STS-06: Microdots by Synesthetics
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #438 |
added on the 2007-08-05 02:30:25 by Nezbie ![]() |
popularity helper
superb :D
rulez added on the 2007-08-05 02:34:45 by el mal 

mindwarping stuff. please to be making a windows port now. :)
straight, as usual
Good demo, I didn't like the music and I was actualy expecting less ;)
although I prefer sts when they go the sts style and not the mfx/kewlers one.. this one was nice
great demo, screenshot looks good, my stream was wasted.
(any chance to change that kick on musics ? :D)
(any chance to change that kick on musics ? :D)
excellent !
loved it
It is an absolute shame that this will not be available for free viewing; as it's just brilliant.
I still don't get why one can't load creators club stuff in his 360 without paying a fee. Mine ended a month ago and now I can't watch this stuff. It looked amazing on the stream. Goob job.
A 163cm tall bouncer just showed me how he could tear my arm off and choke me.
I dont fucking care about demos anymore, I just want to live.
I dont fucking care about demos anymore, I just want to live.
only good demo in the compo.
video or Win32 port pleasee,pleasee \o/
Seen on the stream and was it really cute. the fading part is great. the music is also great but please, change that bassdrum/kick. That's always the same and starts to make all the MWNA tunes sound all the same ;)
Good job folks
Good job folks
video ?
Finally, some use for the XBOX360!
Video plz. Looked good on the stream though.
Wow! Win32 port now?
After this demo I suddenly wasn't feeling so sleepy anymore.

hee hee
My personal favourite from the compo. Good stuff (tm).
cooL as always.... VIDEO WOULD BE very KUHL... (cool), nice :)
This could have been a really great demo, but the music ruined it.
Excellent quality, as usual. I'm extremely thirsty for a windows port! The only thing what I dislike is the music. I don't get warm with this Deities/sts-01 style and I really miss an outstanding piece of music such as the soundtrack in sts-04!
for the horse-sample!
best psy demo ever. is the soundtrack available anywhere?
Nice rendering, music and sync... but boring
so, traditionally, demos released at partys were created for common platforms/OS. But now thanks to MicroSoft's enterance involvement in Assembly & the demoscene I have to now buy an XBox and a yearly licence to their "Creators Club" before I can watch most of this years's top ASM releses??
Wonderful....i just love commercialization of our scene! Good job boys!
Wonderful....i just love commercialization of our scene! Good job boys!
Commodore: Well, just wait for the windows binary, or the c64/amiga binary of this demo :)
I uppose next year MS will "encourage" Assembly orgas to drop the OldSchool competition...because their is no profit to be made with MS "licenses" for c64/vic20/Atari releases.
Wow, Commodore. You are above average retarded, even for a pouet user.
the next thing will be pay per view demos. of course, none of the money goes to the creators in the creators club.
lug00ber: seems Chaos understands my general point :) perhaps you are not aware of the ways in which commercialization work and how it will damage the free/not-for-profit/fun spirit of the scene?
it's a slippery corporate slide downhill. a $90 yearly "creators Club" license to view demos sounds reasonable now, but before long it will be pay-per-view as Chaos said. In fact, I'm pretty certain this is M$'s longterm strategy for ALL PC/Console content. We should resist their plan on our scene :P
it's a slippery corporate slide downhill. a $90 yearly "creators Club" license to view demos sounds reasonable now, but before long it will be pay-per-view as Chaos said. In fact, I'm pretty certain this is M$'s longterm strategy for ALL PC/Console content. We should resist their plan on our scene :P
Commodore: welcome to the club of people who have been balking at this since the first moment Abyss mentioned the possibility of this happening since last ...oh... december?
What kusma said.
Oki. I thought this looked cool enough for a thumb even if the music disappeared from teh stream.... Oh. and the only synesthetics tune that has been bad so far is the sts-04 soundtrack which everyone seems to love so much.. THERE I'VE SAID IT!!! :)
ermmm... rather than whining about M$, why not nag this lot to release Windows binaries
Commodore: I don't think that MS has any secret strategy to exterminate the scene for computers that are 20+ years old.
I don't really think that they see the demoscene as an important market they can make billions of dollars on.
No, really.
I don't really think that they see the demoscene as an important market they can make billions of dollars on.
No, really.
just rewatched it.. it's like watching discovery channel on acid :D
saturday's helsingin sanomat reports that synesthetics is actually two man group and the other bloke is someone called kimmo seppaenen. any comments on this? is this for real?!
Watched video, rulez big time!
Also: excellent bassdrum, never change it!
Also: excellent bassdrum, never change it!
manko, you must be kidding!
