
Outline 2017

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added on the 2004-04-16 03:24:28 by havoc havoc
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo invitation Linux Windows Outline Invitation by Desire [web] & The Undead Sceners 14 3 0 0.82
invitation wild Animation/Video Outline 2017 Invitation by Tristesse [web] 11 2 0 0.85
animationtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st wild Animation/Video TRACK by TOCHKA 20 0 0 1.00
2nd wild Animation/Video out "HI" line by TOCHKA 3 1 0 0.75
3rd wild Animation/Video Convicts by Poo-Brain [web] 5 1 0 0.83
4th wild Animation/Video Pentest an AI by deFEEST [web] 0 2 0 0.00
5th wild Animation/Video Revision Window Dressing by Numtek 2 1 0 0.67
atari demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st musicdisk Atari ST HIPSid by Psycho Hacking Force [web] & D-Bug [web] 19 1 1 0.86
2nd demo Atari ST Gave It A Try by Effect 8 0 0 1.00
combined demo/introtype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 4k Windows Oxano by Minimal 33 2 0 0.94
2nd 4k Windows Candyflip 10 4 0 0.71
3rd demo Windows 6 Minutes of pain by Dutch Posse 0 0 1 -1.00
4th demo JavaScript Real Party Is Outline by Wursthupe & Poo-Brain [web] 1 0 0 1.00
5th 4k invitation procedural graphics Windows Postcard by Dojoe & Kaomau 15 2 0 0.88
combined 128btype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 128b Atari XL/XE Mortal Coil by F#READY 10 2 0 0.83
2nd 128b MS-Dos Routline by Harekiet 6 3 0 0.67
3rd 128b MS-Dos Dizzy by Desire [web] 20 1 0 0.95
4th 32b ZX Spectrum How it possible 15b? by g0blinish 0 0 0 0.00
4th 32b MS-Dos Rotastic by Desire [web] 25 4 0 0.86
6th 128b MS-Dos Space-Time Singularity Beauty disturbed by yapping Mother-in-law by Kuemmel [web] 5 4 0 0.56
7th 64b Atari XL/XE Ridiculous BASIC Usage by g0blinish 0 1 0 0.00
wild demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo PICO-8 fivethousandsevenhundredten and one cloud by 5711 [web] 22 3 0 0.88
2nd demo ZX Spectrum Sandstorm by HOOY-PROGRAM [web] 25 7 2 0.68
3rd demo Wild Badge Demo by deFEEST [web] 1 2 0 0.33
4th musicdisk Windows Tiny Sound Planet by Eos & LNX [web] & Titan [web] 6 3 0 0.67
5th invitation Atari XL/XE Last Party 2017 Invitro by Tristesse [web] 8 0 0 1.00
6th 512b SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive 바리잣 by Limp Ninja [web] 17 2 0 0.89
7th 128b Commodore 64 128 Bytes Of Fun! by Xenon 0 0 0 0.00
8th procedural graphics Atari XL/XE Atari Friends by Atari Invasion 0 0 0 0.00
9th 128b Commodore 64 Hello 128! by Xenon 0 0 0 0.00

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