Planet Risk by Andromeda Software Development [web]
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popularity : 82% |
alltime top: #49 |
added on the 2004-08-08 10:52:57 by Navis ![]() |
popularity helper
Little bit too much effects for my taste, but rulez anyway.
This is one hefty production. You are overwhelmed by the sheer number of effects on screen. Very pro execution.
Superflawless design and brilliant visuals, the soundtrack was very good but didn´t manage to fit the rest of the demo... too bad.
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.. too bad my cpu didn't run it (Radeon 9600 Sapphire, 2.4GHz... it just hangs when loading)
Fucking great.
Mindblowing experience!
it's almost disgusting how densely packed those scenes are... never-seen smooth transitions, i was especially impressed with the part where they show that liquid cube... wow.
Wonderfull demo! Amazing effects, transitions, music, everything. Demo of a new generation. ASD - the mature choise!
wow! a milestone! this demo really proves that shaders is the next thing which will keep the demoscene alive and innovative! Excelent composition of effects and sexy transitions! The shader effects are beautiful, especially in the last parts of the demo
The bloodscene...really awsome!
Oops, they did it again!
Oops, they did it again!
Eh.. nice! Very nice and innovative prod.
Should have won, i love their unique style and the transitions is awesome.......and so much going on that u never get bored.
Great demo, amazing effects. One of the best i have ever seen, but the music is bad for my taste (as is usually the case with asd prods).
prob. the best demo i've ever seen on pc. god thank for some demo with different music also. like the tune, but i should have prefer it to be more postrockish ;) really good work, i will keep this forever. thank you.
video on please
Absolutely fuckin' breathtaking!!!!! But I'm disappointed it needs a Ps2.0 card. Is it really necessary?
the music turned me off. otherwise some really cool stuff in there (demo for people with short attention span:)
excellent! best demo of this year so far
One of the best PC demos I've ever seen. There's a soft spot in my heart for light effects and I will <3 ASD forever.
this is what demos should look like
what ryg said
+ WOW !!!!!!!
+ WOW !!!!!!!
I saw it at ASM TV. It rules.
But I give it thumbs down because it only supports some of the latest hardware.
But I give it thumbs down because it only supports some of the latest hardware.
Should have won. Great effects,composition,and so smooth with a 5600 ultra :). Congrats!
theres so much going on and transitions and stuff everywhere.. Great floating style! Not too keen on the guitars though.
this is a demo !! very good music and mood
I think this would have been even better if it had better synchro in the greetings part. No need to nitpick, though, because the soundtrack is excellent, the design is typicaly polished and the effects simply awesome.
This demo should have won.
I love the ASD style, smooth transitions, lovely music... And their demos just keep getting better!
I love the ASD style, smooth transitions, lovely music... And their demos just keep getting better!
Enough to make me post, so yeah, it's badass. Genuinely stunning.
Great stuff. Although I don't think the guitar really fit in with the first half. Yeah, ASD does phenomenal stuff. Congrats.
amazing :-)
Great demo!
However, I think you went overboard with the guitars this time. The harmonics were not always nice and frankly, I do not like guitar too much.
However, I think you went overboard with the guitars this time. The harmonics were not always nice and frankly, I do not like guitar too much.
I want a truck full of the shit you guys smoked while making this delivered to my door asap
On the 04/07/04 Greece kicked the ball, scored and won the Euro2004. On the Asm2k4 party ASD kicked some butts and drunk all of our blood cells with a straw.
Amazing Demo...
Asd re-enacts new standards for the next generation demos.
Amazing Demo...
Asd re-enacts new standards for the next generation demos.
I especially love the music (and everything else is very cool too).
leviathan: I liked the music of "dreamchild" much better, this one was to much on the metal side. But anyways, a matter of taste for sure.
videocapture here.
the visuals are absolutely gorgeous but are ruined by the horribly shitty music - i cannot believe how bad the music is - it totally destroys what the graphics have going on. of course, this is my highly subjective opinion. :) still, gets a rulez because of the impressive looking feel of the whole demo.
the visuals are absolutely gorgeous but are ruined by the horribly shitty music - i cannot believe how bad the music is - it totally destroys what the graphics have going on. of course, this is my highly subjective opinion. :) still, gets a rulez because of the impressive looking feel of the whole demo.
oh, forgot to add; the demo (all ASD-demos, in fact) reminds me of the good old "gate to the minds eye"-series, only in realtime.. and better looking. :)
I didnt know fmod has been bought by Fairlight.. :)
Leviathan: I wasn't referring to the style of the music, it's nice to hear non-techno. I just think the guitar inthe first half is too heavy for the visuals.
I like the other asd prods much more...
This one is a bit too overloaded for me I think.
This one is a bit too overloaded for me I think.
Too much filter, too many stuff happening at the same time in the screen (as expected by ASD :), so I still have to watch it a lot of times to fully understand what's going on. At least there were 2-3 very impressive scenes I really enjoyed. I didn't liked the music now as much as in two previous ASD productions (Edge of Forever, Dreamchild), I would prefer something with more energy or emotion. I also admire how they can make so many details on the screen and still running smooth on a descent hardware. Let me watch it once or thrice more again now..
It's been a long time since a demo impressed me that much. I think some parts are astoundingly beautiful and very innovative. It looks too bloated at times though, and I feel like some great effects didn't get the attention they deserved, in favour of others. I didn't like the music either, sorry...
overlay mania, sweet-ass viz but horrible music, sorry
stup whining when people hate you tune, the demo is nice anyways.
a sucks for the tune and two thumbs up for the rest, so one thumbs up :)
a sucks for the tune and two thumbs up for the rest, so one thumbs up :)
oh yeh, should have won..
i just fell in love with this thing..
you rule!!!
you rule!!!
fantastic!!! music is excellent and gives it a deep and some emotions!!! i like a lot this kind of visuals, all moving everywhere like in a colored dream, i need to buy a new videocard now, the future is in those pixelshaders for sure!
