fr-031: faded memories by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #562 |
added on the 2003-08-10 13:40:53 by tomaes ![]() |
popularity helper
beautiful. one of my favourites from the compo.
rulez added on the 2003-08-10 13:54:30 by dairos 

best haujobb demo ever
very good production, thumbs up for this work.
but.... actually if I want to watch a haujobb demo I run a Haujobb demo !!!
but I respect this great demo, so... pigface
but.... actually if I want to watch a haujobb demo I run a Haujobb demo !!!
but I respect this great demo, so... pigface
slow start, but when it gets going it really takes off. Beautiful visuals with nice music
farb-rausch goes haujobb
everything has been said above, so i won't quote the joke for a 3rd time =)
though i wonder if only the grfx are the base for this having gone the hjb-way, stylewise ..
though i wonder if only the grfx are the base for this having gone the hjb-way, stylewise ..
farb-jobb vs. hau-rausch
very nice effect but :
so... pigface
so... pigface
Some scene are really amazing, some are just plain "blending abusal" (to me). Art does not command :)
Nice scenes, nice effects but pretty boring demo.
Is ok for this time =]
Is ok for this time =]
I'm feeling conflicted. The visuals are good, the code (from what I can tell) is good, the music is very nice.. but the entire thing is about as exciting as reading a phonebook. Still, it isn't as offensively boring as Fr-08 or Liquid Wen so what the hell - you can have my thumb.
Visually and technically stunning. I guess it is tempting to label this as "boring" due to the slow and uneventful pace, but I was totally transfixed and amazed by each and every scene. I especially adored the fog; it seems to bring the scenes to life.
just ok this time. I don't like so much. demo is something fun. You can put so-called "art" in it, as long as it don't put the demo in the heart of weariness.
Usual "FR" demos are perhaps a bit mainstream but they get a special sign...not this one.
Usual "FR" demos are perhaps a bit mainstream but they get a special sign...not this one.
well, okay.
Hmm on Haujobb website states that Vicualize quitted gfx and left Haujobb and now he made a demo for Farbrausch.. Nice going Haujobb! :) Thumbs up for Chaos/Sanity ofcourse the master coder for ages!
12th?? :(
It is ok for this time but beware for the next one.
beautiful but it is kinda "seen-before-too-often".
I can't decide whether it's the end of the FR-era or the end of the Visualice-era.
Cool atmosphere, but boring.
Much better than Haujobb although!.
Much better than Haujobb although!.
Definately underrated... big time. Rolex!
there is clearly much work behind this one,
but i gotta agree with break that "the entire thing is about as exciting as reading a phonebook" anyways
but i gotta agree with break that "the entire thing is about as exciting as reading a phonebook" anyways
My first thought was this is a fake... :-)
I prefer the Visualice-Haujobb style over the Visualice-Farbrausch style...
I prefer the Visualice-Haujobb style over the Visualice-Farbrausch style...
Well-balanced, relaxing good show. There's nothing really killer alone in this demo but the everything as a whole works just so well.
Not very interesting. At least considering the people who are behind this one. Music is pretty much the only good thing, thus avoiding thumbs down.
not specifically bad, effects looked pretty okay. Guess it's the post-fr-025 hangover ;)
I liked this. It became more interesting as things progressed.
However, one major criticism is almost every part suffers from the stick-it-in-the-center-and-spin-around syndrome. Too many dead frames. (Rule of thirds once in a while??)
However, one major criticism is almost every part suffers from the stick-it-in-the-center-and-spin-around syndrome. Too many dead frames. (Rule of thirds once in a while??)
Very much VisualIce style, and FR code. Will see what develops from this (:
a bit boring but its ok
Farb-jobb or Hau-rausch? ;)
Anyway, very solid demo with the typical Visualice design. The excellent music creates a moody atmosphere. Deserves a better place!
Anyway, very solid demo with the typical Visualice design. The excellent music creates a moody atmosphere. Deserves a better place!
Pretty demo, nice tune, but with a dream team like this one I expected more. I hope more comes of this troup. Pigface.
Stands on it's own a bit better than in Asm03 bigscreen. There it was utterly boring :-I
I'd like to see Visualice using more features of farb-Rausch' engine now..
Good good, very good ! Farb-Rausch and Visualice are blending marvelously, for the good of the scene
Omg, FR went Haujobb!
it is grate it is fabrash!! always!
okayish demo. nice soundtrack, nice graphics. but bot not a mover....
sweet and slow-paced, needs a couple of rewatches to decide...
i really appreciate the work behind it, but as a demo itself it´s somehow not what farbrausch stands for. and actually i wonder now why visualice left haujobb when he´s doing the same demostyle in farbrausch then. it will always be visualice regardless who coded the demoengine.
very disappointing for a fan of Chaos like me :-/
one of the best visualice demos but I almost fell asleep because of the soundtrack (during the compo)
Very Visualice!Very good!
