Fascination 2 - Into the Neon Rain by Traction [web] & Brainstorm [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #705 |
added on the 2007-08-20 10:02:49 by Preacher ![]() |
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Solid demo. Slick visuals.
a lot better than the first fascination. actually rather good traction prod
Bring on the pink! :)
Video please :)
mmm feels too cheesy here...
Very nice visuals and tune :)
Just out of curiosity, is "The Pride" in the credits the same one who was in Flash Production etc? If so, double cool comeback bonus here..
Cool! But thumb will once I can actually watch the demo :)
break: check the news section on the Brainstorm website (http://brainstorm.untergrund.net) for more details.
Nice!!! Miami Vice!! :D
nice production with cool visual style.
A pleasant flight to Malibu Club.
Hot stuff
Great demo :)
Sonny Crockett & Ricardo Tubbs :)
Really nice demo. Great graphics (stunning endpic from Facet btw), enjoyable music and nice effects. And it all fits together nicely. Great stuff.
Great demo. Cool graphic style and cool music
I like it, just the soundtrack is a bit repetitive at some parts...
where is gong li ?
cute, but the style is sort of a turn-off for me :)
bottomright effect was nice, the rest a bit more of the same :S
nnnnice but... i dunno. there's nothing WRONG with it per se, but... I guess I wish Preacher would move out of his comfort zone sometimes.
Neat! nice feel, and flow. Just nice.
very nice, but as discussed on IRC: the music needs *more* disco to it
in my very own and honest opinion, better than ultimatum to the world... should have won
I'm not usually a fan of the traction style, but this was beautiful!! Great style and unique presentation.
Thank god the music wasn't disco trash! The music was actually really great and the end pic was amazing!
Undisputed winner in my opinion!
Thank god the music wasn't disco trash! The music was actually really great and the end pic was amazing!
Undisputed winner in my opinion!
Hmm.... Pigface so far. It's just TOO cheesy for my taste. I'll rewatch it tonight to make up my mind.
Great soundtrack by Buzzer, everything else is not my taste.
I liked the drive toward the cityscape. The music sounds a lot like an homage to AxelF. I'm not sure if it was intended for us to notice that or not. I actually wish the music were a bit more 80's.. with very pronounced clapping samples and such.. and perhaps it would be nicer if it had more energy and changes in it. Anyway, a nice demo :)
cheesiest title name ever award!
Very Bogart Co! Pleasant to watch and a lot better than the first Fascination. Good work.
Soundtrack is way too amiga and some of the scenes are a bit dull, but a couple of cool pieces of graphics and a few more interesting scenes keep it on the positive side. And I like cheese anyway.
Not your finest hour.
nothing brainblasting, but much better than the 1st place
all your girlfreinds are belong to Traction <3
Very cool!
Not much to complain about (gotta love the rain scene). Colours could be a bit less in-your-face though.
Fantastic :) Awesome visuals and damn attractive music !
very nice!
Nice demo - nice style n idea. disappointing - the picture by facet. Is that really the same dude ?
oh I like this demo!! music sounds a lil oldschoolish. very nice work!!
Quite cool visuals.
Rulez but I do feel there's something missing... Maybe it's the music that didn't do it for me? I don't know. Visuals are very traction-like, nice demoish shapes, cubes, triangles, ribbons... the works. I adore the post processing, reminds me of fairytale a lot. Of course, this is an instant thumb up, but still... didn't do it for me like fairytale or 2^5 and other traction demos.
great music & visuals! keep on rockin'
no comments, this is just what i like
Pride&Facet back into business alone makes me thumb this up.
Nevertheless its pure traction style..
Perhaps work on 1 demo for 6 months
and make a true legendary demo (like lifeforce) for the demoscene. You have for sure the people in-house to do so..
Nevertheless its pure traction style..
Perhaps work on 1 demo for 6 months
and make a true legendary demo (like lifeforce) for the demoscene. You have for sure the people in-house to do so..