Some parts (like the island at the end) are very beautifull. Very good visuals in general. But i really don't like the music, sorry. Anyway, i'm (once again) impressed.
Some parts (like the island at the end) are very beautifull. Very good visuals in general. But i really don't like the music, sorry. Anyway, i'm (once again) impressed.
it's must be far better with a ripped music !
fucking madafaka hey i drove mad baaababbabaaba DEMO OF THE YEAR.
WE SUCK. ASD power!
omfg... that is pure scene orgasm...
fucking madafaka hey i drove mad baaababbabaaba DEMO OF THE YEAR.
WE SUCK. ASD power!
omfg... that is pure scene orgasm...
forgot the thumb?
One of the best looking demos ever made. Simply stunning looking stuff and with great transitions. Too bad that the music really doesn't seem to fit the visuals at all and kinda ruins an otherwise perfect experience.
still a _big_ thumb up!
still a _big_ thumb up!
i never really liked the asd musicstyle but in the earlier prods i always had an idea of what they might have intended with it. this time i just dont't get it.
the visuals are beautiful as always and asd definately wins the 'best bloodcells scene at assembly' award.
maybe after watching it more often, the music might grow on me...
the visuals are beautiful as always and asd definately wins the 'best bloodcells scene at assembly' award.
maybe after watching it more often, the music might grow on me...
the bloodcell scene looks kick ass :) very impressive production tho the music is not my taste.
Everytime I listen to that music I imagine a bunch of unwashed, longhaired nerds from the 80ies in washed out black t-shirts "dancing" to it.
This was quite an experience.
wished there were more demos like this one!
R U L E S!
wished there were more demos like this one!
R U L E S!
ASD contnues to amaze!
this is a little pearl. I'm sad to be unable to watch it with my gfx card but PS2.0 are the key for this demo.
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
this is a little pearl. I'm sad to be unable to watch it with my gfx card but PS2.0 are the key for this demo.
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
this is a little pearl. I'm sad to be unable to watch it with my gfx card but PS2.0 are the key for this demo.
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
Happily, I have the video capture and I fully understand why it needs "next generation" gfx cards...
This demo is just amazing. ASD has always made nice demos with incredible flow! And I think the music fits like a glow.
And If people get's angry just because this won't work on their crappy computers? Fuck off! With demos like these it's fun to have newer hardware. Respect!!
And If people get's angry just because this won't work on their crappy computers? Fuck off! With demos like these it's fun to have newer hardware. Respect!!
oh, I guess I meant it fits like a glove! :)
YES! and I love the honest comments in the README.TXT and those detailed making-of explanations : a lesson to all of us :D
we definitely lost them.
OK, i finally found some PC with a GeforceFX inside...
Great!!! Each ASD release is better than the last one! And Each time the butterflies look better ;-)
The music is G-R-E-A-T ... the last part reminds me of "Liquid Tension Experiment" - keep on making progressive rock (much better than most of these standart techno-tracks) - I love it.
The readme.txt is perfect, too! best one i've read ;-)
Great!!! Each ASD release is better than the last one! And Each time the butterflies look better ;-)
The music is G-R-E-A-T ... the last part reminds me of "Liquid Tension Experiment" - keep on making progressive rock (much better than most of these standart techno-tracks) - I love it.
The readme.txt is perfect, too! best one i've read ;-)
The most beautiful demo this year. The perfect soundtrack. Clearly should have won.
The most beautiful demo this year. The perfect soundtrack. Clearly should have won.
I promise to watch it one more time before using the thumb. But sorry, this demo is not that great. Yeah, nice transitions, nice that they glare and blur the whole thing to fucking extremties, but what does that help...No flow, no consitency and the uber-dramatic soundtrack just made it look funny, not impressive.
An anthem for ADHD at it´s best.
An anthem for ADHD at it´s best.
Fantastic demo from ASD, surely by far their best one so far.
Too bad (not) that my main pc with my radeon 9500 pro is not infected by MS Windows, so I have to live with the video version but still totally enjoyable.
It definitely ruled at the big screen at asm
Oh and yes, of course it should have won the compo.
Too bad (not) that my main pc with my radeon 9500 pro is not infected by MS Windows, so I have to live with the video version but still totally enjoyable.
It definitely ruled at the big screen at asm
Oh and yes, of course it should have won the compo.
and fuck the system
reminds a bit of Tint/TBL in its somewhat baroque diversity. And as with tint there are some a bit pointless parts and then some breathtaking stuff like that blood vessel. Same goes for the music.
Still, being compared to tint can not be so bad, and this means this is a great achievement!
Still, being compared to tint can not be so bad, and this means this is a great achievement!
Totally disapointment for me. The music is horrible ! Guitar samples kill the music and did not fit into the visuals what looks really messy.
The blood scene is the most fantastic thing I've ever seen.
DAMN, asd!
I wish my computer could run it though :-(
I llllllllooooooved the progmetal music<3 evolution in demo-soundtracks!
I wish my computer could run it though :-(
I llllllllooooooved the progmetal music<3 evolution in demo-soundtracks!
Leviathan, oh yeah and dream theater (and lte) rocks!
blood scene deserves a thumb up itself
very good, but some scenes dont have enough contrast, imho. 2nd place behind the girlthing is a joke!
The bunch of greek geeks named "Kings of transitions and demoflow" are back and they are kicking better then their footbal mates and bringing us a beutifull , massive, and supersounded experience, but underrated by jury (as always).
