
TMDC 2006

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added on the 2001-03-17 11:02:15 by analogue analogue
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo Windows TMDC9 Invitation by Crimson Shine 45 5 3 0.79
textmode demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Windows Signal to Droids by Northern Dragons [web]
71 14 0 0.84
2nd demo Windows Somnium by Paulius 69 1 0 0.99
3rd demo Windows Devious by Traction [web] 30 13 3 0.59
4th demo Windows Carbon Monoxide by Hedelmae [web] 53 4 0 0.93
5th demo Windows Diet Cola by Alpha Design [web] 30 9 1 0.72

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