We Cell, '07 acidized version. Oh yes. (a bit boring in some places tho)
awesome soundtrack, nice effects and innovative post-processing. simple and good
I feel like the only one not getting this
love it, clean and fresh. lacks some more punch, but is still a very good demo.
DOF techno-musicvideo without much variation. don't really like it. Saved by its technical quality.
Oh yeah and I deleted the video from my hd. jsyk
I'll wait untill I have seen the windows version..
Very nice one, as usual high quality from Synesthetics :)
Has a nice start, but gets unfortunately boring after that.
Usual good music.
Usual good music.
Or that's what i heard from Medicine Man...
that shit is really tedious...
nice rendering, but dull and formulaic music and direction
gotta love the rendering! and the music, and the design...all of it!
gotta love the rendering! and the music, and the design...all of it!
STS goes genetic.
Love the trax.
Love the trax.
At the beginning I was like "OHNOES DEITIES AGAIN!" and it turned out to be yet another cool demo (a little bit repetitive though)
Although I find the MS'S XNA stuff totalyl lame, congrats for getting away with a cool demo and a free 360 ;)
Although I find the MS'S XNA stuff totalyl lame, congrats for getting away with a cool demo and a free 360 ;)
I am sort of a divided on this one.. on the other hand, it's killer shit, and on the other hand, it's kind of a stale and static and it doesn't go anywhere. I'll go with a thumb though.
It wasnt bad, but it really bored me.
Surely the worst STS demo ever.
I dont want to fall into the stupid "I have expected more" trap, so this is still a thumb up.
However this is just a slight evolution over "we cell" with music that does not really match.
I dont want to fall into the stupid "I have expected more" trap, so this is still a thumb up.
However this is just a slight evolution over "we cell" with music that does not really match.
insanely good music, cant get enough .. favorite from compo...
(notice: it doesn't have any guitar in soundtrack as well - another thumb up for that)
(notice: it doesn't have any guitar in soundtrack as well - another thumb up for that)
Good for a first outing on the 360, not a great demo by STS standards.
To join the debate, i'm cool with demos on 360, i'm not cool with paying a yearly fee to play freeware shit on my xbox, and I'd like all the frightening Microsoft marketing dept to stay away from my scene cheers. I already bought your damn console what more do you want?
To join the debate, i'm cool with demos on 360, i'm not cool with paying a yearly fee to play freeware shit on my xbox, and I'd like all the frightening Microsoft marketing dept to stay away from my scene cheers. I already bought your damn console what more do you want?
great. in a strange way :)
not good as sts-05 or 04 but still rulez
amiga plz
I failed to notice the overlays on the bigscreen, and thought this was a bit too boring and empty. They helped it a bit, though, so it's a piggy, I guess :) (Bring back the old cell shading ;)
Honestly, this is not that exciting, 360 or not.
I agree with tomaes. Apart from direction and fast paced music this demo is quite empty to me. From what I can see all it features are a few small 3D-scenes played over and over again put together with fancy flashes and synchronisation... and you know what, I liked it :-)
too static. not enough dynamic for 2nd place
Really nice - sure, it could need a little bit more variety in some parts, but I absolutely love the concept of very fast switching between contrast-scenes, and the overall light-neuron-energy look - especially since it fits the music very well. I really enjoyed this one!
Quite nice
the colors totally fit the goa theme..
Not as good as the preovious ones, but thumbs up anyway...
PS1: All this just for trying to get 1000euros? I would have tried with the PC only demo way and doing something better instead :/ Fuck Microsoft!
PS2: What about changing that font? It looks so 90s.
PS1: All this just for trying to get 1000euros? I would have tried with the PC only demo way and doing something better instead :/ Fuck Microsoft!
PS2: What about changing that font? It looks so 90s.
Best psy demo since Dieties - should have won!
the soundtrack has the quality and energy i had expected, too bad that the demo consists mostly of a static camera showing (very pretty)3d objects, and that the action is limited to flashes and changes of objects.
Just watched the video. Definetly the best effects of Asm07! I don't think you'll find this effect in some boring scientists paper or in some secret folder on the internet. I honestly don't understand whats going on.. I think it is some loads of particles, depth buffer based shading and loads of strange blending.. errh. :)
The popping of we cell seems to be all gone.
The music kicks ass except for that it changes its base note too often. Sort of loses the speed forward. It was about to go major nuts when the octave arpeggio thing was introduced at ~1:45. I wish it never should change after that but just play around the same note. bah. :) but one can't have everything.
The popping of we cell seems to be all gone.
