
Syntax 2021 results

----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2021=======-------------------------

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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2021=======-------------------------
                    DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 27-28 November 2021                  


    1.  #03   116 pts    25k House - cTrix
    2.  #07   106 pts    Fractured Opus Theme - Pselodux
    3.  #02   103 pts    liverbox & sourmilk - Mutetus/Onslaught
    4.  #08    95 pts    Rebel, flavour - krdn / defiance
    5.  #10    91 pts    Syntax Handsome - Alpharisc
    6.  #11    85 pts    Baba is [REDACTED] - Keygenism & Noxw
    7.  #01    82 pts    Mechanicus - powergold1
    8.  #06    80 pts    Cold Cut House 2 - Dj. Queso
    9.  #04    77 pts    Blue Sky Diving - adkd
        #09    77 pts    Turbogabber - Sc0rpion
   11.  #05    76 pts    Spare Change - Mr. Roboto



    1.  #07   108 pts    Good Ol' Times - mA2E & No-XS / DESiRE
        #06   108 pts    Masquerade - Shogoon/Elysium/Multistyle Labs
    3.  #10   107 pts    PC-Trippin (PC Engine) - cTrix
    4.  #08   106 pts    Dazed - rytone/Onslaught
    5.  #03   103 pts    Baaaaah - vincenzo/Lethargy^Singular
    6.  #02   102 pts    Rasvaton - Mutetus/Onslaught
    7.  #05   100 pts    Rastafari auf Knastsafari - Spider Jerusalem
    8.  #04    99 pts    Background Noise (Syntax Edit) - acrouzet
    9.  #01    89 pts    Legoz - Mr. Roboto & df0:BAD
   10.  #09    85 pts    Journey - Proton
   11.  #11    81 pts    Can't Check Out - Visual Basic Bitch
   12.  #12    78 pts    Slow Time Gb - Catchinashes
   13.  #13    77 pts    Midnight Rush - Aisjam



    1.  #06   140 pts    Let's go to Flashback! - cTrix
    2.  #02   113 pts    Haikea - Mutetus/Onslaught
    3.  #07   112 pts    Artificial Symphony - SoNiC/Onslaught
    4.  #08    99 pts    I Track belong in the toilet - Catchinashes
    5.  #01    85 pts    SYNTAX ERROR - That8BitChiptuneGuy
    6.  #03    84 pts    Patience - R1SC
    7.  #04    74 pts    SyNt4x 2o2I (2021) - That8BitChiptuneGuy
    8.  #05    72 pts    Annoying trip - Soya



    1.  #02   142 pts    G'day Syntax! - TôBach
    2.  #07   116 pts    Nice Walk - Jimage
    3.  #04   112 pts    Patto's Music Collection - Onslaught
    4.  #03   106 pts    Reset #14 - Syntax Sampler Edition - Reset Magazine
    5.  #05    94 pts    Thunder Force 4 - Strike Out Roland SC88 Pro -Eclipse
    6.  #06    87 pts    Eagles Nest - Amiga junglism
    7.  #01    82 pts    Modren Mirage - deathy/BAS+BRS+Style+Starz



    1.  #04   138 pts    Take Me - System Of Sound
    2.  #03   137 pts    Shuffling Around the Christmas Tree - Desire
    3.  #02   123 pts    Ghoul Altar - DataDoor
    4.  #06   115 pts    Look Around Syntax - pelrun(code)+Ctrix(music)
    5.  #05   108 pts    Madness - Disaster Area
    6.  #01   105 pts    Reset #14 Intro - Run 'n' Gun - Reset Magazine Staff



    1.  #01     0 pts    Planet Snail - Jimage



    1.  #05    70 pts    [96x96] ENTER THE LED MATRIX - aday
    2.  #01    64 pts    Demo Disco Scene - Jimage
    3.  #04    58 pts    Broken Record - Hokuto Force
    4.  #02    55 pts    Demo Machine - Jimage
    5.  #03    54 pts    wolverine ? batman - Logiker