Hmmmm. Just a swiney for me.
in my opinion the winner of the buenzli 16 Demo Compo ! a can't believe, why MFX is the winner ? Please make this demo also available as a video for us linux and Mac Users ! TNX !
Very gay :)
didn't really get the blood pumping.. a bit slow in places. still, cool design and good ideas. really liked the reflective cube mapping thing.
i liked the style but couldn't help feeling it seems empty of something. anyway, a cautious thumb for the reflections and colours
My personal favourite, was very cool on the bigscreen. Very nice demo, liked it much more than the MFX one (sorry Dixan ;D).
this is not my style but it's a good demo.
the still picture is great! it would be fun to see more of them in demos again.
the still picture is great! it would be fun to see more of them in demos again.
packed with fun. the "road" part seemed a little doubtful though, and the chamfer-cube wasn't up to my taste (i don't like reflections at the corners). but still a consistent demo. i somehow feel that you got more throttle give.
nice design :) like it
Gay or gay, but I suck the effects :D
(equals tasty effects)
nice! video, anyone?
wtf :( Tried this on a on-board nVidia 6150 with latest drivers. Windowed mode complained about some missing extension which my memory has lost track of ( atleast not EXT_frame_buffer_object). Fullscreen started but rendering looked like crap, looked like render-to-texture was totally wacked somehow. Must test it on another computer, I totally love Traction style!!
style. once again.
(but i liked fairytale more ;)
(but i liked fairytale more ;)
Rocks ! Second M:ET/Rebels and great to see Pride and Facet back again, too :)
Very nice :)
I second Gargaj.
I second Gargaj.
fresh !
The flight over that runway looked ugly and the colors could have been more vivid overall I think, these neons look pale to me :) The rest is lovable, 80s ftw :)
Hm now that I look at the screenshot, this might be a bug as well:
(c2d, gf7800gtx)
(c2d, gf7800gtx)
Not perfect, but nice concept and a lot of style points!
nicely done!!
Beautiful demo!
Seems the blending is all fucked up with this demo when I run it on my 7600GT, it looks the same as the screenshot posted by Zoom.
Any idea how to fix this? (yes, drivers are up to date...)
Any idea how to fix this? (yes, drivers are up to date...)
overpolished demo, gay-colors, boring... A takeoff ? sorry. no way
I liked the first one more. Not bad though.
Oisko mahdollista saada muutakin kuin kuin post prosessed viivoja, helevetti.
Preacher: Lovely, but i liked the alpha version more than the final! ;)
Contact me if u want real design demo.
Your talent, my vision.
Contact me if u want real design demo.
Your talent, my vision.
hmmm nice
if you are bored, try pressing some arrow key...
Didn't really like it overall, and not keen on the style, but the last scene and the pic at the end deserve a thumb up.
Ubercool. Loved the soundtrack and the last effect was really cool.
really nice
nice, except the part with the road.
the colors are ... different but not bad imho
the colors are ... different but not bad imho
gay. a weak thumb up.
Yeah, fascinating eyecatcher and the music fits.
Quite good, but it good gay colors so definately a thumbs down from me :)
Ha, what a cool soundtrack... Buzzer is the Dieter Bohlen of the demoscene!

Buzzer at his office
..and since i wasn't involved in any way and like this very much.. a thumb

Buzzer and Serpent ruled the 80s!
lol! ..but that's gotta be Mice, i'm more into Kojak style..
So pretty!!! Reminds me of disco or something. Nice soundtrack!
Too much miami vice for me. Over all it is ok i guess, but compared to your other demos it is a thumb down. Sorry.
nice.. smooth.. reminded me of the 80s in a cool techy way.
visuals were great. the music was pretty nice too, especially the axelf loop in the background :P
could have used some airwolf and/or mcgyver too, but i suppose miami vice and beverly hills cop gets the job done aswell :)
could have used some airwolf and/or mcgyver too, but i suppose miami vice and beverly hills cop gets the job done aswell :)
could be "cooler", but..
