
Ghost NOP by Pulpo Corrosivo & Futurs [web]

Ghost NOP by Pulpo Corrosivo and Futurs'

  Released in the Oldskool Demo competition at Revision 2024

Hardware requirements

  Amstrad CPC / 128kb RAM / CRTC 0 or 1

  If you watch it using an emulator, ACE is highly recommended
  because some emulators may not load the second part.


  toms - main code
  OffseT - 3D sprite code, loader
  Zik - music
  rexbeng - graphics
  Hwikaa - graphics (3D sprite)

Used tools

  Music played with Arkos Tracker 2's AKY player
  Crunched with ZX0

8-bit, 128kb
NO blitter, NO copper, NO DMA, NO hard sprites
Just skills