The music kicks ass except for that it changes its base note too often. Sort of loses the speed forward. It was about to go major nuts when the octave arpeggio thing was introduced at ~1:45. I wish it never should change after that but just play around the same note. bah. :) but one can't have everything.
from what i've heard this one doesn't have a single particle in it
nice stuff!
Really cool rendering and music. However this is maybe my least favourite STS demo so far. There is a huge lack of tunnels here (only one) so it literally feels it's going nowhere!
win32/linux port or die ! Please !
Yeah, like others said: "We cell" and even "Protozoa" had a bit more variety in the effects and the general pace of the demo... but otherwise, this really is a high-energy-awesome-looking-demo! Great stuff! And yes, win port would be awesome! :-)
i love it
my missing thumb oops!
good show
i was finally able to see it, at least a video of it, and here is the thumb...
no official windows demo exe release
great music!
this is pretty ace. :) a demo that sticks to a plan and follows through. i have no idea how the code behind this is laid out, but it is pretty damn smooth and organic for sure. the only thing i'm not in love with is the music. it is good, but somehow it never really "takes off" in a way that i personally would have liked to see it do.
oh, and i must say that i really thought that fairlight would end up with the 2nd place and sts on 3rd but that's partyvoting for ya. :)
oh, and i must say that i really thought that fairlight would end up with the 2nd place and sts on 3rd but that's partyvoting for ya. :)
sorry guys, this time i don't like the music that much and the visuals are too static for my taste (ok, there a many flashes, but that doesn't mean the whole thing is in motion).
The long one-3d-effect-demo. Ok, plus one post-process effect.
well. i like goa-psy whatever. But this demo didnt seem finished. i mean, there where alot of repeatable scenes in the demo. and it could have been much better with some more things happening. the end started to get there, but it didnt catch me enough. ive seen some similar effects before by sts.
and i cant understand why this got second place in the compo? What?? I agree with gloom that fairlight should have taken the second place.
Looks cool and has a tight sync, but it really feels quite bland compared to previous STS demos.
boring stuff
Nice enough, but unless i missed something we've seen the effect before in we cell and others, and beyond that it's just a fairly slow psytrance demo. Surprised it got second place.
Still, well worthy of a thumb...
Still, well worthy of a thumb...
sorry. music is awful and demo is too flashy
The worst Synesthetics demo i have seen.
open source ultrasparc port pls.. khtxbye
looks like a completely different effect to we-cell to me. polygons, and shitloads of them, with a dof post process. looks rather good on screen and appears to run really well.
for me it's possibly the best looking sts demo, although it is a bit flashy and the scenes are all a bit too similar. and where's the little red ship? :)
for me it's possibly the best looking sts demo, although it is a bit flashy and the scenes are all a bit too similar. and where's the little red ship? :)
true, i had the feeling that I was missing something! :D
Worst Synesthetics Prod so far...
It's OK. Too bad, no Windows/PC port.
psytrance in da place...waiting for win platform...
the last 30 seconds with the brain must be one of the most mindraping moments in demo history.
btw. this one's pretty breathtaking running constant 60fps throughout (on a large tv).
Stunning visuals, and a nice psytrance soundtrack. Brilliant.
granted, i like the music, and the visuals look terrific. but we know this effect from previous demos, and i'm missing something new.
That goa -"tune" stinks to high heaven and thereby kills the demo. Visuals and colourscheme are quite pleasing but the whole thing is way too centered for my taste.
looks great running on an xbox at 60fps, tho i would have hoped there had been more variety between the scenes and maybe larger scenes where the camera doesn't have to go around one center point the whole time
do i really have to pay 49$ to play this demo on my xbox360 ? not very demoscene-spirited.
I agree, and also the hardware should be free!1
barely a thumb, because honestly, there's not that much to it
the soundtrack reminds me of some great stuff by scatterbrain. demo is good, but its not your best :)
i really wonder how good it looks on 1080p. awesome work, never the less.
really nice, i love the tunnels
Marvelous! =)
Holy shittage! :O So perfect...
it seems to suffer from the Stairs-syndrome, as all progress happens between parts but yet inside the actual parts no progress remains to be sensed. So therefore the intensity of the experience suffers. (although I assume this is because of lack of time) and most of the camera-movements are too "something" for my taste.
But despite of these minor faults this thingie is one of the coolest things that have visited my retina during the past few months (at least)
Also I beg the people of Synesthetics to end this saga here - it's time for something little edgier :)
it seems to suffer from the Stairs-syndrome, as all progress happens between parts but yet inside the actual parts no progress remains to be sensed. So therefore the intensity of the experience suffers. (although I assume this is because of lack of time) and most of the camera-movements are too "something" for my taste.
