great, though.
After having watched it a few times, I notice the music kind of grows on you (perhaps this is related to the jingles played at Breakpoint) - and now I can't stop watching it every so often.
Well done, not your standard effects demo. It really helped set the party theme - like I've seen no invitation do before.
After having watched it a few times, I notice the music kind of grows on you (perhaps this is related to the jingles played at Breakpoint) - and now I can't stop watching it every so often.
Well done, not your standard effects demo. It really helped set the party theme - like I've seen no invitation do before.
The demo spirit is out here.
thumb for the music.
I was hesitant to comment this invitation earlier. First it felt like a big mistake what comes to the theme and overall vibes. Party invitations should be happy-happy joy-joy, right?
However during Breakpoint this thing did grow on me. The soundtrack (also in jingle form, played repeatedly during the Easter weekend) kicks in major time, and the theme doesn't feel all that dark anymore after the full party experience.
However during Breakpoint this thing did grow on me. The soundtrack (also in jingle form, played repeatedly during the Easter weekend) kicks in major time, and the theme doesn't feel all that dark anymore after the full party experience.
Meh, don't like. Especially not the visuals.
I like some of the screen but the demo starts terrible. horrible font.
could be better but great anyway
mfx, thank you!! did you read some orwell for inspiration? perfect statement on the times we live in... if anyone prefers to bury their head under a blanket of shit, go head, browse some asm source code :P
i changed my opinion about this one.
rocks now. :)
rocks now. :)
Looks good, keep up the quality and the message.
forgot to thumbup one of my favs
Watching this demo again now. It's one of my favourite demos of all time. It gives the feelings of underground, hax0r and anarchy. The soundtrack kicks major ass! And the hand on the planet. Oh.. my.. God.. YUUUUMMIE!
This is so spot-on that it hurts :) Overkill invitation!
Welcome to the New World Order.
Welcome to the New World Order.
love the soundtrack
Fawk yeah!
Horrible mess!
Imagine a boot stamping on a face. Forever!
Absolutely wonderful. Hadn't seen it untill now. Probably because I'm stuck with ancient hardware. Good thing there was a video cap of it.
Nice demo, i disobeyed (by ignorance) though!
I like this one even more after listening 1984 as an audiobook. Also, is that timewave zero I see?
And remember folks:
Peace is war. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is power. Big Brother is watching you.
And remember folks:
Peace is war. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is power. Big Brother is watching you.
Watching it again. Haha.. well, it gets better and better, definately top5 ever to me. The pace, timing, message and music makes this a top notch production. I fucking love it! :)
Nice observation baah, timewave zero. Been reading Terence Mckenna lately.
Watch it, understand it, looooove it!
Nice observation baah, timewave zero. Been reading Terence Mckenna lately.
Watch it, understand it, looooove it!
getting more and more true - soundtrack is great too!
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Everything is Under Control - The Breakpoint 2009 Invitation by mfx ( 1080p )
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Everything is Under Control - The Breakpoint 2009 Invitation by mfx ( 1080p )
Viva le revolution.

the orwellian scene
Bow to DRM.
Bow to capitalist scum.
Bow to censorship.
Learn to not to give a fuck.
All praise Master Yuri! ( ;) )
Bow to capitalist scum.
Bow to censorship.
Learn to not to give a fuck.
All praise Master Yuri! ( ;) )
breakpoint was the event of demoscene.
such a shame there won't be another breakpoint in foreseeable future.
great invite, loved the glitched color effects
great invite, loved the glitched color effects
ugly as fuck.
Arh men for satten det holder.
When a demo is too loud and chaotic it just disconnects. And this one crossed the line for me.
Stunning visuals.
Orwell's proud.
Orwell's proud.
This is powerful.
Orwell's proud as Jakim said above.
Orwell's proud as Jakim said above.
when i try to watch mfx demos i get error "failed to compile shader parallax"..
is it my graphics card or must i install something beforehand? i can watch most other demos w/out problems. tnx
is it my graphics card or must i install something beforehand? i can watch most other demos w/out problems. tnx
A lot of these mfx demos have shaders that don't exactly follow the glsl spec (most of these only worked on nvidia back then). The shaders are all there in plaintext and the error I think tells what the problem is so you might be able to fix it. I've done it with a couple of these in the past.
Great track + visuals. Also breakpoint 2009 was awesome.
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