I don't get how anyone can bitch about the music. Takes loads more skill and talent to lay down your own guitar tracks that it does to make a bunch of eurotrash techno. Not only guitar tracks, but smart and hella skilled playing with obvious prog rock influences. Not to mention more visual effects than I can count. I need to watch this again as I hardly remember any of it becuase there was so much to take in. Maybe those pissing on it have never touched a musical instrument in their life, and don't appreciate the skill involved in that type of playing. Way beyond my abilities for sure. Keep on doing what you're doing. Some of us appreciate it very much.
way too much stuff on screen at once but not that ugly
Hmm, the music disappointed me a little (after Amusic's 'I am you') but apart from that the demo is great. Definitely should've won.
This is teh rocks! Kills EVERYTHING ELSE in the Demoscene. Including Farbrausch and stuff like that.
The music is just great, stop bitching about it, lame techno punks!
The music is just great, stop bitching about it, lame techno punks!
have seen it since the release everyday now and it's getting better and better. really nice ;)
btw. gonna take a second look for today now. ;)
it is simply great. the transitions are kickass as always and it's full of detail. Sadly the music doesnt grow on me.
I must admit this looked a bit better on my monitor than it did on the big screen. Technically its nice (worked fine on this PC for once), and there are some good moments like the bloodcell part. Too bad most of the demo _still_ looks like a gazillion randomly coloured random glowing layers moving around randomly, creating a random incomprehensible mess which is just plain UGLY most of the time. You might want to take some lessons on design from the original Andromeda..
The music is quite decent, though. It's not Ozric Tentacles, but not your usual shitty "IDM" either. I can't see why so many people are upset with it. I'm mostly an electronic music fan myself, but there's some limit to narrow mindedness..
The music is quite decent, though. It's not Ozric Tentacles, but not your usual shitty "IDM" either. I can't see why so many people are upset with it. I'm mostly an electronic music fan myself, but there's some limit to narrow mindedness..
fucking weird but i like it!
Gets better every time I watch it.
The music is good, but not tuneful enough. Edge of Forever and Dreamchild had it perfect!
I've seen some Oldschooleffects!!!
OMG! This demo fuckin' rules but is for 486 only - cannot watch it on my 286. Thumb down!
Man! Demoscene is for showing off. Sceners used high end hardware for even better showing off since several decades. Don't thumb down, in one or two years this is just stupid, todays high end hardware is medium or low end then.
But I give it thumbs down because it only supports some of the latest hardware. -- LordGraga
OMG! This demo fuckin' rules but is for 486 only - cannot watch it on my 286. Thumb down!
Man! Demoscene is for showing off. Sceners used high end hardware for even better showing off since several decades. Don't thumb down, in one or two years this is just stupid, todays high end hardware is medium or low end then.
post nuclear freestyle design compressed with a shiney kawaii guitartune. absolutely flawless!!
While watching the demos on asmtv I found most of them quite boring.. some of them too long... others too predictable.. some with a non-noticeable sound.. some meaningless... and some others kinda similar to older ones..
Couldn't understand the voting criteria either...
Now about planet risk, I have to say that over the TV stream wasn't so amazing as it was in my pc but still got my attention for good. I found out lovely details great movement and effects, it was really the most atmospheric demo on asm (so realistic butterflies - island - bloodstream) and I had the chance to admire this excellent work more than once. The music was both revolutionary, angry and sad as it should be also very well performed. I admire the talent it takes to write and play a real progressive tune without making it sound noisy.
Outstanding work guys... and we want more!
Couldn't understand the voting criteria either...
Now about planet risk, I have to say that over the TV stream wasn't so amazing as it was in my pc but still got my attention for good. I found out lovely details great movement and effects, it was really the most atmospheric demo on asm (so realistic butterflies - island - bloodstream) and I had the chance to admire this excellent work more than once. The music was both revolutionary, angry and sad as it should be also very well performed. I admire the talent it takes to write and play a real progressive tune without making it sound noisy.
Outstanding work guys... and we want more!
Excellent prod , definitely my best from ASD , if not the best demo I ve ever seen.
It gave me the same strange feeling like when I first saw r-type (wow , this box with the keys is magic!!).
Unbelieveable visuals (the RBC scene was all the money!), fucking great music! Good to listen to new sounds in demos. Some people just dont understand that music is NOT the slave of graphics. They can listen to beeps for the rest of their lives. A lot of interesting tunes and harmonies here , revealing two talented instrument players , a genius composer and a lot of painful recording hours to produce this professional quality soundtrack.
It gave me the same strange feeling like when I first saw r-type (wow , this box with the keys is magic!!).
Unbelieveable visuals (the RBC scene was all the money!), fucking great music! Good to listen to new sounds in demos. Some people just dont understand that music is NOT the slave of graphics. They can listen to beeps for the rest of their lives. A lot of interesting tunes and harmonies here , revealing two talented instrument players , a genius composer and a lot of painful recording hours to produce this professional quality soundtrack.
Really enjoyable to watch!
Thankfully the music is quite a bit better than just about anything I recall hearing from the aforementioned Dream Theater :)
Good track and great visuals, the connection between which is a bit off, but the moments when they connect are well worth a thumb up.
Good track and great visuals, the connection between which is a bit off, but the moments when they connect are well worth a thumb up.
Excellent effects! The music wasn't my taste.
this was really boring most of the time,
but i liked that subsurface-scattering-like shading.
but i liked that subsurface-scattering-like shading.
i always get the same impression with asd prods: that they made 5 demos, then somehow put all the scenes and effects into a single 5 minute prod. Always loads on the screen, always impressive stuff too, and i liked this one plenty in general. The tune is not for me tho either, although i liked parts of it.