But despite of these minor faults this thingie is one of the coolest things that have visited my retina during the past few months (at least)
Also I beg the people of Synesthetics to end this saga here - it's time for something little edgier :)
delightfully trippy, but i don't know.. the goa tune sorta belongs in the latter part of the 90s. STILL, i enjoyed this.
Ok. I defenitly shouldn't vote for DTV streams.
This demo is so boring!
This demo is so boring!
thumb goes fx.
Definitely the nicest looking STS prod by far, but not as exciting as some of their previous efforts. Although I really appreciate the genre, the music here doesn't really appeal that much to me.
cool effects and colours :) i realy like it
Overal nice effects, but the heavy flashing and the tune are rather disturbing.
Ok, here's my point.
The tune was not so bad at all (yes, even if it's a psytracne track).
The effects ruled.
The tune was not so bad at all (yes, even if it's a psytracne track).
The effects ruled.
any win32 port around the corner ?
Quite a trip, but for once I must say that I was a bit let down.
Somehow I've become acustomed to steady progress by STS over the years and this production started well, but I didn't feel it really reached any climax. I was sitting there waiting for it, on the inside telling myself "THIS is it" and "HERE it comes", but it never really did, sadly.
Same story goes for for the music - started quite promising, but didn't really peak anywhere. I first thought the music was to blame, but later I realized that this production lacked something both visually and well as audibly - which is why I can only credit it with a piggy - which is a bit sad, really.
Somehow I've become acustomed to steady progress by STS over the years and this production started well, but I didn't feel it really reached any climax. I was sitting there waiting for it, on the inside telling myself "THIS is it" and "HERE it comes", but it never really did, sadly.
Same story goes for for the music - started quite promising, but didn't really peak anywhere. I first thought the music was to blame, but later I realized that this production lacked something both visually and well as audibly - which is why I can only credit it with a piggy - which is a bit sad, really.
Excellent - really nicely done. Sorta feels like an anaphylactic shock with all the flashing and stuff going on at the very end.
wow. pleasing visuals, frenetic soundtrack, colourful, i love it!
Killer soundtrack again, but like nutman I kept waiting for the Grand Climax which didn't really come. Yet, of course, still a very good demo.
very cool, awesome soundtrack :)
Fantastic visuals
I start getting a sucker for your music and style. Good stuff!
Great visuals, but I really disliked the music. There wasn't much variation either so...
Nice effects, boring soundtrack.
I thought it was wonderful. The rendering had me at hello.
Very pretty but I agree that it doesn't climax. And I'm not so crazy about the psytrance soundtrack but it does work with the visuals for sure.
Yes, I've decided this is my favourite STS prod (and I absolutely love all of them). The soundtrack is banging! I really hope to see another STS demo someday.
you cell. again
Anyone able to get this to work with the new XNA Game Studio Connect? It deploys fine, and it appears in my game library for about half a second but then quickly disappears before I'm able to select it.
Ace music as usual. Some effects are shown too long, but its a good show anyway.
dancing, and boring
My Xbox can do that ?!
fast paced, kickass!
nice nice
too bad it was way too slow paced in the beginning.
last 1:30 rule (also music wise)
thumb for platform!
last 1:30 rule (also music wise)
thumb for platform!
Direction ans music!
trippy shit
Yous should be remembered being the demo shown before the best demo ever made :)
+ rare platform
+ scenes quality
+ music
- scenes length
- epilepsy scene in the end
More pluses than minuses so there is my (weak) thumb.
+ scenes quality
+ music
- scenes length
- epilepsy scene in the end
More pluses than minuses so there is my (weak) thumb.
too bad the videos are very artefacty. anyone still with an old xbox360 in the barn and some spare time to do a lossless capture? :P
I really don't understand what made teenage me thumb this down… The design is so on point it hurts to even think about. Everything about this is so clever, like, just an incredible amount of visual mileage drawn from the hardware to near perfectly serve a very specific visual style. In general there's just so many clever visual ideas here that you can stop and appreciate, like the way scenes are transitioned by clipping and blurring object silhouettes, gradually revealing them. One of the most perfect examples of just the right level of visual fidelity beautifully coming together to meet a particular aesthetic.
If I were granted am opportunity to go back and erase and earlier vote, this might be the top candidate. (The other one being Instant Zen… why does it keep happening with Synesthetics?)
If I were granted am opportunity to go back and erase and earlier vote, this might be the top candidate. (The other one being Instant Zen… why does it keep happening with Synesthetics?)
not sure how I missed commenting on this one until now, but yeah, it rules
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