I'd like a video for my lappy.
video already :)
Das demo sagt irgentwas vonwegen Framebuffers und so...solln das fürn scheiss hier :(
mussu ma deine drivers updaten :)
Sind die neuseten! Die karte ist auch neu! Ne Geforce 256!
hmm ok :) bei mir hat das immer geholfen, wenn die framebuffer irgendwas errors kamen. hab allerdings ne ati hier werkeln. ;)
Neu eh? Na ja, Geforce 256 ist gerade mal 8 Jahre alt... :)
zoom: :D you know, "neu" is relative, always depends on your definition of new. :D I could call my Amiga 4000 new as well. :P
Also ich habe gelesen die Karte wäre damals revolutionär gewesen. Ich, als alter revolutzer dachte das reicht aus. Naja, daumen nach oben wegen dem video. Hab den computer ja auch nur im schrott gefunden... :)
/me dies :D
Jaja. Ich bin geil weil ich in Bingen ohne foliba ficken kann.
Ich auch!
Schalle bolle dikke eier bulle boff ich auch. Ja!
nice 80s sound and colours. I'm missing more pics of 80s hairdos and such though :)
nice feeling, good touch of inspiration!
So Cool I Love !!!!!!!IT!!!!!!!
Good stuff!
Not really my style, but I think it has its moments. Didn't like (nor really dislike) the music, though. It's either too mellow or too hollow, dunno which...
It congratulated me with about 20 message boxes on startup, all saying "succeeded to create a shader for hardware processing". Good to know! (Radeon HD 2600 on WinXP)
Did not really like the rest. Hadn't I known it's Traction and Brainstorm, I'd think it's some newbies doing glow plus alpha blending all the way. Cheesy. Does not have the magic of other Traction demos for some reason.
Did not really like the rest. Hadn't I known it's Traction and Brainstorm, I'd think it's some newbies doing glow plus alpha blending all the way. Cheesy. Does not have the magic of other Traction demos for some reason.
cool effects, Miami vice definitely!
It IS true...my old hero Facet is back! Beautiful pic with that classic Facet style!
I really enjoyed this demo actually. It reminded me of my childhood holidays in Spain, hitting the discos and getting tipsy on sangria.
Off to check out some more Traction prods now!
I really enjoyed this demo actually. It reminded me of my childhood holidays in Spain, hitting the discos and getting tipsy on sangria.
Off to check out some more Traction prods now!
hu that was colourful - I especially enjoyed the music which fits really good to the theme :)
Good one, thanks for the greetings =)
Big names but small effort. The effects are too simple and the demo is too slow paced and boring. Feels empty and doesn't touch me at all.
Remembers me off 80s neon signs :)
great music
nice tune, and most of the effects are good enough
the offer of source code in the nfo file is great.
Great mood and FAB song.
Awesome Music by Buzzer and nice colored scenes.. some weak parts, but overall a very enjoyable production :)
I liked only the music (partially) and cube.
hit it! uuh!
yay miami vice!
booo dallas!
booo dallas!
Not perfect as some more polishing would have been welcomed, but some really good ideas here and there. The neon rain feeling is definitely present, and the circles in water are just excellent!
Sweet Buzzer soundtrack - visuals are mostly quite nice too for me :)
made a Highres Capture for it:
made a Highres Capture for it:
Miami Nice!
music vote.
Nice consistent Vice
Undersaturated, why? Also font is from way back than 80's.
Some nice scenes but overall left me empty.
Some nice scenes but overall left me empty.
...from fapping or what? ;P
I wish the concept would've been taken further since now it stopped at the "neon & glow" level without any bigger story. The rain puddle scene was lovely.
What legend and cce said. I don't really like synthpop demos in general either. The last effect looks great though.
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Nice Neon feeling