And I have a solution for the problem of 2nd place demos that should have won: drop the prize for 1st place, and make space for a 4th place prize.
And I have a solution for the problem of 2nd place demos that should have won: drop the prize for 1st place, and make space for a 4th place prize.
This is the best demo I've seen (and heard) in quite a long time.
I like the music, I like the effects and I like the way all is put together.
It's a pity I can't enjoy it at home due the PS stuff, but I feel like using high end hardware is more than justified in this prod.
I like the music, I like the effects and I like the way all is put together.
It's a pity I can't enjoy it at home due the PS stuff, but I feel like using high end hardware is more than justified in this prod.
I saw this prod at the big screen, beeing the first Andromeda's prod I see. I just can't believe what I was watching was real or absolute amazing dream.
You guys had me feel like I should be leave my retirement. Expect a prod from me next year in your honour.
You guys had me feel like I should be leave my retirement. Expect a prod from me next year in your honour.
the music feels a bit weird, but the visuals are stunning, and the flow and feel is incredible. in my opinion it should have won.
kickass-impressive-stylish...and crazy guitar-riffs - MY NEW FAV-DEMO!!! best demo this year so far
i dream i have a monster graphic card that can run this demo... (that's not the case in reality)
hmmm... the guitars sounded better than in Dreamchild - at the partyplace... gonna try it here as well soonish...
not the best ASDprod. Music - minus
a tad boring for my taste, but excellent effects and graphics. good job
WOW! This demo simply kicks ass =)
Brilliant soundtrack, fits perfectly with the visuals. As some people said... it has a progressive metal style that reminds to Liquid Tension Experiment, Dream Theater and Symphony-X, bands which I actually like btw. Oh, and I totally second what troll said.
Outstanding graphics & design, with a couple of awesome looking scenes, such as the bloodcells part with the heart beats =)
All in all, an excellent demo (one of the bests in 2004 so far). I bet it will be nominated for Awards in some categories =)
Definitely should have won.
Brilliant soundtrack, fits perfectly with the visuals. As some people said... it has a progressive metal style that reminds to Liquid Tension Experiment, Dream Theater and Symphony-X, bands which I actually like btw. Oh, and I totally second what troll said.
Outstanding graphics & design, with a couple of awesome looking scenes, such as the bloodcells part with the heart beats =)
All in all, an excellent demo (one of the bests in 2004 so far). I bet it will be nominated for Awards in some categories =)
Definitely should have won.
The masters of transitions strike again! Mindblowing flow, everything fits for me, a new favourite. Just have to get a ps2 card now :)
instant classic
ok so i checked it at home too and IT'S FUCKING GREAT!!!
don't you DARE putting those guitars down, ok? :D
don't you DARE putting those guitars down, ok? :D
Great demo!I think it should have won!ASD for one more time at their best:) Good job boys!:) Congrats!
oh no, they have taken moppis place!!
impressive demo.
assemblies 2nd place, aka the moral winner.
now someone make sense of this babble.
impressive demo.
assemblies 2nd place, aka the moral winner.
now someone make sense of this babble.
Pros: the design is flawless and visuals beautiful
Cons: music doesn't fit the visuals and the hardware requiremets are a bit too high since i didn't see anything that couldn't be done with a simple render-to-texture-trick. Also, there's nothing innovative or new in this, just reusing some old stuff.
Still worth a thumb up.
Cons: music doesn't fit the visuals and the hardware requiremets are a bit too high since i didn't see anything that couldn't be done with a simple render-to-texture-trick. Also, there's nothing innovative or new in this, just reusing some old stuff.
Still worth a thumb up.
Sooooooo fucking awesome...
Visually this is one of the most amazing things I have seen since accelerators came out.
Navis is able to create a whole range of outstanding effects and blend so beautifully between them. I haven't seen a demo with such smooth transitions and so many details. It's so dense you have to run the demo many times in order to see them all. And it's 6min long, that's a lot of work.
The music is also a masterpiece. The sad thing is that very few people in the scene listen to prog metal music and thus it won't be that globally appreciated like f.e. the "I am you" soundtrack which was a bit more mainstream.
The track is incredible though, I happen to love that kind of music and I have to say it's just brilliant. Kudos to aMUSIC and Leviathan.
I'm sure this is gonna kick some serious ass at the awards :)
Navis is able to create a whole range of outstanding effects and blend so beautifully between them. I haven't seen a demo with such smooth transitions and so many details. It's so dense you have to run the demo many times in order to see them all. And it's 6min long, that's a lot of work.
The music is also a masterpiece. The sad thing is that very few people in the scene listen to prog metal music and thus it won't be that globally appreciated like f.e. the "I am you" soundtrack which was a bit more mainstream.
The track is incredible though, I happen to love that kind of music and I have to say it's just brilliant. Kudos to aMUSIC and Leviathan.
I'm sure this is gonna kick some serious ass at the awards :)
I'll give a thumb up if the authors admit that the emulation of a complete lack of short term memory was intentional.
blood cells :D
thumbs up for the work inside.. but won´t never play it again :/ i like dream theater, but that music doesn´t have feeling enough and doesn´t fit with the visuals and that makes the demo boring, beautifull yes, but boring.. is a shame. thumbs up anyway.
Great stuff!!!! Best ive seen in a long time.
Anyone asked for the lyrics ? :)
Forty years had I in my city seen soldiers parading,
Forty years as a pageant, till unawares the lady of this teeming and
turbulent city
A thousand perfect men and women appear,
Around each gathers a cluster of friends, and gay children and
youths, with offerings.
Locations and times--what is it in me that meets them all, whenever
and wherever, and makes me at home?
Forms, colors, densities, odors--what is it in me that corresponds
with them?
I see in you the estuary that enlarges and spreads itself grandly as
it pours in the great sea.