Nice. But not like as fr-025.
ultradesigned like any Visualice's demos.
one of the best haujobb demos as others said ;)
one of the best haujobb demos as others said ;)
Fantastic :) Fall in Love with the Music :) Where is it possible to download this Track?? Better than Fr-025 :)
finally! the product that actually made me happy :)
it's not haujobb, not farbrausch, it's visualice.
very visualice indeed...
it's not haujobb, not farbrausch, it's visualice.
very visualice indeed...
If anybody have recorded this Track from the Demo, could someone mail me this track or put it online ore somewhat else if possible? ;)
Not this time :(
It was good. It has Visualice's great style. And farbrausch's mighty engine. And the tune was good.
But somehow, it left me thinking that it was just a good engine with a good tune, and a nice layer of style with nothing inside. Good, but I hope for much more next time.
But somehow, it left me thinking that it was just a good engine with a good tune, and a nice layer of style with nothing inside. Good, but I hope for much more next time.
how came this 12th?
i mean, okay, it's sooo visualice, it might frighten several people.
but it's beautiful...
(and tad boooring, but i managed to stay awake till the end, a task i failed with Zoom3...)
i mean, okay, it's sooo visualice, it might frighten several people.
but it's beautiful...
(and tad boooring, but i managed to stay awake till the end, a task i failed with Zoom3...)
very very classic demoshow, but an effective one.
pretty music that works very very well with the evolution of the demo.
maybe the best FR demo or at least, the most tasty one.
pretty music that works very very well with the evolution of the demo.
maybe the best FR demo or at least, the most tasty one.
if this wouldve been released under the haujobb label, it wouldve most likely won btw.
(oh, and it doesnt look the same in different resolutions... tried running it in 1280x480 .. i just got the overlay pictures;)
(oh, and it doesnt look the same in different resolutions... tried running it in 1280x480 .. i just got the overlay pictures;)
totally underrated :(
a beatiful demo.
However, it is thought that this demo is not the style of original farb-rausch.
That style resembles Haujobb.
However, it is still cool.
However, it is thought that this demo is not the style of original farb-rausch.
That style resembles Haujobb.
However, it is still cool.
WOW. This memory won't fade for a while.
i expected a bit more...
good one, a_lee_n :)
..."farbjobb"... tsstsss... :)
..."farbjobb"... tsstsss... :)
Some nice parts, but the demo itself is boring.
fiver2: hehe, it felt natural to say since hau-rausch sounds stupid ;)
Anyway.. i forgot my thumb.
Anyway.. i forgot my thumb.
oh.. i just noticed that Tomaes beat me to the farbjobb/hau-rausch-joke.. i guess i can't take credit for it then.
actually you weren´t even the second one... look at crests comment :)
actually you weren´t even the second one... look at crests comment :)
Aw.. rats. ;)
"if this wouldve been released under the haujobb label, it wouldve most likely won"
stefan, this is bullshit of course, since the moppi-, kewlers- and doomsday-demos are much better.
still, this is a nice demo and deserves better ranking than 12th place...
stefan, this is bullshit of course, since the moppi-, kewlers- and doomsday-demos are much better.
still, this is a nice demo and deserves better ranking than 12th place...
back once again with the ill behavior..
I'm really tired of the same old visualice-design, and I'm disappointed seeing boring shit like this coming from farbrausch.
FR-demos really started to look good lately, why bring in visualice to take the design back to the haujobb era? don't want to see any more mosaic-recycling :(
I'm really tired of the same old visualice-design, and I'm disappointed seeing boring shit like this coming from farbrausch.
FR-demos really started to look good lately, why bring in visualice to take the design back to the haujobb era? don't want to see any more mosaic-recycling :(
and guess where crest got it from
helli: ehh, last year (i think?) haujobb won with an even more crappy demo than this, and moppi scored 2nd with a demo that was better than ix.. (imho) , or am i mixing up years? :)
after Liquid Wen i think i've seen enough visualice for a while :)
This demo is quite disappointing, i found quite some recycled graphics from visu's anime at BP this year. And the soundtrack also was very boring and very unlike Vic, who can do so much better... Technically speaking this demo is ok, but what can you expect if FR allowes visu to lend their demoengine? :P So, to sum it up: BOO!
This demo is quite disappointing, i found quite some recycled graphics from visu's anime at BP this year. And the soundtrack also was very boring and very unlike Vic, who can do so much better... Technically speaking this demo is ok, but what can you expect if FR allowes visu to lend their demoengine? :P So, to sum it up: BOO!