    1.  #05   114 pts    Hyperspace - Dr. TerrorZ
    2.  #09   107 pts    Driller - christwoballs
    3.  #03   106 pts    Kamaji's Boiler Room - jab
        #08   106 pts    Gunner - christwoballs
    5.  #10   101 pts    neko dreams - Logiker
    6.  #07    96 pts    Robot PETSCII Devil - Fabs/Onslaught
        #13    96 pts    Night - Almighty God
    8.  #01    95 pts    Syntax City Lights - cheapshot
    9.  #15    84 pts    one bus per attendee - bryface / Mistigris
   10.  #14    83 pts    Syntax in Kalinka Dance -CoaXCable/Coolphat^Mistigris
   11.  #12    82 pts    Aromas of Life - Electric/Extend
   12.  #04    80 pts    Respect To Wurundjeri - Logiker
   13.  #02    79 pts    nommy nom noms - BVFreak
   14.  #11    72 pts    lc - 4gentE/Onslaught
   15.  #06    58 pts    E$G Logo - Viralbox/Hokuto Force



    1.  #06   146 pts    Marie Antoinette - Mop of Alcatraz
    2.  #24    93 pts    spide - tommitytom
    3.  #23    85 pts    Duality - Myracle
        #13    85 pts    Waiting for the World to End - Platon42
    5.  #01    84 pts    Once Upon a Winter Lockdown - cTrix
    6.  #18    81 pts    fridge nostalgia - aday
        #05    81 pts    Where's my lighter? - Jazzcat & MikNik
    8.  #20    74 pts    Iron Bird - Catchinashes
    9.  #12    72 pts    One more - Astral
   10.  #02    70 pts    I Quit We Are Not Fit - Catchinashes
        #19    70 pts    Ready to watch some demos - Johnny Jim Jams
   12.  #22    65 pts    Bubbleeeeee - Chicken Brittle
   13.  #21    64 pts    Bubble - Chicken Brittle
   14.  #09    63 pts    Vast Ocean - Myracle
   15.  #16    62 pts    Autmn Tractor - Matsha
        #10    62 pts    SyntaxParty DMG camera entry - Astral
   17.  #11    61 pts    Ç'est juste du flirt - Sunny
        #04    61 pts    BW Kitty - Slaxx/STARZ
   19.  #07    58 pts    Byte My Ass - Platon42
   20.  #14    57 pts    The sunset is to the left! - R1SC
   21.  #08    56 pts    not so nommy nom noms - BVFreak
   22.  #03    54 pts    driving on the highway - Logiker
   23.  #17    53 pts    Space Collection - Logiker
   24.  #15    46 pts    Cloudy Tower - R1SC



    1.  #02    91 pts    Mother of Order - The Sarge
    2.  #08    85 pts    The Thing - Almighty God
    3.  #17    84 pts    Close, But No Cigar - Duce/Extend
        #11    84 pts    Time Won't Wait - Facet / Genesis Project
    5.  #03    79 pts    British Teeth - Mikael & ND / Pretzel Logic
        #04    79 pts    Escalier - Joe/Elysium & Wrath Designs
    7.  #12    76 pts    Canteen - Ged/Onslaught
    8.  #06    73 pts    Setting Sun - Electric/Extend
        #07    73 pts    St Basil - Hammerfist/Desire
   10.  #13    71 pts    The fertile crescent - Rail Slave/EXclusive ON
   11.  #09    70 pts    Visitors - Subtle Intervention - Robert Ramsay
   12.  #23    69 pts    The Spill - dok^beige
   13.  #15    68 pts    Bubbles Over Squares - Higgie/Onslaught
   14.  #18    67 pts    CFS - Soya
   15.  #05    65 pts    Maskinernas Krig - Slaxx/STARZ
   16.  #10    64 pts    Jungle Fever - Honcho/Atlantis
   17.  #14    60 pts    8Bites - Fabs/Onslaught
   18.  #22    56 pts    99.99 - Visual Basic Bitch
   19.  #16    50 pts    Sand Bae - AtomicSeed
        #01    50 pts    Flip the Disk? - cTrix


    1.  #19   142 pts    The Other Side - Mop of Alcatraz
    2.  #20    81 pts    Loneliness - Vasyl/Joker
    3.  #21    57 pts    AMIGA Benny - jojo073/INSANE



    1.  #01   103 pts    :: cosmic . collision :: -Flashira/FrontationArtgroup


                                 ^ascii by ozzy^

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