Gliding o'er all, through all,
Through Nature, Time, and Space,
As a ship on the waters advancing,
The voyage of the soul--not life alone,
Death, many deaths I'll sing.
I'm not sure if the last 5 lines made it to the final version of the track though, i'll have to ask aMUSIC.
Forty years had I in my city seen soldiers parading,
Forty years as a pageant, till unawares the lady of this teeming and
turbulent city
A thousand perfect men and women appear,
Around each gathers a cluster of friends, and gay children and
youths, with offerings.
Locations and times--what is it in me that meets them all, whenever
and wherever, and makes me at home?
Forms, colors, densities, odors--what is it in me that corresponds
with them?
I see in you the estuary that enlarges and spreads itself grandly as
it pours in the great sea.
Gliding o'er all, through all,
Through Nature, Time, and Space,
As a ship on the waters advancing,
The voyage of the soul--not life alone,
Death, many deaths I'll sing.
I'm not sure if the last 5 lines made it to the final version of the track though, i'll have to ask aMUSIC.
a video version plz?
Awsome! why the hell did it place second... the winning demo is.. 3dflyby crap...
anyways heres the video verison...
anyways heres the video verison...
Thanx for the lyrics ...i'll go and watch the demo once will be the 10th time...even though my gfx card is a GeForce4MX and i need to visit a friend each time to watch it, it sure worth it!!!
GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! I love the music!!
nice visual, cool fx... but the music sux (sounds like some old jan hammer tracks)
After a time passed watching this demo and analizing in detail, I've realized ASD scene crew pushed up the challenge out of the stratosferical old demos do, something impossible in a home computer making posible in realtime...anyone dares to push this demo outdated? :D nasty GUYS! You've done it
A storm of effects with an excellent prog-metal soundtrack. RULZ!!!
Advanced blobs for the masses...
What a demo! Runs perfectly on my Notebook with Mobility Radeon 9700!!! :)
This demo proves(once again), that ASD are gods of the modern demoscene.
Still can't decide, what I like more: perfect visuals or _best_demo_soundtrack_ever_
Still can't decide, what I like more: perfect visuals or _best_demo_soundtrack_ever_
one of the demos that would've really deserved 1st place
fat shit
fat shit
ASD did it again better stronger longer!
simply the best demo I've ever seen !!! really ! I have spent a good time watching it, so thank yooou !
should have won. a very nice and coherent demo. great music too ;)
Great colours! And the music and gfx really support the underlying ideas.
i'd just like to add that you need to watch this a few times to really see it, cause theres so much going on. It grows on me each time too, and i like the music now - it really reminds me of war of the worlds somehow. It's becoming one of my favourite demos.
should have won asm04.. But sorry guys, techno/psy graphics with metal music doesnt fit for me. Anyway, music is a little bit better than Obsoleet but a LOT worst than the Kewlers prod soundtrack ("we cell") which is outstanding.
Like most ASD prods, this one has some of the cleanest and most layered transitions out there. The build-up that this demo has is awesome, saving some of the coolest effects and visuals for the end, which keeps you interested all the way through. I happen to like the soundtrack, which is very different from the norm. I preferred it to the Dreamchild soundtrack, and I find this demo a maturation of not only the sound, but the visual design, technical prowess, and pacing. Stunning. As my friend said, who watched the ASM demos with me, "These guys were robbed." Keep up the great work!
clear, the music rule, but 10 years (30 years? ) of linear boomboom has brainwashed a lot of people.
108 - 3 = 105
Simply gorgeous. :) The effects that are going on during this thing are a joy to behold, and the scenes are so dreamlike and fluid. This should of won ASM04 easily, it's stunning. Kudos to ASD for producing some of the most beautiful realtime art I've ever seen.
this demo is so fucking great.
Now THIS is how a demo has to look in 2004. Too great.
cervelius we want to see a prod of you, to thumb it down.
What an impact!! ASD managed with this piece of modern computer art to set a new standart!!!
give 'em all prizes at the next scene awards!! ;-)
(except best soundtrack! i really HATE this guitar ;-)
give 'em all prizes at the next scene awards!! ;-)
(except best soundtrack! i really HATE this guitar ;-)
Along with "We cell" by Kewlers,the best demo in asm04.It should have ranked first,no question about that.
The demo has some very very strong scenes,overally nice technical level and things are always busy.It is certainly the best demo so far by ASD but somehow it dissapoints me on an aesthetic level.I hope now that ASD have achieved a critical level of technical expertise will give us sometime a "mental" demo.
As for the music,it really did not work for me and sometimes sounded very cheesy and made solely to impress progressive metal fans.Something more dark and ambient would have been much more appropriate.
thumbs up,but when there are demos out there like mfx's xmix-2k4 and others that really work thru the human mind,i do not feel like watching planet risk.
Respect though...
The demo has some very very strong scenes,overally nice technical level and things are always busy.It is certainly the best demo so far by ASD but somehow it dissapoints me on an aesthetic level.I hope now that ASD have achieved a critical level of technical expertise will give us sometime a "mental" demo.
As for the music,it really did not work for me and sometimes sounded very cheesy and made solely to impress progressive metal fans.Something more dark and ambient would have been much more appropriate.
thumbs up,but when there are demos out there like mfx's xmix-2k4 and others that really work thru the human mind,i do not feel like watching planet risk.
Respect though...
nice piece of work
quite possibley the best demo created on any format throught scene history.
sheer breathtaking visuals and design. music at times didn`t match the visual content.
sheer breathtaking visuals and design. music at times didn`t match the visual content.
actually now i`ve watched it a few times i think the music IS equally as good.
damn! i love this! should have won... oh why oh why is the world so cruel.
great demo! i wish that the part with the cells would be longer though
<mouthopen> ... ... ... </mouthopen>
What i could see on videocapture is unique.