It's ok, but really boring. There were many boring entries this year, but maybe I was just too tired during the compo :P I was suprised it didn't place better. The xbox demo was even more boring...
well i think we will ask visu to work for cocoon as well ..... this guy seems to take over all the groups on the scene.. sorry but more of the same : even if it is well done. I know taht it is quite uneasy to change one's style ( I ve been doing the same stuff for ages ... ) but please try to make it a bit different for the next one. BTW : is haujobb dead now visu is not here anymore.
Haujobb used to make some nice stuff without visualice if i'm remembering right. So i'm looking forward to their next release :)
nice demo, could've ranked higher for sure. but it was a tough competition, so no cause for whining.
very "visualice" indeed btw :)
very "visualice" indeed btw :)
This gets a pig. Nothing special.
Copy paste of boring liquid wen..
Made in one day, surely..
Made in one day, surely..
A beautiful union of coder, artist, and musician. You know the design, but the effects have a smoother flow this time. And y'all who thumb down visualice STILL can't do better. :)
a slow starter, but when it kicks off its very beutyfull. the music grows on me, it's not an instant hit, but it fits the whole thing really nice.
dalezy: I got my comment idea from noone, this is more or less an idea which comes from alone :)
I'm not reading all comments before I'm giving my own.
I'm not reading all comments before I'm giving my own.
Got to give it thumbs up because, like
most fb prods the quality is v. tight.
cant help thinking that something, fundamental, is missing though..
I will take iblis advice and watch it some
more, maybe it'll grow on me !
most fb prods the quality is v. tight.
cant help thinking that something, fundamental, is missing though..
I will take iblis advice and watch it some
more, maybe it'll grow on me !
very beautiful fr production..
im very pleased to see that visualisice joined fr now!! im seeing forward to further demos!!
btw who voted at asm?? a bunch of GayM0R$ or what???
im very pleased to see that visualisice joined fr now!! im seeing forward to further demos!!
btw who voted at asm?? a bunch of GayM0R$ or what???
nice one, maybe a bit tiresome at the beginnig but perfect later :) keep on rockin!
Reminds me alot of Hjb demos, but still its _very_ beautifull. you guys are great! very good work
piggy because:
- same old visualize-style
- boring soundtrack
+ nevertheless some scenes definitely rock
but: it's too long and to "static" or "slow" whatever
- same old visualize-style
- boring soundtrack
+ nevertheless some scenes definitely rock
but: it's too long and to "static" or "slow" whatever
Just wondered, will there be a final for this one?
for everybody who requested the soundtrack - i hope this will make you happy :)
A very good production, Vic`s music is excellent and blends together perfectly with the visuals. I "just" give this a thumbs up, mostly because various scenes are boring and overly complex. Yet certain ones are simpley breathtaking :) Superb green smoke effects!
I must add that I just love the music :)
Should have ranked _much_ better in the compo.
Should have ranked _much_ better in the compo.
Reminded me of the work from Maturefurk and some Haujobb prods, but with a signature Farbrausch touch. If I'd just seen it and I didn't know it was from FR, I might've thought it came from one of the two former groups listed. Vic's track is really nice, and Visualice's art isn't so "in your face" as it is in a lot of other demos. There's a lot of good effects and the color palette feels "familiar". Good synching, although some of the scenes near the end seem to be off with the music. Still, a very nice demo!
Nice at some parts, but Farbrausch has better demos anyway. Pegasus->Liquid Wenn boring??? I dont think so... Vic Rocks!
good gfx, good music, good code, very good demo
boring, not interesting, and crashed at the end
Technically looks cool and if the music not so boring and monotone this should be a great demo ! BUT my eyes just closed down and i falled into sleep during the demo... Maybe the first *fr* stuff what deleted witout any hesitating...
good demo but somehow boring (i missed the "wow-effect")
I was surprised to see such an "all-star" credits list... and I wasn't really disappointed. I mean, that's what we expect from these guys, no?
the texture-stretching in the beginning made it look cheap, and i've never liked the the abstract parts of a demo calls for vertex-intersection. :) great graphics by visu, and the music was -da boomb-!
this demo could be sooo cool if the music wasn't that annoying...! I think vic is one of the most overrated musician out there.. I can't get what should be good in this kind of music, repetitive, not innovative.. The effects change all the way but the music: Standard "chord" progressions and this stays all the same.. There are some better musicians out there!
Blah, the music is one of the best aspects in this demo. And the downthumbing ppl here have probably no clue about true beauty. Even THS needed a very long time before he wrote his review for this demo and it's probably one of the longest reviews ever and full with mostly nice words ;)
Usually the people is talking to much about this demo. Visualize always do great productions and well done. The demo is ok, but i think that he need no more than 1week and some days more to complete this piece. I'm sure he work more hours for kewlers prod in the same party and the people is not talking about like with this one.
Phred..the beuty of this kind of music is in its lack of progression throughout the tune. Ít sets a mood. It might not be a mood you apreaciate, because you prefer music with a b and c parts or something else. But to me, who is heavily into repetive music, it is a pearl. I didnt enjoy it much at first, but apreaciated it for its own qualities. Now i have it in my "chillout" mp3 dir. where it belongs.