Extraordinary !! I'll upgrade my pc for this demo ;)
Extraordinary !! I'll upgrade my pc for this demo ;)
This demo is an utter mess. It goes in and out of letterbox format for no apparent reason, there's tons of junk randomly hurled onto the screen all the time like stock ripple effects and little flying squares and all sorts of other rubbish. Most of it is thankfully obscured by dreadful overamped lighting.
The demo requires Pixel Shader 2.0 because it uses one widely distributed water ripple effect and some fuzzy blur. If either of these two pointless elements were removed, the demo would never be taken seriously.
Even the music is a mess, it's just dreadful session guitar nonsense with piano blasted in there at certain intervals and it has no link to the graphics on screen at all.
One day people without pretentious group names will make a demo that has some design merit and requires the use of Pixel Shader 2.0. This is not it.
The demo requires Pixel Shader 2.0 because it uses one widely distributed water ripple effect and some fuzzy blur. If either of these two pointless elements were removed, the demo would never be taken seriously.
Even the music is a mess, it's just dreadful session guitar nonsense with piano blasted in there at certain intervals and it has no link to the graphics on screen at all.
One day people without pretentious group names will make a demo that has some design merit and requires the use of Pixel Shader 2.0. This is not it.
Mothaf**ka godness!!!!!! Shit happens. Incredible! ASD - RULEZ forEver!!!
Ohhh Yes it's awesome....
Fantastic. Some of the transitions are just amazing, you don't notice them at all.
good demo... difrent than andromeda's old demoz.
Very good, but there's still room for improvement
"Graphics card does not support fragment programs"... :'(
this is one of the most amazing demos ive ever seen. WOW! Perfect on my Radeon 9800 pro..
wow ... reallly cool
I love it !
if not the best music, graphics, or design, it was definitely the most visually impressive and entertaining demo from assembly. at least as good as dreamchild, a feat in itself. well done.
I find it hard to judge such a demo just based on the video; the DivX mish-mashes everything together. :-/ Somebody in ASD ought to be less heavy on the guitar use, though :-)
A demo constantly changing, it's hard to follow what's going on. Some scenes are well arranged, some look like a pile of effects thrown together in order to "fill thy screen", the red cells one (screenshot above) is the best of all, especially because the (quite imaginative) music is perfectly synchronized with the visuals and it's surprising/refreshing when it appears within the context (i think that scene a little bit too short, tho).
All in all this demo is a debauchery of visual effects.
All in all this demo is a debauchery of visual effects.
omfg... i even dislike this kind of music but the demo is soooo impressive. the scene on the screenshot is my favourite one, too.
the graphics and effects are amazing.
however, i do not like the feel of the scenes/ music.
however, i do not like the feel of the scenes/ music.
great demo, awesome job, fantastic effects and transitions. the music (even when it doesn't quite match the scenes) is very, VERY good.
Der blanke Wahnsinn !
Planet Risk let me tip over with my chair (and it is a very stably one).
What a rush on your mind.
Standing ovations. No more words.
Planet Risk let me tip over with my chair (and it is a very stably one).
What a rush on your mind.
Standing ovations. No more words.
I must be one of the few metalhead sceners in existence. I enjoyed this demo a lot. The music is right up my ally. A lot of the scenes are gorgeous and really show what the future of the scene with DX9-level hardware is going to look like.
Another metalhead... *freu*
This was the best in 2004! Deserves a top 10 entry!
This was the best in 2004! Deserves a top 10 entry!
awesome demo, the bloodcell effect was the best effect of year 2004, it made me cry (leme twra :-P)
haven't thumb up yet????? =)
so .. freakin' .. amazing *drools* don't like the music?!?! i was blown away to see Leviathan .. he's fast on his way to become more rockin' than Liquid Tension Experiment / Dream Theater.. =OOO i remember him from the days of MODs. and the visuals... i'm more excited to watch this than HL2 on my shiny new 6600GT... thanks, guys!
Awesome. I think it is the best demo I've seen from this year. Wow... :)
I had a feeling that i already voted that prod... anyway.
I don't think i have to say anything more than this is the best demo of 2004. The FX+ and 9500+ requirement may seem too much, but the hardware existed over a year before this demo's release and the majority of the demoscene should have it.
And if not, well, i can understand you :-).
There is always the video version...
I don't think i have to say anything more than this is the best demo of 2004. The FX+ and 9500+ requirement may seem too much, but the hardware existed over a year before this demo's release and the majority of the demoscene should have it.
And if not, well, i can understand you :-).
There is always the video version...
Great visuals, music wasn't my cup of tea at all.
uh, I still didn't vote for this? greeeeeeat visuals, a bit way too baroque sometimes. And even being a metalhead myself the music here really didn't do it for me (way too cheesy)... still, fucking awesome prod.
I bought a Radeon9600Pro with 256MB Ram and I remember I had watched till the end the very first time. But I tried lately again and it always freezes after the blood tunnel, (just before a transition where some rotating mushrooms appear and then the b&w animation too). Wicked! Then I had to watch it in my brother's PC with FX5200 where it runs fine.
Anyways, a great piece, I've said I didn't like the music but now I surprisingly do. It was probably the first impression. It's so blended and full of visuals and stuff that someone has to watch it more times to see it all..
Anyways, a great piece, I've said I didn't like the music but now I surprisingly do. It was probably the first impression. It's so blended and full of visuals and stuff that someone has to watch it more times to see it all..
I think I had install latest drivers before that happened..
I had the same problem, but not in the blood part - a bit later.
However it wasn't the graphics card (FX5950U here), but the CPU (Athlon64 - the old ones, i don't remember how they were called...) :-). I have my case always open and the fan was full of dust. I cleaned it and from 70-80 degrees it is now around 30-40 :-P.
And of course the demo runs :-)
However it wasn't the graphics card (FX5950U here), but the CPU (Athlon64 - the old ones, i don't remember how they were called...) :-). I have my case always open and the fan was full of dust. I cleaned it and from 70-80 degrees it is now around 30-40 :-P.
And of course the demo runs :-)
that strange freezing was on my old rad8500 too...
and yes.. it's the cooling..
i just hated it!!
and yes.. it's the cooling..
i just hated it!!
_ Fucking_ awesome shit, even if my good ol' horse called 9200 couldn't run it. Sets new standards in my opinion.
great show, a bit too abstract though
This is the simgle most amazing and breathtaking demo I've ever witnessed in my not-so-short life. Period.
I don't even have a ps2.0-capabie graphics card, but have seen the video a gazillion times already. It never fails to impress me.
I would not change anything in this demo, everything just seems to be right: the atmosphere gradually developing and changing with the music, the transitions, the fractals (drool), the blood scene (droooool!!!!).
Damn I'm short for words. Oh yeah the music: droooooool!!!! I'm a huge fan of prog rock/metal music and hearing a track of this genre in the demo almost made me pee in my pants ;)
Thank you for this, congratulations for your skills to all of ASD, and keep it up! Only it might be hard to top Planet Risk now :)
Should have won Assembly.
I don't even have a ps2.0-capabie graphics card, but have seen the video a gazillion times already. It never fails to impress me.
I would not change anything in this demo, everything just seems to be right: the atmosphere gradually developing and changing with the music, the transitions, the fractals (drool), the blood scene (droooool!!!!).
Damn I'm short for words. Oh yeah the music: droooooool!!!! I'm a huge fan of prog rock/metal music and hearing a track of this genre in the demo almost made me pee in my pants ;)
Thank you for this, congratulations for your skills to all of ASD, and keep it up! Only it might be hard to top Planet Risk now :)
Should have won Assembly.
Amazing transitions, solid engine, beautiful effects. Much better in the middle than at either end. Best demo at asm04 by far.
aMusic: Runs fine in 800x600 on my FX5200 (Forceware 66.81, GPU @ 290MHz, Mem @ 490 MHz, Athlon XP 2500+). I guess it's around 20 fps on average.
works fine with 800mh and 9600 pro. Fantastic design and code.
Do we need those farbrauch produckts any longer?
Do we need those farbrauch produckts any longer?
Dreamchild was way better. The music and the visuals dont quite fit in this one...
Deserved the two Awards... it's one of the best demos ever.
Congratulations, ASD!
Congratulations, ASD!
so sweet
Yes it is.
The music sucks. Rest is good.
---> Visualu stunning <---
---> Visualy stunning <---
Oups, it looks like I’ve found a way to trick the rating system :)
I don't like guitars that much for demos but the visuals more than recover from them for me :)
Could you make it run slower?
Premature optimization is the root of all evil, but no optimisation at all is even more evil
Premature optimization is the root of all evil, but no optimisation at all is even more evil
Never thumped it up in the past ;-)
Good demo. Andromeda nice name, anything to do with the Legenday amiga group Andromeda ? :-)
Good demo. Andromeda nice name, anything to do with the Legenday amiga group Andromeda ? :-)
Never thumped it up in the past ;-)
Good demo. Andromeda nice name, anything to do with the Legendary amiga group Andromeda ? :-)
Good demo. Andromeda nice name, anything to do with the Legendary amiga group Andromeda ? :-)
those who don't like it should be hunted by thought police.
Amazing. I bought a new graphics card because of this!
HOLY COW! In-fucking-credible ;)
But Dreamchild is, in my opinion, better.
But Dreamchild is, in my opinion, better.
Amazing work dudes! I especially love the tune. It's fucking great and fits quite well to the storyline.. amazinG!
Purely awesome, ASD rocks.
FANTASTIC! Like most stuff from ASD :)
hey GGN:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil, but no optimisation -is- all evil ;)
Premature optimization is the root of all evil, but no optimisation -is- all evil ;)
Now I could finally see this on a computer instead of just a video.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
This is one of the most impressive demos I have seen to date. The visuals, flow and music match perfectly to create a real experience.
This is grand!
The blood scene is, wow..
Maybe too much fx in the same time on certain parts, a bit to much filters but this is a kick in royal asses :)
The tune rulez.
The blood scene is, wow..
Maybe too much fx in the same time on certain parts, a bit to much filters but this is a kick in royal asses :)
The tune rulez.
Simply great stuff, can't believe I havn't commented this already.. I'm getting sloppy.
Great stuff from great people. Keep it up!
This is possibly my new favorite prod... but I can only run it at work. It runs very nicely on a built-in Radeon X300.
Very cool red blood-cell effects! fantastic produkt!
Incredibly great! although the e-guitar hurts. ;)
Very nice and abstract.
Watching this demo is kinda like watching a music video. Well, the music's good, but the visuals are just messy and uninteresting. Sorry.
Very pretty, but the music was a horrible taste hence why I picked OK. If the music was better, then I wouild gave it a thumb up. Loved the cell part.
this is how a future crew demo would look like if made today, except without all the egos and crap...
holy hell!
ok.. heartbeat returning to normal..
ok.. heartbeat returning to normal..
possible the best demo i have ever seen. amazing!
possibly the best demo i have ever seen. amazing!
this is one of the best thing i've seen in my life. so many great ideas have been brought together and put on stage to pleasure your eyes and ears. a mind blowing experience.