Must admit id never heard about vim before. But this tune shows quality producing IMO.
Its no task to make a tune that changes a lot. It is a task to keep a tune that DOESNT change at all, interresting for 7 minutes. :)
Must admit id never heard about vim before. But this tune shows quality producing IMO.
Its no task to make a tune that changes a lot. It is a task to keep a tune that DOESNT change at all, interresting for 7 minutes. :)
vim=vic. sorry mate!
only 12th:((((
this demo rocks.
perfect music, great design and effects.
this demo rocks.
perfect music, great design and effects.
iblis: thx for the explanation..!
I talked with my girlfriend on that topic. She said there's generally two types of music. One is for the artinterested and one for the moodinterested. So I am definitively looking out for the arty music, that has some interesting twist in it.. you know, something new.. and this one is definitively moody.. so I don't like it but I must appreciate that it is moody..
I talked with my girlfriend on that topic. She said there's generally two types of music. One is for the artinterested and one for the moodinterested. So I am definitively looking out for the arty music, that has some interesting twist in it.. you know, something new.. and this one is definitively moody.. so I don't like it but I must appreciate that it is moody..
Quality product all round. How could anyone say that the music is rubbish? It's a TUNE!
each scene of this demo is so complex with so many objects enterlaced, that it may finnally seems drafted, but the whole thing is so clearly done that we have the feeling to face a unique object, i meen, like the whole univers is a single object...
about music, it's quite soft but it perfectly goes with this demo...
this demo rulez
each scene of this demo is so complex with so many objects enterlaced, that it may finnally seems drafted, but the whole thing is so clearly done that we have the feeling to face a unique object, i meen, like the whole univers is a single object...
about music, it's quite soft but it perfectly goes with this demo...
this demo rulez
High quality stuff!
But I agree with some, it does seem at little slow paced and I expected a wow effect as well, even though Farbrausch stuff usually is always top notch, adding Vic and Visualice is just so much bonus on top...
But I agree with some, it does seem at little slow paced and I expected a wow effect as well, even though Farbrausch stuff usually is always top notch, adding Vic and Visualice is just so much bonus on top...
music is good, textures and 3d scenes are good
but there is no global coherency between the scenes and the colors
and synchro sucks a lot, pigface!
but there is no global coherency between the scenes and the colors
and synchro sucks a lot, pigface!
jaw-dropping beautiful. on a 9800XT.
Well done
praetor, - that directory is there for about a year now and even gets updated somewhat regularly.
I liked this very much, but the beginning of the demo where ruined alot by anoying logos in front of the effects.. but I really like those colors!
It's Visualice, not very spectacular.
Nice Nice
Visualice always rulez!
cool music!
cool music!
Nice graphics but extremely boring.
A completely underrated production. Rank 12 must be an Assembly joke.
Time to thumb it up.
Time to thumb it up.
The placing makes me sad especially when there was D which also got similar treatment later. Beautiful, vic's great music and visualice's awesome visuals. Good looking effects even if they don't contain anything quite unique for fr. There is something very special about visudemos...
i would give two or even more thumups only for music but i can give only one =(
great prod!!!
great prod!!!
hrmm piggy
A little underrated prod.
Visualice makes everything Haujobbish.
Visualice makes everything Haujobbish.
The music and graphics fit so awesomely well, sad that it only archieved the 12th place.
The first time, I found it beautiful but somehow boring. I tried it again a few times later, and the more I watched it, the more I enjoyed it. Now it's one of my favourite demos ever. Code, art, music, everything is impressive. This is genuine newchool demo art.
you've got to lov visualice's touch on this one as well as predator vision objects. quite long but still not boring...
the tune is among my top five demo scores.
its underrated but other demos are, too. ;)
its underrated but other demos are, too. ;)
Hmm, too haujobb-like. But since I admire the work of Visualice and Vic still a thumb.
Definitely one of the better Visualice productions. The music is a little too chilly-for my taste though.
nice flow
Favourite fr prod, so many beautiful scenes, watched it many times.
Ah yeah, not faded from memory at all.
Ok... Seen this one. Technically is did well, the music is OK, good graphics, but sincerely talking wasn't really interesting like mostly of the FR releases.
Very nice. Love the music.
Very Haujobb'ish, which isn't a bad thing at all - and the music is gorgeous.
underrated, nice flow, hjb-influence clearly shows
forgot to thumb
looks good the first few seconds, but then it is just the same semi-abstract stuff over and over
this prod is very timeless in my eyes and after 12 years very enjoyable.
what daXX said
I like Visualice's design style. Not for everyday's watch out but occasionally. Very specific. Very much Neil Gaiman's like.
this brings so much warm memories
I still haven't forgotten this one.
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