Not have commented this already? What a shame :/ Anyway.. Definitively Rocking - Great Visuals, Kick Ass Music :)
Not my style, but definitely a great demo.
what the?! thought i already thumbed that one up..
great effects in this one! cool progressive metal music. impressive!
"Less is more" certainately doesn't apply here ;-)
The style was not my cup of tea, nor was the rather pro soundtrack, but to not thumb this prod would almost be scene blasphemy..
The style was not my cup of tea, nor was the rather pro soundtrack, but to not thumb this prod would almost be scene blasphemy..
damn, kool !!!
Wow ASD again. Love their very own style. That blood effect is very organical.
simply great
Think this is the best ASD demo this far! And one of the best demos EVER!
Thank You!
The demo is great and I love the music.
Amazing prod, It is very absract and beautiful. It reminds me a lot both musically and visually of Final Fantasy VII. I definately say this is the best demo i've seen to date.
actually, this was the bestest prod at asm04.
I have to give this a thumbs up! There are so many stunning scenes in this demo it's unbelieveable! I am no fan of the electric guitar either but I can survive that :)
thumbs up for an aorta effect
AoORTA M34! Sure teh 7Urrican 3FF3C7 ;=D
Lassen sie mich durch - Ich bin Arzt
very impressive cg effects. :)
fantastic tech level design and overall!
Amazing stuff, thumb up of course!
Ugh hate you guys. Spent 6 months educating my wife on why doing a 4k is a good thing (honest) then she saw your demos and isnt interested anymore. "Now thats art" she said.
Second greatest demo from ASD. I remember when I first saw it I was stunned and the only word I could say was "woah!".
Should get an award for best music in a demo ever.
I just can watch this over and over again, it´s fantastic. Anyone who thinks that the music doesn´t fit the visuals on screen is obviously insane or techno-dumb-alized.
I just can watch this over and over again, it´s fantastic. Anyone who thinks that the music doesn´t fit the visuals on screen is obviously insane or techno-dumb-alized.
Ok, I hate the music with a passion! I strongly dislike the butter-on-my-monitor blur-filter, and rgb-coder-colors present throughout the demo. On the other side it is a very unique style. The demo has loads and loads of beautiful content and tons of outstanding effects (absolutely love the blood-vein part).
In the end, you get a thumbs up for the loadscreen ;)
In the end, you get a thumbs up for the loadscreen ;)
Just awesome.
simply amazing
I gave that a 10/10 on my list so far! Awesome. Very Slick Professional travelling...
wow, I like globule part
First thing I ran when I got my 6600GT.
The only downside is the lack of a choice of high screen res, but everything else : fucking breathtaking. The art, concept and execution rule. The direction and flow couldn't be any better. Music is fresh, innovative and fits like a glove. The prog rock of the demoscene!
I didn't thumb this one yet!?!?
I forgot about this way too long :)
ast - masters of the progressive style. long, overproduced, convincing and interesting.
As always, nice music and very pleasant visuals. Water effects are underused, by the way :P
Make that "fluid effects"...
Very nice effects!
The prod makes me still happy.
but music wasn't my favorite, but this deserves a thumb nonetheless.
Cool effects and great sound! I really can relax by watching this one...
Amazingly well put together prod...I love it all except the metal music. I can see why so many cdcs!
The music is absolutely not my cup of tea and it ruins the overally experience for me.
Still, an amazing demo.
Still, an amazing demo.
Awesome demo, awesome music, i'm in love with that great piece of demo art :')
The blood cells showed up and my jaw dropped...
Still one of my favorite ASD demos. :)
Fantastic demo!
ahead of its time
I dont like the music, but its fine..
the red cells scene is fucking awesome
the red cells scene is fucking awesome
music isnt that good
Have never been a huge fan of ASDs until Lifeforce but this is still a great epic of a demo
excellent demo. 2004?!
For some reason it took me some time to really appreciate some of your demos.
Excellent work, I can't wait to see your 2009 marvels ;)
Excellent work, I can't wait to see your 2009 marvels ;)
The beginning is a bit meh, but there are some scenes i like to watch over and over.
Really a good one.
Really a good one.
so much cool stuff..
Another amazing ASD demo, thumb!
Instant thumb up!
Once again a great show.
The music is jaw dropping, but I don't dig into the visuals and direction.
a very late thumb :)
Nice breakthrough. The blood particle stream was especially good, very cinematic.
Top class music with rather loose connection with visuals. This demo assured me that ASD is going to reside atop Olympus.
Very nice visuals
Incohesive mess but hey, I can deal with that, I don't think this even meant to have any. Probably ASD's most effect centered demo, and indeed for 2004 this looks damn good, the blood vein as shown in the screenshot is still absolutely stunning. Music is pretty decent, though it's not exactly matured yet and the production is lacking. I really also like the moment at the very end when it all suddenly stops and that discordious pad rises from the song revealing the credits. Just something very cryptic and unsetteling about that for me...
Great stuff. The scene with the blood cells is wonderful.
The music is not my cup of tea, and the visuals are a bit chaotic (or to say it more positively: overwhelming) and lack a bit of clear direction, but it's nonetheless very entertaining and good-looking.
Holly shit. This is 10 years old ?!?!
Oh yeah.
this is quite asd'ish :D
instant love
I just watched it a hundred times and just realized I have never thumbed it until now!!
Stunning visuals, but the music does not fit them well. Still it's really worth watching.
Cool and visually stunning ASD demo, saw this for the first time today
ASD did it again
I just watched it a hundred times and just realized I have never thumbed it until now!!
And you're not the only one.
Great demo with fantastic music and smooth transitions. I love the part with those hands.
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This is our contribution to Asm 2004. This demo requires a ps2.0 card such as : Gf fx+ or radeon 9500+. A low and high detail divx version will appear shortly on